Industrial Engineering is System Efficiency Engineering. It is Machine Effort and Human Effort Industrial Engineering. 2.67+ Million Page View Blog. 200,000+ visitors. (36,500+ page views and 21,000+ visitors in 2024.)
Blog Provides Industrial Engineering Knowledge: Articles, Books, Case Studies, Course Pages and Materials, Lecture Notes, Project Reviews, Research Papers Study Materials, and Video Lectures.
Blog provides full IE Online Course Notes
According to me lean is initially applied to inventory by MIT team. Then extended to all resources. Then they first extended idea to waste. Basically lean initially is only part of industrial engineering. In a clever way, thelean proponents went extending lean concept to include all the objectives of industrial engineering but they could not accept all the techniques and tools of IE. Hence, the effectiveness of lean is not up to the expectations and sufficient criticism of Lean has surfaced. Now Even Jim Womack accepts that lean is not encountering problems in giving expected results.
But, readers have to learn the recommended lean implementation procedures as lean has value as one of the tasks of industrial engineering. It is certainly an advance in IE based productivity improvement.
In addition to the right mix of traditional strategies, a new lean manufacturing toolkit can make high-mix, low-volume machining faster, more predictable and less expensive.
Household Engineering - A Correspondence Course on the Application of Efficiency Engineering and Scientific Management to the Every Day Tasks of Housekeeping
Voice for breaking and stopping and starting. Vision for extra precaution so that no collisions take place and speed monitoring is done based on traffic all around. There is an auto alert in case of emergency, the car itself gives warning to others around
The development team announced: "the working prototype of the shoe car is ready."
It has two shoes each measuring 2 feet by 2 feet operated by batteries. Each shoe has four wheels. The system is operated through voice commands and wifi system. The maximum speed is presently fixed at 10 km per hour. The attainable speed has to no technical constraint. The present constraint is the breaking ability. The navigation system can be in auto-mode. The system has a vision capability and will avoid collisions with auto facility. Even blind people can use it.
Human Effort Industrial Engineering (Includes Method, Motion and Time Study)
Productivity Engineering - Facilities and Process Industrial Engineering (Includes Preparation of Process Charts and Analysis of Process charts)
Improvement of Processing and Inspection Operations (Case studies of successful improvement of processing operations and inspection tasks, quality improvement and management)
Improvement of Material Handling and Warehousing Operations (Includes flow improvement, layout improvement)
Improvement of Production Planning and Reduction of Cycle Time (Includes lean manufacturing and inventory reduction)
Productivity Management (Includes productivity measurement, planning and control of productivity, training of engineers, supervisors and operators, lean management)
Systems and Processes Design (Related to Design in definition of IE by IISE)
Installation of Systems and Projects (Installation of modified processes, productivity improvement and cost reduction projects formulations, approvals and management of project implementation)
IE Economic Analysis
IE Optimization
IE Statistics
IE Ergonomics & Human Behavior (Human Sciences and Application)
IE Data Processing and Information Systems
Product Industrial Engineering (Includes DFMA and Value engineering)
Product and Process Cost Analysis and Estimation
Electives (2)
Time & Motion Study
Simulation & Modeling
Facilities Industrial Engineering
Design for Manufacture & Assembly
Process Planning
Cost Estimation
Operations Research
Lean Manufacturing
Toyota Production System
Industrial Engineering 4.0
Computer Aided Industrial Engineering
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Productivity Measurement
Supported by
Basic Sciences
Anatomy & Biomechanics
Psychology & Sociology
(4) + (2)
Design of Machine Elements and Machines
Production Technology and Inspection
Mechanical Handling
Strength of Materials
Introduction to Civil Engineering
Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Introduction to Electronics Engineering
Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Industrial Systems, Processes and Management and Their Interaction and Interface with Industrial Engineering
(7) + (1)
Industrial Management
Purchasing, Supply Chain and Logistics
Marketing & Sales
Accounting and Taxation
Financial Analysis and Management
(1) + (1)
Government and Industrial Regulation
Background Material
Industrial Engineering in Transition by R.T. Livingston, The JIE, Vol.1, No.2, Sep 1949.
Five major classifications of IE curricula
Basic science
Basic Engineerings
Industrial Engineering
Humanities or General Educational Courses
Industrial Engineering as an Occupation by Wyllys Stanton, The JIE, Vol.5, No.2, March 1954.
What are the subjects studied by industrial engineers during their period of specialization?
Course focuses on engineering design concepts and optimization models for logistics decision making in three modules: supply chain design, planning and execution, and transportation.
ISYE 3104 - Sply Chain Mod:Manf&Ware
Design and operation of manufacturing and warehousing facilities.
ISYE 4803 Adv Manufacturing
ISYE 4803 Facility Layout
1 out of 3
ISYE 4111 - Adv Supply Chain Logists
ISYE 4803 - Special Topics
Courses in special topics of timely interest to the profession, conducted by resident or visiting faculty.
No. It is Real Engineering. Industrial Engineering is Engineering Primarily.
My suggestion to industrial engineers: Find 5 new engineering developments every day in elements related to facilities, products and processes in your organization and assess their use. Best Practices in
In process charts, 5 operations are captured. Material or information processing, inspection by operators or specialist inspectors, material handling or transportation, storage, and delays (planning problems or issues). There are engineering inputs or elements in the first four operations. Industrial engineers have the responsibility to identify modified or new elements that can increase productivity as every day activity. For IEs every day is an opportunity to modify engineering elements and increase productivity in the organization and thereby reduce cost.
Cost reduction through productivity improvement by reducing material inputs or equipment time or time of operators does not impact quality. Industrial engineers specially check and make sure that quality of the output is not affected by IE modifications.
Product industrial engineering through value engineering or DFMA also calls for modifications to engineering elements.
Every day many accessories to accompany various types equipment in the organization are announced by suppliers. Industrial engineers have to keep track of them and assess their utility to increase productivity.
Industrial engineers are every day engineering change suggesters. They themselves have to come up with useful industrial engineering suggestions every day and invite every employee of the organization to contribute to the improvement of facilities, products and processes.
Machine Shop Engineering Developments and Cost Reduction News
Industrial Engineering and "Real" Engineering - Prof. Buzacott
The Future of Industrial Engineering As An Academic Discipline.
J.A. Buzacott
March 1984, IIE Transactions. pp. 35-43.
Engineers from the traditional engineering branches such as mechanical, civil, or electrical still argue that industrial engineering is not "real" engineering. Their argument is that industrial engineering programs usually do no more than pay lip service to the treatment of the engineering sciences, such as mechanics of materials, thermodynamics, or material science, which are central to most engineering programs. Further, licensing bodies evaluating the professional experience of applicants for professional engineering status have looked askance at industrial engineers whose experience has been restricted to the design and development of information systems. There is a widespread view that "real" engineering has to be concerned with "harnessing the forces of nature" and that it must be based on the traditional engineering sciences.
Some United States and European industrial engineering programs resolve this by including a substantial component on manufacturing methods. Yet the majority of North American industrial engineering programs follow the philosophy of the Roy report 121, and assert that, because of the diversity of the technologies industrial engineers encounter, such knowledge is best acquired on the job.
