Sunday, May 29, 2016

June Fourth Week - IE Knowledge Revision

Industrial engineering converts technical products and processes created by pure engineers and managers into commercially viable products and thereby creates industries - manufacturing/engineering service concerns that satisfy the needs of the people and make profit for the organizations. On an ongoing basis industrial engineering improves the profits of the organization by eliminating wastes and reducing cost through minimizing resource use.

Industrial engineering is system efficiency engineering and human effort engineering.

IE helps in creating new industries and prosperous industries.
IE makes enterprises rich. IE makes employees rich. IE makes societies rich.

June 22 to 26

Cash Flow Estimation for Expenditure Proposals - Depreciation and Other Related Issues
Required Rate of Return - Cost of Capital  - Required Rate of Return for Investment or Expenditure Proposal..

NPV - IRR and Other Summary Project Assessment Measures
Income Expansion Projects - Cost Reduction Projects - Replacement Decisons

Present-Worth Comparisons
Rate-of-Return Calculations

Equivalent Annual-Worth Comparisons
Expected Values and Risk of Project Revenues and Costs

Structural Analysis of Alternatives
Engineering Economic Analysis - Subject Update - Recent Case Studies

June Third Week - IE Knowledge Revision

June - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

June Second Week - IE Knowledge Revision

Industrial engineering converts technical products and processes created by pure engineers and managers into commercially viable products and thereby creates industries - manufacturing/engineering service concerns that satisfy the needs of the people and make profit for the organizations. On an ongoing basis industrial engineering improves the profits of the organization by eliminating wastes and reducing cost through minimizing resource use.

Industrial engineering is system efficiency engineering and human effort engineering.

IE helps in creating new industries and prosperous industries.
IE makes enterprises rich. IE makes employees rich. IE makes societies rich.

June 2 Week, 8 to 12

Plant Layout - Efficiency
Value Engineering - Introduction

Statistical Quality Control – Industrial Engineering
Inspection Methods Efficiency Engineering

Operations Research - An Efficiency Improvement Tool for Industrial Engineers
Engineering Economics is an Efficiency Improvement Tool for Industrial Engineers

Industrial Engineering and Scientific Management in Japan
Shigeo Shingo - The Japanese Industrial Engineer

System Engineering Process and Its Management
Systems Improvement Process

June Third Week - IE Knowledge Revision

June First Week - IE Knowledge Revision

June - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

Sunday, May 15, 2016

May Third Week - IE Knowledge Revision

Introduction to Organizational Behavior

Third Week   15 May to 19 May

Environmental context: Information Technology and Globalization
Environmental context: Diversity and Ethics

Organizational Context: Design and Culture
Organizational Context:: Reward Systems

Perception and Attribution
Personality and Attitudes

Motivational Needs and Processes
Positive Psychology Approach to OB

Decision Making

Industrial engineering is concerned with  People, Processes, Technology and Management Policies and Activities. Productivity, Cost reduction and optimization, Efficiency Improvement and Waste Elimination are its objectives as system level. At people level, IE is concerned with comfort, safety, health, satisfaction and training.

Industrial engineers study anatomy, physiology, psychology, sociology and their applied subjects Ergonomics and Organizational Behavior (include consumer behavior).

Industrial engineers have to understand the principles and prescriptions of Organizational Behavior to develop their ways of interacting with people to study processes and to train them in improved processes.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

What Makes Industrial Engineers More Useful in Engineering/Manufacturing Organizations?

Industrial Engineers are versatile.

Industrial engineers have the consistent consideration of all situations from a systems standpoint. Their focus is on study of processes right from the inception of the discipline.

Their purpose is to enable people, processes and technology to work together synergistically to create value for the world.

IEs have long been considered the bridge between business and engineering – able to speak both languages and to bring disparate and diverse groups together to develop a common solution. In many ways, IEs appear to be balanced from a left brain and right brain aspect, with almost equal comfort employing the appropriate combination of technical skills and soft skills.

From the article
The chameleons of engineering
IE skills are perfect for a world that is changing – and their talents also can change the world
Industrial and Systems Engineering at Work
May 2016    |    Volume: 48    |    Number: 5
The member magazine of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers

My comment in FaceBook Discussion on the article
People, processes and technology - I explain it as human effort engineering and system efficiency engineering. Industrial engineering have to improve technology/engineering processes using both technology and managerial knowledge. I feel two engineering subjects "product productivity engineering and "Engineering processes productivity engineering" have to be made important subjects in IE curriculums to bring out clearly the engineering foundation of IE. Similarly a subject discussing waste being created by managerial processes/actions in technical processes has to be studied to bring out the role of managerial actions in reducing or improving productivity.

