Lesson of Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course.
Lesson of Productivity Management Module.
Success Stories - Industrial Engineering, Productivity Improvement and Productivity Management
Chapter of Productivity Management in Engineering Organizations - Online Book
Productivity is an area of study and research from time immemorial. Adam Smith started his book "Wealth of Nations" with discussion of productivity only.
F.W. Taylor is credited with developing theory and practice of productivity improvement and management in the modern era.
Taylor's Success Stories
Bicylcle Ball Inspection Case Study - F.W. Taylor
Illustrations of Success of Scientific Management - Bricklaying Improvement by Gilbreth
Scientific Management, Industrial Engineering and Productivity Improvement in Machine Shop - F.W. Taylor
Illustrations of Success of Scientific Management - Pig Iron Handling - F.W. Taylor
Value Analysis and Engineering - Cost Reduction of Products and Components
Value Analysis and Engineering - Examples by L.D. Miles
Value Engineering - Examples, Cases and Benefits
Productivity Improvement: 850% Increase in Machining Time - Sewtec Automation
Productivity Improvement Case Studies - Bibliography
Industry Wise - Productivity News and Case Study Information
Industrial Engineering and Productivity Management in Various Industries - Index Page
Industry Sectors
Productivity and IE in Automobile Manufacturing
Productivity and Industrial Engineering (IE) in Battery Manufacturing
Productivity and Industrial Engineering in Bicycle Manufacturing
Productivity and Industrial Engineering in Bottled Water Manufacturing
Productivity and IE in Electronic Assembly Manufacturing
Productivity Improvement, Cost Reduction and Industrial Engineering in Mobile Handsets - Phones
Productivity and IE in Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing
Productivity and IE in Power, Distribution, and Specialty Transformer Manufacturing
Productivity and IE in Ship Building and Repairing
Productivity and Industrial Engineering in Soft Drink Manufacturing
Individual Company Productivity Success Stories
2024Lean Manufacturing in Productivity Improvement in a Food Company, Peru.
Nanotechnology Perceptions (ISSN 1660-6795)
Vol. 20, S11 (2024)
The objective of the research was to determine the impact of implementing Lean Manufacturing tools on the productivity of the production area in a food company specializing in the manufacture of Andean cookies in the city of Huancayo. To achieve this, the Lean Manufacturing methodology was used, selecting the Kaizen, 5S, TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), Kanban, and Just in Time (JIT) methodologies.
Regarding productivity after the implementation of Lean, a 14.9% increase was recorded.
https://nano-ntp.com/index.php/nano/article/view/1956Productivity Success Story - Coca Cola
(C) Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. 2019
12 October 2019
Improving productivity; a description of selected company programs
National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life.
[Washington, D.C.] : The Center, 1975.
Industrial Engineering Case Studies - Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course
(C) Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. 2019
12 October 2019
Updated on 19.2.2025, 14.3.2022
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