However, it would appear that the now universal use
of the systems viewpoint in other engineering branches
has tended to make it easier for industrial engineers to
claim that what they do is real engineering, particularly
when they emphasize their role in the design and synthesis of systems. The industrial engineer has no problem in
justifying his claim that he is practicing real engineering
when these systems contain significant components designed
by engineers from other branches. Nevertheless, one can
question whether industrial engineering curricula should
be influenced by the requirements of licensing bodies and
indeed whether there is much value to an industrial engineer
in seeking licensure.
Many industrial engineers find employment in hospitals and service organizations in functions remote from traditional engineering employment. It is a rare industrial engineer who is involved in design situations where there is a risk to human life or public safety. Thus many of the reasons for licensing do not seem to apply, and a reasonable proportion of graduate industrial engineers never seek licensure. Any attempt to restrict industrial engineering activity to those engineers who are licensed would be likely to be unsuccessful and would probably greatly restrict, rather than enhance, employment opportunities.
Acknowledging the necessity for elucidating these three terms in the literature on IORs, Gulati, Wohlgezogen, and Zhelyazkov (2012) and Kretschmer and Vanneste (2017) provide a first attempt in the context of strategic alliances. Gulati et al. (2012: 533-537) define coordination as “the deliberate and orderly alignment or adjustment of partners’ actions to achieve jointly determined goals,” while they define cooperation as the “joint pursuit of agreed-on goal(s) in a manner corresponding to a shared understanding about contributions and payoffs.” Their definitions of coordination and cooperation seem closely related: both definitions refer to some action taken toward agreed-on, joint, or common goals. Such an overlap might undercut what is generally understood as construct discriminant validity. They also propose that collaboration is the mere sum of coordination and cooperation among alliance partners.
Collaboration, Coordination, and Cooperation Among Organizations: Establishing the Distinctive Meanings of These Terms Through a Systematic Literature Review
Xavier Castañer, Nuno OliveiraFirst
Journal of Management, Vol 46, Issue 6, 2020
Research Article
There’s a Difference Between Cooperation and Collaboration
INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING is redesign (engineering) of Products, Facilities and Processes for Productivity increase. Productivity Management Imperative for USA - McKinsey. Returning US productivity to its long-term trend of 2.2 percent annual growth would add $10 trillion in cumulative GDP over the next ten years (2023 - 2030).
Motion-study, time-study, micromotion-study, fatigue-study, and cost-study are important measures of scientific management, by which the efficiency of each function and subfunction is determined, tested, and checked. The unit to be chosen for intensive study is determined by the amount of time and money that it is possible to save by the investigation. This unit is determined by the following method. The work selected is divided into natural subdivisions or cycles of performance. Each cycle is then subjected to motion study, to determine the best method to use in performing the work. This method is divided into the smallest practicable units. These units are timed. The timed units are then again subjected to motion study, for more intensive study of method. Subdivided motions result. These are again timed, and so the process proceeds until the further possible saving will no longer warrant further study, or the available appropriation of time or money is exhausted. The most efficient motions, as determined by the tests of motion-study and time-study are then synthesised into a method of least waste.
As for the particular device by which the measurements are made, the choice depends mainly on the equipment available. Standards have been improved without using timing devices. Excellent work had been done with stop watches. But we advocate the use of micromotion-study in all work demanding precision. Micromotion study consists of recording the speed simultaneously with a two or three dimensional path of motions by the aid of cinematograph pictures of a worker at work and a specially designed clock that shows divisions of time so minute as to indicate a different time of day in each picture in the cinematograph film. Through micromotion-study not only is the measurement more accurate than it could possibly be through any other method, but also the records are so complete, permanent, and accessible that they may be studied at any time and place by any one.
The micro-motion method of making motion studies consists of recording motions by means of a motion picture camera, a clock that will record different times of day in each picture of a motion picture film, a cross-sectioned background, and other devices for assisting in measuring the relative efficiency and wastefulness of motions. These micro-motion records give all the data required except the continuous path of a cycle of motions. This lack is supplied by the chronocyclegraph method. The chronocyclegraph method of making motion study consists of fastening tiny electric-light bulbs to the fingers of the operator, or to any part of the operator or of the material whose motion path it is desired to study. If it is merely the orbit of the motion that is to be observed, a photograph is made of the moving part to which the light is attached, during the time that this part is performing the operation.
If the direction, relative time, and relative speed are to be noted, the path of light, through controlled interruption of the circuit, is made to consist of dots or dashes, or a combination of the two, with single pointed ends, the point showing the direction. Through the micro-motion studies and the chronocyclegraph studies, then, the expert formulates the standard method. It is important to note the changes which the installation of a standard method implies. This method consists of improved motions, and implies, first, changes in surroundings, equipment, and tools; and, second, changes in the type of worker assigned to do the work.
(Presented by Gilbreth at the International Engineering Congress. )
Both accurate time study and motion study require instruments of precision that will record mechanically, with the least possible interference from the human element, in permanent form, exactly what motions and results occur. For permanent use the records must be so definite, distinct, and simple that they may be easily and immediately used, and lose none of their value or helpfulness when old, forgotten, or not personally experienced by their user.
It was not, however, until Dr. Taylor suggested timing the work periods separately from the rest periods that the managers tried to find accurate time-measuring devices.
Being unable to find any devices anywhere such as the work of our motion study required, the problem that presented itself, then, to us who needed and desired instruments of precision, applicable to our motion study and to our time study, was to invent, design and construct devices that would overcome lacks in the early and existing methods. It was necessary to dispense with the human element and its attending errors and limitations. We needed devices to record the direction as well as the path or orbits of motions, and to reduce the cost of obtaining all time study and motion study data. These were needed not only from the scientific standpoint, but also from the standpoint of obtaining full co-operation of the mechanics and other workers.
Through our earliest work in making progress records we recognised the necessity of recording time and conditions accurately and simultaneously, the records being made by dated photographs.
Fortunately, we are now able to use the motion picture camera with our speed clock, and other accessories, as a device for recording elements of motion and their corresponding times, simultaneously. Our latest microchronometer records intervals of time down to any degree of accuracy required. We have made, and used, in our work of motion study investigations of hospital practice and surgery, one that records times to the millionth of an hour. This is designed for extremely accurate work, but can be adjusted to intervals of any length desired, as proves most economical or desirable for the type of work to be investigated.
All the above devices and tools for recording motions and times were developed by Gilbreth before 1921.
Process Chart Method - Gilbreths - 1921
Gilbreths presented their proposal or system of process charting in 1921 (Annual meeting ASME 5 to 9 December 1921 at New York). They did not use the terms operation flow chart and flow process chart.
Process Charts for Recording and Visualizing Processes in Industrial Engineering.
Process charts are the recording devices used by industrial engineers.
Gilbreth used process charts and described them for wider audience in 1921.
In the original description, Gilbreth described the process charts used in connection with motion study or human effort study. Later the scope of the process charts was extended and the contents of the chart were standardized by ASME. Operation analysis sheet was used by Maynard and Stegemerten in the process chart framework to do machine work study.
In the process chart, five operations are depicted. They are: Operation (material processing) - Inspection - Material transport - Temporary Storage of the Material (Delay without any operation being done) - Permanent or controlled storage of the material.
Each operation has a cost and industrial engineer has to increase the productivity of each operation or step to reduce cost.
