Monday, July 13, 2020

1990 - 1999 Productivity Science - Research & Development to Increase Productivity - Research Papers and Related News


Emerging Needs and Opportunities for Human Factors Research (1995)
Chapter: 1 Productivity in Organizations
Productivity in Organizations
Paul S. Goodman Douglas H. Harris

This chapter identifies specific opportunities for research on productivity in organizations in the following four areas: implementation of effective change within the organization; integration of individual productivity into organizational productivity; congruence of technology, people, and organizations; and integration of the enterprise. Our focus is on new research to be conducted by human factors specialists.

Issues for the Board
Why Incentive Plans Cannot Work
by Alfie Kohn
From the September–October 1993 Issue of HBR

Incentives, a version of what psychologists call extrinsic motivators, do not alter the attitudes that underlie our behaviors. They do not create an enduring commitment to any value or action. Rather, incentives merely—and temporarily—change what we do.

Research suggests that, by and large, rewards succeed at securing one thing only: temporary compliance.

As for productivity, at least two dozen studies over the last three decades have conclusively shown that people who expect to receive a reward for completing a task or for doing that task successfully simply do not perform as well as those who expect no reward at all.

Taylor said the same thing. Differential piece rate is temporary. Productivity improvement of the operation and process is the permanent improvement.

Comparison of the Job Satisfaction and Productivity of Telecommuters versus in-House Employees: A Research Note on Work in Progress
Andrew J. Dubrin
Psychological Reports, June 1, 1991

Updated 13 July 2020, 10 Feb 2019

1 comment:

  1. The search term "productivity research" has interesting results and papers.
