Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Principles of Industrial Engineering by Narayana Rao - IISE Conference (2017) Presentation and Proceedings Paper - An AI Platform Summary


Principles of Industrial Engineering. 

IISE 2017 Conference Paper.

Kambhampati, Venkata Satya Surya Narayana Rao.  IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings; Norcross (2017): 890-895.


Video - Principles of Industrial Engineering - Taylor - Narayana Rao - IISE 2017 Pittsburgh Conference Presentation.


10000+  views. 


Principles of Industrial Engineering.

Presentation at the 2017 Pittsburgh IISE Annual Conference



Industrial Engineering - Principles, Methods, Tools and Techniques.   

32,000+ Views so far.


Citations (10)

Estudio de Tiempos y Movimientos para Incrementar la Eficiencia en una Empresa de Producción de Calzado

AM Andrade, CA Del Río, DL Alvear - Información tecnológica, 2019 - SciELO Chile

Se presenta los resultados de un estudio de tiempos y movimientos en una industria que

fabrica calzado. En primer lugar, se empleó un diagrama de Ishikawa y el método de las 6M 

[PDF] Industrial engineering management–the key skill for the digital age

E Markl, M Lackner - The International Journal of Engineering and …, 2019 - theijes.com

[PDF] An investigation into the effectiveness of industrialising Software Quality Assurance (SQA) in small software businesses

M Patel - 2024 - openscholar.dut.ac.za

[PDF] Enhancing Manufacturing Efficiency through Industrial Engineering

M AlMershed - sjr-publishing.com

Abstract Production and Industrial Engineering spans a large swath of time in the

development of technology and engineering. 

[PDF] Functions and Focus Areas of Industrial Engineering

KN Rao - Udyog Pragati, 2016 - academia.edu

Industrial engineering discipline made its appearance in academic institutes in 1908.

Presently it is taught in many universities and institutes with primary focus on productivity. 

Industrial Engineering 4.0-Computer Aided Industrial Engineering: Work Systems Analysis in Industry 4.0

KVSSN Rao, A Rathod - IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 2021 - search.proquest.com

Industrial engineering was conceptualized in 1900's as engineering practice to analyze

costs and reduce unit product cost through increase in productivity of resources.

Frameworks for Productivity Science of Machine Effort and Human Effort

KVSSN Rao - IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 2020 - search.proquest.com

Industrial engineering as a discipline emerged out of the efforts of engineers to take active

part in managing engineering organizations and in reducing cost of production. 

Data Analytics Dalam Analisis Data Resmi

G Gunawan - 2024 - repository.ubaya.ac.id

Análisis de excedentes de producción y comercialización en la empresa Experiencia San Sebastián

D Pinzón-Franco, DL Cuellar-Martinez… - … Católica de Oriente, 2022 - revistas.uco.edu.co

[PDF] Diseño de un sistema productivo sustentable para producción de panela en el Municipio de Nariño, Antioquia

Y Perez-Pineda, JP Sanchez-Arbelaez - 2022 - core.ac.uk

An AI Platform Summary


 Principles of industrial engineering by Narayana Rao IISE.

At the 2017 Annual Conference of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) in Pittsburgh, USA, Professor K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao presented a comprehensive set of principles for industrial engineering.

 These principles expand on Frederick W. Taylor's original principles of scientific management, adapting them to modern industrial engineering practices. Here are the key principles Narayana Rao articulated:

Productivity Science:

Develop a science for each element of a man-machine system's work related to efficiency and productivity. This principle emphasizes the need for a scientific approach to understand and improve productivity.

Productivity Engineering:

Engineer methods, processes, and operations to use the laws related to work, focusing on optimizing the use of machines, man, materials, and other resources.

Industrial Engineering Applicable to All Branches of Engineering:

Industrial engineering principles should be universally applied across all engineering disciplines to enhance productivity.

Principles of Machine Utilization Economy:

Develop principles for the economical use of all resources, particularly focusing on machines, to maximize productivity.

Industrial Engineering Optimization:

Use optimization techniques to achieve the best possible outcomes in industrial systems.

Industrial Engineering Economics:

Integrate economic analysis into industrial engineering decisions to ensure cost-effectiveness.

Implementation Team Membership and Leadership:

Industrial engineers should be part of implementation teams, taking leadership roles to ensure successful application of IE principles.

Human Effort Engineering for Increasing Productivity:

Focus on designing human work to optimize productivity while ensuring worker satisfaction, health, and safety.

Principles of Motion Economy:

Use principles of motion economy in all studies related to human effort engineering to minimize unnecessary movements and increase efficiency.

Operator Comfort and Health:

Ensure that productivity improvements do not compromise the comfort and health of workers.

Work Measurement:

Measure work to determine standards for time, cost, and productivity.

Selection of Operators:

Select operators based on their aptitudes for specific tasks to enhance productivity.

Training of Operators, Supervisors, and Engineers:

Continuous education and training are essential for implementing new methods and technologies.

Productivity Training and Education to All:

Educate all levels of the organization about productivity concepts.

Employee Involvement in Continuous Improvement:

Engage employees in the continuous improvement of processes and products to boost productivity.

Productivity Incentives:

Implement incentive systems that reward productivity improvements.

Hearty Cooperation:

Promote a culture of cooperation between management and workers.

Productivity Management:

Manage productivity at a system level, ensuring all parts of the system work towards productivity goals.

System Level Focus for Productivity:

Look at productivity from a system-wide perspective rather than just individual components.

Productivity Measurement:

Regularly measure productivity to track improvements and identify areas needing attention.

Cost Measurement:

Alongside productivity, measure costs to understand the financial implications of productivity changes.

These principles reflect Narayana Rao's vision of industrial engineering as a discipline dedicated to enhancing productivity across all engineering systems by applying scientific, human-centric, and economic methodologies.

It in an interesting summary and restatement of principles.

Ud. 4.2.2025

Pub 8.12025

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