In each operations, machines, men and other facilities work to bring the desired result. The work of machines, men, robots, furnaces etc. are to be observed, studies and recorded. To study work of operators, Motion study of both hands and micromotion studies of both hands were developed by by Gilbreths. The process chart that shows the series of operations is further supported charts related to each operation that record activity of each machine and man working in that operation. To do detailed investigation based on process chart, more recording formats need to be used. There is a need for machine work study and operator work study in each of the five steps shown in the flow process chart. Recording devices are to be used machine and operator work studies in each step. Value Adding Operation, Inspection, Transport, Temporary Delay and Permanent Delay. Frank Gilbreth is given credit for the development of process chart system in industrial engineering to study and improve processes.
Process Charting for Improvement - Gilbreths' View
Frank Gilbreth developed process analysis and improvement also along with motion study. In 1921, he presented a paper in ASME, on process charts. Lilian Gilbreth was a coauthor of this paper.
PROCESS CHARTS: FIRST STEPS IN FINDING THE ONE BEST WAY TO DO WORK By Frank B. Gilbreth, Montclair, N. J. Member of the Society and L. M. Gilbreth, Montclair, N. J. Non-Member For presentation at the Annual Meeting, New York, December 5 to 9, 1921, of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 29 West 39th Street, New York.
THE Process Chart is a device for visualizing a process as a means of improving it. Every detail of a process is more or less affected by every other detail; therefore the entire process must be presented in such form that it can be visualized all at once before any changes are made in any of its subdivisions. In any subdivision of the process under examination, any changes made without due consideration of all the decisions and all the motions that precede and follow that subdivision will often be found unsuited to the ultimate plan of operation.
The use of this process-chart procedure permits recording the existing and proposed methods and changes without the slightest fear of disturbing or disrupting the actual work itself.
The aim of the process chart is to present information regarding existing and proposed processes in such simple form that such information can become available to and usable by the greatest possible number of people in an organization before any changes whatever are actually made, so that the special knowledge and suggestions of those in positions of minor importance can be fully utilized.
Further detailed studies based on process chart
If any operation of the process shown in the process chart is one that will sufficiently affect similar work, then motion study (human effort study) should be made of each part of the process, and the degree to which the motion study should be carried depends upon the opportunities existing therein for savings.
If the operations are highly repetitive or consist of parts or subdivisions that can be transferred to the study of many other operations, then micromotion studies already made can be referred to; also new and further micromotion studies may be warranted in order that the details of method with the exact times of each of the individual subdivisions of the cycle of motions, or ''therbligs," as they are called, that compose the one best way known, may be recorded for constant and cumulative improvement.
These synthesized records of details of processes (motion studies and micromotion studies) in turn may be further combined and large units of standard practice become available for the synthesis of complete operations in process charts.
Similarly we have to add that if an operation is done or repeated multiple times, machine effort study or machine work study needs to be done and work of the machine has to be recorded using a format used in process planning of the machine.
At the end of the paper, the conclusion made by Gilbreths is as follows:
The procedure for making, examining and improving a process is, therefore, preferably as follows:
a. Examine process and record with rough notes, the existing process in detail.
b. Have draftsman copy rough notes in form for blueprinting, stereoscopic diapositives, photographic projection and exhibition to executives and others.
c. Show the diapositives with stereoscope and lantern slides of process charts in executives' theater to executives and workers.
d. Improve present methods by the use of — 1 Suggestion system
2 Motion study 3 Micromotion studies and chronocyclegraphs for obtaining and recording the One Best Way to do Work. 4 Written description of new methods or 'write-ups," "manuals," ''codes," ''written systems," as they are variously called 5 Standards 6 Standing orders
e. Make process chart of the process as finally adopted as a base for still further and cumulative improvement.
We have to add now machine work study to the list of activities of examining process charts for process industrial engineering (We will discuss each step or operation of the process chart in forthcoming lessons in detail)
We see in the method described above the method study steps of record, and examine. The practice of involving the workers in analyzing the process chart which was later popularized by Alan Mogensen is also present in the method suggested by Gilbreth to improve a process. Motion study as a later step in the process analysis method, which was emphasized by H.B. Maynard as part of the operation analysis proposed by him is also visible in the procedure described by Gilbreths.
H.B. Maynard proposed "Operation Analysis" for process improvement.
So, we can see the methods engineering and methods study which became popular subsequently were further development of Gilbreth's process improvement procedure only.
ASME used the terms flow process chart and operation process charts.
A.S.M.E. standard operation and flow process charts, developed by the A.S.M.E. Special committee on standardization of therbligs, process charts, and their symbols, 1947.
Corporate Author:American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Published:New York, N.Y., The American society of mechanical engineers [1947]
Physical Description:21 p. incl. forms, diagrs. 26 1/2cm.;view=1up;seq=9
ASME Operation Process Chart
An operation process chart is a graphic representation of the points at which materials are introduced into the process, and of the sequence of inspections and all operations except those involved in material handing. It may include any other information considered desirable for analysis, such as time required and location. (point 13 of the report)
In text books, Barnes did not mention the term operation process chart in his Motion and Time Study Book.
ILO Work Study, used the term outline process chart.
They describe its utility:
In an outline process chart, only the principal operations carried out and the inspection made to ensure their effectiveness are recorded, irrespective of who does them and where they are performed.
The outline process chart is intended to provide a first "bird's-eye" view of the activities involved, for the purpose of eliminating unnecessary ones or combining those that could be done together.
Poor choice of manufacturing process can add to the work content.
p.3 of Fundamentals of Work Measurement: What Every Engineer Should Know
Anil Mital, Anoop Desai, Aashi Mital
CRC Press, 03-Oct-2016 - Technology & Engineering - 210 pages
I agree with Mital et al. and propose that operation process chart analysis has to evaluate each manufacturing process.
WORLD CLASS WAREHOUSING AND MATERIAL HANDLING [9780071376006] Timeless Insights for Planning and Managing 21st-Century Warehouse Operations
Number of Pages 242
Author Frazelle, Edward H., Ph.d.
Publisher McGraw-Hill
Publication DateJanuary, 1970
ISBN-13 9780071376006
ISBN-10 0071376003
Written by one of today's recognized logistics thought leaders, this comprehensive resource provides authoritative answers on such topics as: The seven principles of world-class warehousing Warehouse activity profiling Warehouse performance measures Warehouse automation and computerization Receiving and put away Storage and retrieval operations Picking and packing Humanizing warehouse operations
"World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling describes the processes and systems required for meeting the changing demands of warehousing. Filled with practices from proven to innovative, it will help all logistics professionals improve the productivity, quality, and cycle time of their existing warehouse operations.
"World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling breaks through the confusing array of warehouse technology, buzzwords, and third-partyproviders to describe the principles of warehousing required for the implementation of world-class warehousing operations. Holding up efficiency and accuracy as the keys to success in warehousing, it is the first widely published methodology for warehouse problem solving across "all areas of the supply chain, providing an organized set of principles that can be used to streamline all types of warehousing operations.
Case studies from Avon, Ford, Xerox, True Value Hardware, and others detail how today's most innovative logistics and supply chain managers are arriving at proven solutions to a wide variety of warehousing challenges. Topics discussed include: Warehouse activity profiling--for identifying causes of information and material flow problems and pinpointing opportunities for improvement Warehouse performance measures--for monitoring, reporting, and benchmarking warehouse performance Storage and retrieval system selection--for improving storage density, handling productivity, and trade-offs in required capital investment Order picking strategies--for improving the productivity and accuracy of order fulfillment Computerizing warehousing operations--for profiling activity, monitoring performance, and simplifying operations
"World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling integrates global and e-commerce issues as it addresses customization, information technology, performance analysis, expansion and contraction planning, and the overall role of the warehouse in logistics management and the supply chain. Filled with proven operational solutions, it will guide managers as they develop a warehouse master plan, one designed to minimize the effects of supply chain inefficiencies as it improves logistics accuracy and inventory management--and reduces overall warehousing expense.
