Wednesday, July 8, 2020

産業工学 - 定義 - Industrial Engineering in Japanese

Industrial Engineering - Definition


Industrial engineering is the engineering of human effort and system efficiency.

Narayana Rao
NITIE, Mumbai, India

Economics Engineering -

Production Efficiency Engineering - Industrial Engineering  - article

Manufacturing ideation method course [cost reduction course] that changes common sense

What is Real IE (Industrial Engineering)?

I liked this passage in the above post

(2) The optimal combination is the lowest cost
 As described above, the IE is a science dealing with the design, improvement, and implementation of a system integrating all production factors. However, the IE has been developed from the science of human beings, and the analysis of "human" in the production factor is the IE method, the analysis of equipment is the TPM (Total Production Management) method, the "material" There is a misunderstanding that the analysis targeting uses the TPS (Toyota Production System) method. (I would say IE is first engineering. It is practice of engineering with focus on productivity right from its birth. TPM has more focus on equipment and it is extension of IE with special focus on equipment. TPS is primarily IE with focus on material that is inventory that is delay reduction.)

However, an optimal production system cannot be obtained even if only the efficiency of one production factor is pursued. *The aim of improving the efficiency of one production factor is contrary to the intent of the IE (Additional explanation: IE is for reducing the total cost of the product being produced or service rendered. So one should not increase the productivity of one factor and increase the cost of another factor much more such that total cost increases).

Some factories are running state-of-the-art capital investment for the purpose of automation, but the decision to replace equipment with humans is whether there is a cost merit. Again, the combination changes between high and low paying countries. On the other hand, it is meaningless to reduce labor productivity by increasing the number of people in the equipment to improve the equipment productivity.

If there are no shortages, it is desirable to have a small inventory, but it is meaningless to aim for zero inventory and increase setup and reduce labor productivity. It is meaningless if the production volume fluctuates due to lack of inventory, resulting in excessive capital investment. You can compare the advantage of inventory and equipment adjustment with money.

As described above, the determination as to whether or not the optimal combination of production factors is made is made with money (cost). Therefore, cost calculation is indispensable for IE.

In Original (Japanese)

 このように、IEはすべての生産要素を総合したシステムの設計、改善、および実施に関することを扱う科学である。しかし、IEは人の科学から発展した経緯もあって、生産要素の中で「人」を対象にした分析はIE手法、設備を対象にした分析はTPM(Total Production Management)手法、「資材」を対象にした分析はTPS(Toyota Production System)手法を用いるかのような誤解がある。ところが、ひとつの生産要素の効率だけを追求しても最適生産システムは得られない。ひとつの生産要素の効率化をねらうやり方はIEの趣旨に反するのだ。

Interesting from the same site
IE and the basics of the production system: Principles for considering improvement and ideas
IE and the basics of the production system ③: Continuation of the two aspects of productivity improvement and cost reduction .

産業工学の原則  Industrial engineering principles

Principles  of  Industrial engineering

Sangyō kōgaku no gensoku

Japanese for Productivity     生産性   "Shōsansei"  productiveness, productivity, fecundity

About improving Process Efficiency/Productivity and Reducing Cost of Production/Process.  #IndustrialEngineering

Process Industrial Engineering 

August - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan


Industrial engineering is Gemba based (現場)  continuous engineering of products and processes to increase productivity/efficiency/cost reduction
80 - 20 Rule in Industrial Engineering - 80% Engineering - 20% Human Motions and Movements

Industrial Engineering in Top Global Manufacturing Companies - Top 100

For each 100 million dollars cost of production, there can be one MS IE and 6 BSIEs.

Value Creation Model for Industrial Engineering - Productivity Engineering #IndustrialEngineering  #Productivity

Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course

The contribution of three Japanese stalwarts is included as lessons in the course.

Yoichi Ueno - Japanese Leader in Efficiency - Productivity Movement

Toyota style Industrial Engineering - Waste Elimination - Ohno

"We have eliminated waste by examining available resources, rearranging machines, improving machining processes, installing autonomous systems, improving tools, analyzing transportation methods and optimizing the materials at hand for manufacturing. High production efficiency has also been maintained by preventing the recurrence of defective products, operational mistakes, and accidents, and by incorporating workers' ideas." Taiichi Ohno (P. 21)

Taiichi Ohno on Industrial Engineering - Toyota Style Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering - Foundation of Toyota Production System

Updated on 8 July 2020,  20 May 2020,  18 March 2020,  29 November 2019,  18 July 2019, 6 June 2012

1 comment:

  1. Today I interacted with a Japanese blogger and informed that I have a blog post on IE in Japanese. I updated the post also with good information. I need to read that Japanese blog more.