In FaceBook discussion

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Explanation for the Words "Industrial" and "Engineering" in Industrial Engineering

Pure Engineering - Industrial Engineering

Pure Engineering: Technical Product

Industrial Engineering - Product at the price paid by the customer and maximum profit to the firm through resource use minimization.

That is why Taiichi Ohno termed it Profit engineering
Target costing developed in Japan best explains the role of industrial engineering.

IE techniques are primarily used for improving technical processes and managerial processes of technical processes (planning, organizing, resourcing, executing and controlling of technical tasks and processes) for increasing productivity. All IE pioneers worked in engineering concerns. They improved technical processes as well as managerial methods and processes used to manage technical processes.

F.W. Taylor improved metal cutting, machines, and management of machine shop through his functional management scheme.

Gilbreth improved bricklaying process by making changes in techniques. Then he proceeded to make fatigue studies to decide the speed at which workers can function and also time.

As an augmented activity, IE is applied to business processes and managerial activities related to business processes.

The emphasis on engineering tasks is the engineering component of industrial engineering. Emphasis on making products profitable is the explanation for the term "industrial". Technical products are made commercial products or industrial products by IEs by reducing their costs below the prices quoted by potential consumers.

The basis for reduction of costs is better explained by value engineering. A potential customer quotes a price for a new product by the services it provides to him and by comparison to the prices that he is paying for current equipment that he is using. So for reducing the costs of a proposed product to bring it in line with customer's quote, industrial engineers have to study the architecture of the current products being used by potential customers. They need to get ideas for redesigning the proposed product by understanding how the required functions are being provided by the existing products being currently used at a lower cost. In investigating the product, the processes being used for producing them also come into investigation.

1908 – The industrial engineering department at Penn State is founded by Hugo Diemer, a pioneer in the field. Diemer coined the term “industrial engineering” in 1900 to describe the fusion of engineering and business disciplines. Diemer is named the first head of the department.

Updated  11 May 2016
Published on 9 May 2016

Monday, May 9, 2016

May Second Week - IE Knowledge Revision

Second Week 8 May to 12 May 2016

Managerial Accounting or Management Accounting - Review Notes
Relevant Information and Decision Making - Marketing Decisions

Relevant Information and Decision Making - Production
Relevant Information and Decision Making - HR

The Master Budget - Accounting Information
Flexible Budgets and Variance Analysis - Review Notes

Responsibility Accounting for Management Control
Accounting Information for Management Control in Divisionalized Companies

Capital Budgeting - Accounting and Cost Information

Introduction to Organizational Behavior

Relation between Industrial Engineering and Management Accounting

This week's subject of revision is management accounting. Management accounting provides accounting based data/information to managers for use in decision making models. One example is determining economic order quantities. Estimates of ordering cost, set up cost, and inventory carrying are provided by management accountants. Industrial engineers may also use number of accounting measures in optimization studies. They have to get data for these models from management accountants. Management accountants may not know details of these accounting measures initially and industrial engineers have to explain the composition of these measures to accountants. They have to get the data for measures,use them in the models and subsequently validate them, so that in future accountant provide these measures on a routine basis to decision makers.

Budgets are important for industrial engineers. They have to make sure that results of productivity projects carried by them in the last year are captured in the coming year budgets. Then only deviations from the budgeted results can be analyzed for deviations from standard practices prescribed by industrial engineering departments for improved efficiency or productivity.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Accounting Analysis of Productivity Projects and Programmes - Bibliography

Costing for Strategic Profitability Analysis -for-strategic-profitability.html

How to Measure Company Productivity using Value-added:
A Focus on Pohang Steel (POSCO)
Marvin B. Lieberman
UCLA Anderson School of Management
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1481
Jina Kang
Technology Management Economics and Policy Program (TEMEP)
Seoul National University
Seoul 151-742, South Korea

Profits and Productivity
E. Grifell-Tatjé
C.A.K. Lovell

The Productivity Paradox
Wickham Skinner