I now feel production planning and control is a component of process chart analysis as far as process improvement is concerned. Industrial engineers have to improve production planning routines as part of process chart analysis. Such an emphasis is not there in IE curriculum, as process chart is method is taught in work study or time and motion study courses.
Updated 27.6.2022, 1 Nov 2021, 16 August 2020, 28 June 2019, 5 Feb 2019
Published 1 July 2017
Process charts are the recording devices used by industrial engineers. Gilbreth used process charts and described them for wider audience in 1921. In the description we can see, Gilbreth's describing process charts in connection with motion study. But later the scope of process charts was extended by other writers and ASME. Still, the complete inclusion of machine work study was not done in process charts. We have to use the idea of operation analysis sheet given by Maynard and Stegemerten in the process chart framework to do machine work study. Motion studies and micromotion studies were indicated as further work based on process charts by Gilbreths. That means, to do detailed investigation based on process chart, more recording formats need to be used. There is a need for machine work study and operator work study in each of the five steps shown in the flow process chart currently. Recording devices are to be used machine and operator work studies in each step. Value Adding Operation, Inspection, Transport, Temporary Delay and Permanent Delay.
Process Charting for Improvement - Gilbreths' View
Frank Gilbreth developed process analysis and improvement also along with motion study. In 1921, he presented a paper in ASME, on process charts. Lilian Gilbreth was a coauthor of this paper.
PROCESS CHARTS: FIRST STEPS IN FINDING THE ONE BEST WAY TO DO WORK By Frank B. Gilbreth, Montclair, N. J. Member of the Society and L. M. Gilbreth, Montclair, N. J. Non-Member For presentation at the Annual Meeting, New York, December 5 to 9, 1921, of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 29 West 39th Street, New York.
THE Process Chart is a device for visualizing a process as a means of improving it. Every detail of a process is more or less affected by every other detail; therefore the entire process must be presented in such form that it can be visualized all at once before any changes are made in any of its subdivisions. In any subdivision of the process under examination, any changes made without due consideration of all the decisions and all the motions that precede and follow that subdivision will often be found unsuited to the ultimate plan of operation.
The use of this process-chart procedure permits recording the existing and proposed methods and changes without the slightest fear of disturbing or disrupting the actual work itself.
The aim of the process chart is to present information regarding existing and proposed processes in such simple form that such information can become available to and usable by the greatest possible number of people in an organization before any changes whatever are actually made, so that the special knowledge and suggestions of those in positions of minor importance can be fully utilized.
Further detailed studies based on process chart
If any operation of the process shown in the process chart is one that will sufficiently affect similar work, then motion study should be made of each part of the process, and the degree to which the motion study should be carried depends upon the opportunities existing therein for savings.
If the operations are highly repetitive or consist of parts or subdivisions that can be transferred to the study of many other operations, then micromotion studies already made can be referred to; also new and further micromotion studies may be warranted in order that the details of method with the exact times of each of the individual subdivisions of the cycle of motions, or ''therbligs," as they are called,
that compose the one best way known, may be recorded for constant and cumulative improvement.
These synthesized records of details of processes (motion studies and micromotion studies) in turn may be further combined and large units of standard practice become available for the synthesis of complete operations in process charts.
At the end of the paper, the conclusion made is as follows:
The procedure for making, examining and improving a process is, therefore, preferably as follows:
a. Examine process and record with rough notes and stereoscopic diapositives the existing process in detail.
b. Have draftsman copy rough notes in form for blueprinting, photographic projection and exhibition to executives and others.
c. Show the diapositives with stereoscope and lantern slides of process charts in executives' theater to executives and workers.
d. Improve present methods by the use of — 1 Suggestion system 2 Written description of new methods or 'write-ups," "manuals," ''codes," ''written systems," as they are variously called 3 Standards 4 Standing orders 5 Motion study 6 Micromotion studies and chronocyclegraphs for obtaining and recording the One Best Way to do Work.
e. Make process chart of the process as finally adopted as a base for still further and cumulative improvement.
We see in the method described above the method study steps of record, and examine. The practice of involving the workers in analyzing the process chart which was later popularized by Alan Mogensen is also present in the method suggested by Gilbreth to improve a process. Motion study as a later step in the process analysis method, which was emphasized by H.B. Maynard as part of the operation analysis proposed by him is also visible in the procedure described by Gilbreths.
Operation Analysis Sheet - H.B. Maynard
H.B. Maynard proposed "Operation Analysis" for process improvement.
So, we can see the methods engineering and methods study which became popular subsequently were further development of Gilbreth's process improvement procedure only.
MOTION AND TIME STUDY. A systematic study of work systems, which have the purposes of: (1) developing a preferred system and method (usually one with lowest cost); (2) standardizing this system and method; (3) determining the time required by a qualified and properly trained person working at a normal pace to perform a specific task or operation; (4) assisting and training a worker in the preferred method. Motion study (or methods design), finding the preferred method of doing work. Time study (or work measurement), determining standard time for performing a specific task. Taylor used the term time study almost indiscriminately—including what the Gilbreths called motion study—much to their chagrin, especially when he took time studies without first studying the “one best way.” (See Z94.17 WORK DESIGN & MEASUREMENT.)
MACHINE-CONTROLLED TIME. The time portion of an operation cycle required by a machine to complete the machine portion of the work cycle. The operator does not control this portion of the cycle time, whether or not attending the machine. Syns: independent machine, machine-controlled time allowance, allowance for machine-controlled time.
MANUAL ELEMENT. A distinct, describable, and measurable subdivision of a work cycle or operation performed by hand or with the use of tools, and one that is not controlled by process or machine.
METHOD. (1) The procedure or sequence of motions by workers and/or machines used to accomplish a given operation or work task. (2) The sequence of operations and/or processes used to produce a given product or accomplish a given job. (3) A specific combination of layout and working conditions; materials, equipment, and tools; and motion patterns involved in accomplishing a given operation or task.
METHODS ANALYSIS. That part of methods engineering normally involving an examination and analysis of an operation or a work cycle broken down into its constituent parts for the purpose of improvement, elimination of unnecessary steps, and/or establishing and recording in detail a proposed method of performance.
METHODS ENGINEERING. That aspect of industrial engineering concerned with the analysis and design of work methods and systems, including technological selection of operations or processes, specification of equipment type and location, design of manual and worker-machine tasks. May include the design of controls to insure proper levels of output, inventory, quality, and cost. (See WORK DESIGN, MOTION ANALYSIS, MOTION ECONOMY, METHODS ANALYSIS.)
METHODS STUDY. A systematic examination of existing methods with the purpose of developing new or improved methods, tooling, or procedures.
PROCESS. (1) A planned series of actions or operations (e.g., mechanical, electrical, chemical, inspection, test) which advances a material or procedure from one stage of completion to another. (2) A planned and controlled treatment that subjects materials or procedures to the influence of one or more types of energy (e.g., human, mechanical, electrical, chemical, thermal) for the time required to bring about the desired reactions or results.
PROCESS ENGINEER. An individual qualified by education, training, and/or experience to prescribe efficient production processes to safely produce a product as designed and who specializes in this work. This work includes specifying all the equipment, tools, fixtures, human job elements, and the like that are to be used and, often, the estimated cost of producing the product by the prescribed process. (See PROCESS, PROCESS DESIGN.)
PROCESS PLANNING. A procedure for determining the operations or actions necessary to transform material from one state to another.
PRODUCTIVITY. (1) The ratio of output to total inputs. (2) The ratio of actual production to standard production, applicable to either an individual worker or a group of workers.
OPERATION. (1) A job or task, consisting of one or more work elements, usually done essentially in one location. (2) The performance of any planned work or method associated with an individual, machine, process, department, or inspection. (3) One or more elements which involve one of the following: the intentional changing of an object in any of its physical or chemical characteristics; the assembly or disassembly of parts or objects; the preparation of an object for another operation, transportation, inspection, or storage; planning, calculating, or the giving or receiving of information.
OPERATIONS ANALYSIS. A study of an operation or scenes of operations involving people, equipment, and processes for the purpose of investigating the effectiveness of specific operations or groups so that improvements can be developed which will raise productivity, reduce costs, improve quality, reduce accident hazards, and attain other desired objectives.
ELEMENT. A subdivision of the work cycle composed of one or a sequence of several basic motions and/or machine or process activities which is distinct, describable, and measurable. (See MANUAL
ELEMENTAL MOTION. Individual manual motions or simple motion combinations used to describe the sensory-motor activity in an operation. Generally refers to the more basic and elementary therbligs. An attempt often is made to define these precisely with associated time values. Typical elemental motions are: reach, move, assemble, pre-position, turn.
WORK DESIGN. The design of work systems. System components include people, machines, materials, sequence, and the appropriate working facilities. The process technology and the human characteristics are considered. Individual areas of study may include analysis and simplification of manual motion components: design of jigs, fixtures, and tooling; human-machine analysis and design; or the analysis of gang or crew work. Syns: ergonomics, job design, methods engineering, methods study, motion study, operation analysis, work simplification, motion economy.
WORK MEASUREMENT. A generic term used to refer to the setting of a time standard by a recognized industrial engineering technique, such as time study, standard data, work sampling, or predetermined motion time systems. Syn. ergonometrics.
WORK SIMPLIFICATION. A management philosophy of planned improvement using any or all of the tools and techniques of industrial engineering in an atmosphere of creative participation which enables employees to achieve individual goals through the achievement of organizational goals. (See WORK DESIGN.)
WORK TASK. A specific quantity of work, set of duties or responsibilities, or job function assigned to one or more persons.
WORK UNIT. An amount of work, or the results of an amount of work, that it is convenient to treat as an integer (an each) when examining work from a quantitative point of view.
I now feel production planning and control is a component of process chart analysis as far as process improvement is concerned. Industrial engineers have to improve production planning routines as part of process chart analysis. Such an emphasis is not there in IE curriculum, as process chart is method is taught in work study or time and motion study courses.
Process Charts. A process chart may be broadly defined as any charted presentation of information connected with a manufacturing process or any other engineering process or business process.
Process charts, however, were originally designed by Frank B. Gilbreth for industrial use.
The information that is presented in the process charts along with the steps in the process can include any or all of such factors as time for operations performed, machine time, motions used, operator time, working and idle time of machines, cost, production data, time allowances, distance moved, and other similar data.
Use of Process Charts. The process chart forms a convenient means of presenting in a limited space information about a process. It shows operations performed in a process. It can be used to show the relation among operations, the steps of a process, and several sets of data. It permits the quick visualization of a problem so that improvement can be undertaken systematically and in logical sequence. it is a means of preparing data for study so that those who are making the study can grasp the problem at a glance and proceed toward its solution without wasted effort in each observing and understanding the process. If a process chart is first prepared and every member of the group is given a copy to study, the discussion will start at the beginning and proceed systematically toward the end.
Progress is rapid, and little time is wasted by the discussion going off at a tangent.
The detail of the process study depends entirely upon the job under consideration. There is no fixed form of process chart that is rigidly adhered to by all methods engineers, or even by any one engineer. The chart is varied to suit the nature of the study that is being made and the data that it is desired to present.
There are, however, certain major types of charts that, are widely used for methods-study work.
1. Operation process charts.
2. Flow process charts.
3. Man and machine process charts.
4. Operator process charts.
5. Progress process charts.
6. Miscellaneous types.
Operation Process Chart
On the operation process chart are usually shown:
1. The input materials. 2. The operations. 3. The inspections.
4. The time allowances for both operations and inspections.
Other information such as machine or work-station identification, male or female labor, pieces per hour, and the like, can be given if desired. The four items listed above are practically always required for any methods study and should always be recorded upon the chart as a matter of standard practice. It is to be noted that as part of method study first time study of each operation/inspection needs to be done. Then productivity improvement implies reduction of the time taken. It is a simple matter to add other information to the chart if it is desired (More information needed has to be added. For example what are defects found after inspection. Why is it important? To eliminate waste. Defects are waste and if inspection activity identifies more defects, operation has to be improved to increase productivity).
Operation process charts are drawn on plain paper of sufficient size to accommodate the information that must be recorded. Two steps and two standard symbols (Operation and Inspection) are used. The symbols are useful for distinguishing at a glance between operations and inspections without the necessity of reading the detailed information given on the chart.
If an operation process chart is drawn up as the first step of a methods study, it insures that the study will begin at the right point which is the first operation and proceed systematically to the last operation.
The flow process chart
When it is necessary to show in detail the exact manner in which a process is performed, describing what happens between operations as well as the operations themselves, the flow process chart is more suitable. This is desirable on certain types of studies, but on others the mass of detail would be too great for ready interpretation. The operation process chart shows the problem more clearly. If after a preliminary study more detailed information is desired, flow charts can be made for the various parts that make up the complete assembly.
The flow chart shows the different steps of a process such as operations, inspections, distance traveled, cessations of travel. The material of which a product is made is more commonly the item that is studied by flow charts;
Symbols Used for Flow-chart Construction. The earlier flow charts used about 40 different symbols to indicate the nature of the steps portrayed. Experience has shown, however, that too many different symbols detract from the clearness of the chart besides adding to the mechanical difficulties of chart construction, and modern practice therefore calls for the use of but six symbols. Sixth one, Denotes movement or operation outside the control of the investigator.
Time estimates for operation step is normally available. Time consumed by transportations may be determined by brief time study. lIn certain studies, time spent in temporary storage is one of the most important factors, for these studies are made primarily to decrease the time required to complete the process. Hence, it is important to have correct temporary storage data if improvement is to be made.
Operation- and flow-process-chart construction need not be limited to methods engineers. The charts can be constructed by anyone who has a problem to solve and who is willing to take the time to understand and apply the comparatively simple principles of process-chart preparation. Certain more progressive plants have given courses in methods engineering to their key supervisors and they are using them.
After process level analysis, a refined analysis needs to be performed upon the operations themselves. With the general nature of the problem understood and with the major inefficiencies either recognized or eliminated, the analyst is in a position to begin a study of each operation involved in the process with the idea of improving upon the operations themselves. This analysis requires more information and operation analysis sheet needs to be used. Two other types of process charts (Man and machine process charts and Operator process charts) are usually constructed only after a detailed analysis of the factors that surround a given operation have shown that they are needed.
Operations Analysis
Process charts show operations involved in a process. Operations are to be improved individually after process level improvements like eliminating waste or non value added operations are removed and sequence of operations is altered to derive productivity benefits. For doing operation improvement, more detailed information about the operation has to be collected and recorded. Maynard and Stegemerten descried the complete procedure of operation analysis and operator information sheet.
Operation analysis was already covered in an earlier lesson.
Process Charts and Other Recording Devices - R.L. Barnes (1931).
“Process charts are used to record in a simple, compact form and to visualize the elements of a process in sequence and in relation to the entire process. They record present practice for the purpose of studying and analyzing the present practice and also serve in visualizing possibility processes which improve the present practice by (1) changing the sequence of elements, (2) eliminating elements, (3) combining elements, and (4) substituting or changing elements. “As a record of standard practice, the process chart serves as an authoritative and complete picture of the entire process. It is particularly useful as a teaching device and as a means of maintenance.
After the initial pioneers, Maynard and Barnes contributed significantly in process industrial engineering area. Studying their books is important for industrial engineers, especially post-graduates in industrial engineering.
I now feel production planning and control is a component of process chart analysis as far as process improvement is concerned. Industrial engineers have to improve production planning routines as part of process chart analysis. Such an emphasis is not there in IE curriculum, as process chart is method is taught in work study or time and motion study courses.
Important points in the Lesson
Maynard & Stegemerten (1939)
Process Charts. A process chart may be broadly defined as any charted presentation of information connected with a manufacturing process or any other engineering process or business process.
The information that is presented in the process charts along with the steps in the process can include any or all of such factors as time for operations performed, machine time, motions used, operator time, working and idle time of machines, cost, production data, time allowances, distance moved, and other similar data.
If a process chart is first prepared and every member of the group is given a copy to study, the discussion will start at the beginning and proceed systematically toward the end. Progress is rapid, and little time is wasted by the discussion going off at a tangent.
There are certain major types of charts that, are widely used for methods-study work.
1. Operation process charts.
2. Flow process charts.
3. Man and machine process charts.
4. Operator process charts.
5. Progress process charts.
6. Miscellaneous types.
If an operation process chart is drawn up as the first step of a methods study, it insures that the study will begin at the right point which is the first operation and proceed systematically to the last operation.
When it is necessary to show in detail the exact manner in which a process is performed, describing what happens between operations as well as the operations themselves, the flow process chart is more suitable.
The operation process chart shows the problem more clearly. If after a preliminary study more detailed information is desired, flow charts can be made for the various parts that make up the complete assembly.
Time estimates for processing operation step is normally available. Time for other operations may be determined by brief time study.
After process level analysis, a refined analysis needs to be performed upon the operations themselves.
This analysis requires more information and operation analysis sheet needs to be used.
Process Charts and Other Recording Devices - R.L. Barnes (1931).
“Process charts are used to record in a simple, compact form and to visualize the elements of a process in sequence and in relation to the entire process."
"Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering and System Efficiency Engineering. It is an engineering discipline that deals with the design of human effort and system efficiency in all occupations: agricultural, manufacturing and service. The objectives of Industrial Engineering are optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved."(Narayana Rao, 2009).
Narayana Rao, K.V.S.S., “Definition of Industrial Engineering: Suggested Modification.” Udyog Pragati, October-December 2006, Pp. 1-4.
Industrial systems or work systems that produce engineering products or services or utilize engineering products and services to produce goods or services are the focus of industrial engineering design, redesign, improvement and installation or realization.
The industrial engineering terminology describes the industrial systems or work systems in terms of system components.
System components include people, machines, materials, sequence, and the appropriate working facilities. The process technology and the human characteristics are considered.
According to IISE terminology,
SYSTEM. A set of interrelated parts that operate as a whole in pursuit of common goals; is characterized by: a) a set of components of subsystems linked by information channels, b) engaged in coordinated, goal-directed activity, c) information flow as the basis for control, d) a set of subgoals associated with the individual subsystems or components, e) an external environment which influences the system. A system is said to be an open system if it reacts to its environment and is a closed system if it does not. It is an adaptive system if it reacts to environmental changes in a way that is favorable toward achieving the system goals.
PROCESS. (1) A planned series of actions or operations (e.g., mechanical, electrical, chemical, inspection, test) which advances a material or procedure from one stage of completion to another. (2) A planned and controlled treatment that subjects materials or procedures to the influence of one or more types of energy (e.g., human, mechanical, electrical, chemical, thermal) for the time required to bring about the desired reactions or results.
We can start with the idea that a process is a planned and controlled treatment that subjects materials or procedures to the influence of one or more types of energy (e.g., human, mechanical, electrical, chemical, thermal) for the time required to bring about the desired reactions or results. It has planned series of actions or operations (e.g., mechanical, electrical, chemical, inspection, test) which advances a material or procedure from one stage of completion to another.
Processes and System
In a process, in the material desired reactions or shape modifications are brought out in stages termed operations. In the operation energy is used on the material to create the desired change. To create the desired the change, work system/industrial system components, people, machines, materials, sequence, and facilities are used. Hence, we may be able to visualize a factory as a system having machines, people, stored materials, materials in process, facilities that house machines, warehouses for materials, and facilities for providing utilities that are required to operate machines. The utilities include fuel, electricity, water, compressed air, communication lines, networking lines etc.
The process is a series of actions or operations, each one performed by using some of the production system's components. We can also visualize the factory as a system consisting of number of processes that produce different products using the system components in diverse ways.
System Efficiency Engineering increases Total System Effectiveness
The focus of industrial engineering is channeling engineering knowledge into the industrial systems and processes to increase their efficiency or productivity. While the basic engineering discipline develops and designs new products or processes, it is industrial engineering that makes them more and more efficient making products reliably delivering the same designed performance at lesser and lesser cost. Many times, industrial engineering activity brings an industry itself into existence by redesigning the process and product to be made at a cost and sold at a price that initially established a viable industrial system, a system that can sell a volume in a unit period that gives desired profit to sustain the business. Industrial engineering work, keeps on finding opportunities to further reduce cost through productivity improvements through utilizing engineering developments on a continuous basis and contributes to growth in sales volumes through facilitating price reductions. Therefore, the purpose of industrial engineering is made clear as system efficiency engineering.
In system industrial engineering, we can identify industrial engineering tasks at component level. Some of the well identified industrial engineering tasks are:
Process Charts for Recording and Visualizing Processes in Industrial Engineering.
Process charts are the recording devices used by industrial engineers.
Gilbreth used process charts and described them for wider audience in 1921.
In the original description, Gilbreth described the process charts used in connection with motion study or human effort study. Later the scope of the process charts was extended and the contents of the chart were standardized by ASME. Operation analysis sheet was used by Maynard and Stegemerten in the process chart framework to do machine work study.
In the process chart, five operations are depicted. They are: Operation (material processing) - Inspection - Material transport - Temporary Storage of the Material (Delay without any operation being done) - Permanent or controlled storage of the material.
Each operation has a cost and industrial engineer has to increase the productivity of each operation or step to reduce cost.
In each operations, machines, men and other facilities work to bring the desired result. The work of machines, men, robots, furnaces etc. are to be observed, studies and recorded. To study work of operators, Motion study of both hands and micromotion studies of both hands were developed by by Gilbreths. The process chart that shows the series of operations is further supported charts related to each operation that record activity of each machine and man working in that operation. To do detailed investigation based on process chart, more recording formats need to be used. There is a need for machine work study and operator work study in each of the five steps shown in the flow process chart. Recording devices are to be used machine and operator work studies in each step. Value Adding Operation, Inspection, Transport, Temporary Delay and Permanent Delay. Frank Gilbreth is given credit for the development of process chart system in industrial engineering to study and improve processes.
Process Charting for Improvement - Gilbreths' View
Frank Gilbreth developed process analysis and improvement also along with motion study. In 1921, he presented a paper in ASME, on process charts. Lilian Gilbreth was a coauthor of this paper.
By Frank B. Gilbreth, Montclair, N. J. Member of the Society
and L. M. Gilbreth, Montclair, N. J. Non-Member
For presentation at the Annual Meeting, New York, December 5 to 9, 1921,
of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 29 West 39th Street, New York.
THE Process Chart is a device for visualizing a process as a means of improving it. Every detail of a process is more or less affected by every other detail; therefore the entire process must be presented in such form that it can be visualized all at once before any changes are made in any of its subdivisions. In any subdivision of the process under examination, any changes made without due consideration of all the decisions and all the motions that precede and follow that subdivision will often be found unsuited to the ultimate plan of operation.
The use of this process-chart procedure permits recording the existing and proposed methods and changes without the slightest fear of disturbing or disrupting the actual work itself.
The aim of the process chart is to present information regarding existing and proposed processes in such simple form that such information can become available to and usable by the greatest possible number of people in an organization before any changes whatever are actually made, so that the special knowledge and suggestions of those in positions of minor importance can be fully utilized.
Further detailed studies based on process chart
If any operation of the process shown in the process chart is one that will sufficiently affect similar work, then motion study (human effort study) should be made of each part of the process, and the degree to which the motion study should be carried depends upon the opportunities existing therein for savings.
If the operations are highly repetitive or consist of parts or subdivisions that can be transferred to the study of many other operations, then micromotion studies already made can be referred to; also new and further micromotion studies may be warranted in order that the details of method with the exact times of each of the individual subdivisions of the cycle of motions, or ''therbligs," as they are called, that compose the one best way known, may be recorded for constant and cumulative improvement.
These synthesized records of details of processes (motion studies and micromotion studies) in turn may be further combined and large units of standard practice become available for the synthesis of complete operations in process charts.
Similarly we have to add that if an operation is done or repeated multiple times, machine effort study or machine work study needs to be done and work of the machine has to be recorded using a format used in process planning of the machine.
At the end of the paper, the conclusion made by Gilbreths is as follows:
The procedure for making, examining and improving a process is, therefore, preferably as follows:
a. Examine process and record with rough notes, the existing process in detail.
b. Have draftsman copy rough notes in form for blueprinting, stereoscopic diapositives, photographic projection and exhibition to executives and others.
c. Show the diapositives with stereoscope and lantern slides of process charts in executives' theater to executives and workers.
d. Improve present methods by the use of —
1 Suggestion system
2 Motion study 3 Micromotion studies and chronocyclegraphs for obtaining and recording the One Best Way to do Work. 4 Written description of new methods or 'write-ups," "manuals," ''codes," ''written systems," as they are variously called 5 Standards 6 Standing orders
e. Make process chart of the process as finally adopted as a base for still further and cumulative improvement.
We have to add now machine work study to the list of activities of examining process charts for process industrial engineering (We will discuss each step or operation of the process chart in forthcoming lessons in detail)
We see in the method described above the method study steps of record, and examine. The practice of involving the workers in analyzing the process chart which was later popularized by Alan Mogensen is also present in the method suggested by Gilbreth to improve a process. Motion study as a later step in the process analysis method, which was emphasized by H.B. Maynard as part of the operation analysis proposed by him is also visible in the procedure described by Gilbreths.
H.B. Maynard proposed "Operation Analysis" for process improvement.
So, we can see the methods engineering and methods study which became popular subsequently were further development of Gilbreth's process improvement procedure only.
Knowledge Base for Process Productivity Improvement
MOTION AND TIME STUDY. A systematic study of work systems, which have the purposes of: (1) developing a preferred system and method (usually one with lowest cost); (2) standardizing this system and method; (3) determining the time required by a qualified and properly trained person working at a normal pace to perform a specific task or operation; (4) assisting and training a worker in the preferred method. Motion study (or methods design), finding the preferred method of doing work. Time study (or work measurement), determining standard time for performing a specific task. Taylor used the term time study almost indiscriminately—including what the Gilbreths called motion study—much to their chagrin, especially when he took time studies without first studying the “one best way.” (See Z94.17 WORK DESIGN & MEASUREMENT.)
MACHINE-CONTROLLED TIME. The time portion of an operation cycle required by a machine to complete the machine portion of the work cycle. The operator does not control this portion of the cycle time, whether or not attending the machine. Syns: independent machine, machine-controlled time allowance, allowance for machine-controlled time.
MANUAL ELEMENT. A distinct, describable, and measurable subdivision of a work cycle or operation performed by hand or with the use of tools, and one that is not controlled by process or machine.
METHOD. (1) The procedure or sequence of motions by workers and/or machines used to accomplish a given operation or work task. (2) The sequence of operations and/or processes used to produce a given product or accomplish a given job. (3) A specific combination of layout and working conditions; materials, equipment, and tools; and motion patterns involved in accomplishing a given operation or task.
METHODS ANALYSIS. That part of methods engineering normally involving an examination and analysis of an operation or a work cycle broken down into its constituent parts for the purpose of improvement, elimination of unnecessary steps, and/or establishing and recording in detail a proposed method of performance.
METHODS ENGINEERING. That aspect of industrial engineering concerned with the analysis and design of work methods and systems, including technological selection of operations or processes, specification of equipment type and location, design of manual and worker-machine tasks. May include the design of controls to insure proper levels of output, inventory, quality, and cost. (See WORK DESIGN, MOTION ANALYSIS, MOTION ECONOMY, METHODS ANALYSIS.)
METHODS STUDY. A systematic examination of existing methods with the purpose of developing new or improved methods, tooling, or procedures.
PROCESS. (1) A planned series of actions or operations (e.g., mechanical, electrical, chemical, inspection, test) which advances a material or procedure from one stage of completion to another. (2) A planned and controlled treatment that subjects materials or procedures to the influence of one or more types of energy (e.g., human, mechanical, electrical, chemical, thermal) for the time required to bring about the desired reactions or results.
PROCESS ENGINEER. An individual qualified by education, training, and/or experience to prescribe efficient production processes to safely produce a product as designed and who specializes in this work. This work includes specifying all the equipment, tools, fixtures, human job elements, and the like that are to be used and, often, the estimated cost of producing the product by the prescribed process. (See PROCESS, PROCESS DESIGN.)
PROCESS PLANNING. A procedure for determining the operations or actions necessary to transform material from one state to another.
PRODUCTIVITY. (1) The ratio of output to total inputs. (2) The ratio of actual production to standard production, applicable to either an individual worker or a group of workers.
OPERATION. (1) A job or task, consisting of one or more work elements, usually done essentially in one location. (2) The performance of any planned work or method associated with an individual, machine, process, department, or inspection. (3) One or more elements which involve one of the following: the intentional changing of an object in any of its physical or chemical characteristics; the assembly or disassembly of parts or objects; the preparation of an object for another operation, transportation, inspection, or storage; planning, calculating, or the giving or receiving of information.
OPERATIONS ANALYSIS. A study of an operation or scenes of operations involving people, equipment, and processes for the purpose of investigating the effectiveness of specific operations or groups so that improvements can be developed which will raise productivity, reduce costs, improve quality, reduce accident hazards, and attain other desired objectives.
ELEMENT. A subdivision of the work cycle composed of one or a sequence of several basic motions and/or machine or process activities which is distinct, describable, and measurable. (See MANUAL
ELEMENTAL MOTION. Individual manual motions or simple motion combinations used to describe the sensory-motor activity in an operation. Generally refers to the more basic and elementary therbligs. An attempt often is made to define these precisely with associated time values. Typical elemental motions are: reach, move, assemble, pre-position, turn.
WORK DESIGN. The design of work systems. System components include people, machines, materials, sequence, and the appropriate working facilities. The process technology and the human characteristics are considered. Individual areas of study may include analysis and simplification of manual motion components: design of jigs, fixtures, and tooling; human-machine analysis and design; or the analysis of gang or crew work. Syns: ergonomics, job design, methods engineering, methods study, motion study, operation analysis, work simplification, motion economy.
WORK MEASUREMENT. A generic term used to refer to the setting of a time standard by a recognized industrial engineering technique, such as time study, standard data, work sampling, or predetermined motion time systems. Syn. ergonometrics.
WORK SIMPLIFICATION. A management philosophy of planned improvement using any or all of the tools and techniques of industrial engineering in an atmosphere of creative participation which enables employees to achieve individual goals through the achievement of organizational goals. (See WORK DESIGN.)
WORK TASK. A specific quantity of work, set of duties or responsibilities, or job function assigned to one or more persons.
WORK UNIT. An amount of work, or the results of an amount of work, that it is convenient to treat as an integer (an each) when examining work from a quantitative point of view.
Process Industrial Engineering
Engineering in Industrial Engineering _______________________
Gilbreth on Process Charts in 1911 - In his book "Motion Study"
We have found it helpful in recording our observations to use charts. Some such form as that shown on pages 88 and 89 is used.
This chart is one made during an observation of bricklaying before the invention of the packet, the packet scaffold, and the fountain trowel.
The operation of laying a brick was divided into the motions of which it consisted (column 1). The usual (present) practice of the time (given as "the wrong way," column 2) showed the units into which the operation was divided. The best practice of the time ("the right way," column 3, now obsolete) was charted in such a way that its relation from a motion standpoint to the usual practice was clearly shown.
Column 4 shows how the usual practice may be transformed into the best practice. It would serve as an instruction card to the workman, showing him not only where his method needed to be improved but also exactly how to improve it.
This chart, together with a plan showing the workman where he should put the stock and where he should place his feet (Fig. 14), and with pictures showing how he should lay the brick, etc., proved most successful for instruction as well as for recording.
At first glance this chart, and the others like it, which we used at that time, seem very crude. In fact, compared to what has since been done to standardize operations, they are crude. But they mark a distinct phase of motion study. They show plainly, as careful reading will prove, that an earnest study of motions will automatically promote the growth of the study.
[Inventions in/for Industrial Engineering by Gilbreth]
(Industrial engineers have to note that IE is real engineering and they need to invent and design engineering items for increasing productivity. In the present day, IEs are ignoring engineering and they are being called imaginary engineers*)
For example, study of column 4 in the sample chart given led to the invention of the packet scaffold, the packet, the fountain trowel, and several other of the best devices, and the u packet-on- the- wall" method now used in brickwork.
These inventions in their turn necessitated an entirely new set of motions to perform the operation of laying a brick.
So, likewise, the progression also went on before the days of conscious motion study: observation, explanation, invention, elimination, and again observation, in an upward helix of progress.
The great point to be observed is this: Once the variables of motions are determined, and the laws of underlying motions and their efficiency deduced, conformity to these laws will result in standard motions, standard tools, standard conditions, and standard methods of performing the operations of the trades.
Conformity to these laws allows standard practice to be attained and used. If the standard methods are deduced before the equipment, tools, surroundings, etc., are standardized, the invention of these standard means is as sure as the appearance of a celestial body at the time and place where mathematics predicts that it will appear.
It is as well to recognize first as last that real progress from the best present method to the standard method can never be made solely by elimination. The sooner this is recognized the better. Elimination is often an admirable makeshift. But the only real progress comes through a reconstruction of the operation, building it up of standardized units, or elements.
It is also well to recognize the absolute necessity of the trained scientific investigator. The worker cannot, by himself, arrange to do his work in the most economical manner in accordance with the laws of motion study. Oftentimes, in fact nearly always, the worker will believe that the new method takes longer than the old method. At least he will be positive that many parts, or elements, of the process when done under the new method take longer than under the old style, and will not be in sympathy with the scheme because he is sure that the new way is not so efficient as his old way. All of which shows that the worker himself cannot tell which are the most advantageous motions. He must judge by the fatigue that he feels, or else by the quantity of output accomplished in a given time. To judge by the quantity of output accomplished in a given time is more of a test of effort than a test of motion study, and oftentimes that element that will produce the most output is the one that will cause the least fatigue.
The difference in amount of merit between any two methods can perhaps be best determined by timing the elements of the motions used in each. This is the method of attack usually accepted as best, because it separates each motion into its variables and analyzes them one at a time. It is out of the question to expect a workman to do such timing and to do his work at the same time. Furthermore, it is an art in itself to take time-study observations, an art that probably takes longer to master than does shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, or drafting.
Few workers have had an opportunity to learn the art of making and using time-study observations, because our school educators have not had any mental grasp of the subject themselves. Add to the difficulties to be overcome in acquiring the knowledge of observing, recording, and analyzing the time-study records, the knowledge necessary to build up synthetically the correct method with each element strictly in accordance with the laws of motion economy each by itself and when used together in the particular determined sequence, and you will see the reason why the worker by himself has not devised, cannot, and never will be expected to devise, the ultimate method of output. It does not then, after all, seem so queer that the workman's output can always be doubled and oftentimes more than tripled by scientific motion study. Again, scientifically attained methods only can become Ultimate methods.
Any method which seems after careful study to have attained perfection, using absolutely the least number of most effective, shortest motions, may be thrown aside when a new way of transporting or placing material or men is introduced. It is pitiful to think of the time, money, strength, and brains that have been wasted on devising and using wonderfully clever but not fundamentally derived methods of doing work, which must inevitably be discarded for the latter.
The standardizing of the trades will utilize every atom of such heretofore wasted energy.
The standardizing of the trades affords a definite best method of doing each element.
Having but one standard method of doing each element divides the amount of time-study data necessary to take by a number equal to the number of different equally good methods that could be used.
The greatest step forward can be made only when time-study data can be made by one and used by all. A system of interchange and cooperation in the use of the data of scientific management can then be used by all persons interested.
This reduction and simplification of taking time study is the real reason for insistence upon making and maintaining standards for the largest down to the smallest insignificant tool or device used.
Gilbreth's Human Effort Industrial Engineering - Productivity Science of Motion Study -
Do it. It is Real Engineering. Industrial Engineering is Engineering Primarily.
Find 5 new engineering developments every day in elements related to facilities, products and processes in your organization and assess their use for industrial engineering.