Thursday, October 31, 2019

October - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan


Principles of Motion Economy, Motion Study, Ergonomics, Job Evaluation, Wage Incentives

Principles of Industrial Engineering


October - First Week

Human Effort Industrial Engineering

We studied Taylor's Scientific Management in the introduction to industrial engineering. In Human Effort Industrial Engineering, we need to study "Motion Study" by Frank Gilbreth in full to understand the origin of the discipline.

MOTION STUDY - Frank B. Gilbreth - Part 1




MOTION STUDY VARIABLES - Frank B. Gilbreth - Part 2

I. Variables of the Worker.
II. Variables of the Surroundings, Equipment, and Tools
III. Variables of the Motion.


MOTION STUDY VARIABLES - Frank B. Gilbreth - Part 3

Variables described by Gilbreth tell us about the early scientific framework of human productivity science. We need to identify the variables that were subsequently added to this framework and scientific laws developed based on them.

MOTION STUDY VARIABLES - Frank B. Gilbreth - Part 4

MOTION STUDY VARIABLES - Frank B. Gilbreth - Part 5

MOTION STUDY VARIABLES - Frank B. Gilbreth - Part 6

October - Second Week


Principles of Motion Economy
Principles of Motion Economy - More Details - R.M. Barnes

Motion Study - Human Effort Engineering

The Two-Handed Process Chart for Motion Study
Motion Study - Operation Analysis - Questions

Principles of Human Effort Engineering
Operator Productivity Improvement Using Appropriate Hand Tools - Introduction to Jigs and Fixtures


October - 3rd Week - Ergonomics

Human Effort - Nature and Effects

Basic Ergonomic Principles

Ergnomic Guidelines for Manual Material Handling


Ibrahim H. Garbie
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University[ruhi%2012th%20sept]/word%20format%20papers/REGISTRATION%20PAID%20PAPERS%20FOR%20PROCEEDINGS/pdf/92%2015%20AN%20EXPERIMENTAL%20STUDY%20ON%20ASSEMBLY%20WORKSTATION%20CONSIDERING%20ERGONOMICALLY%20ISSUES.pdf

October - Fourth Week - Human Productivity Management

Human Effort Productivity Management

22 October

Taylor's Productivity Improvement and Operator Remuneration - Incentive System

23 October

Psychology Evaluation of Scientific Management by Lilian Gilbreth - 1914

People Productivity Factors - Model by R.A. Sutermeister

Improving Total Productivity - Paul Mali 1978 - Chapter Summaries

Job Evaluation

Pay Reforms

Wage Incentives - Literature Review


One Year Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

January - February - March - April - May - June

July - August - September - October - November - December

17 October Birthday - Ralph M Barnes (1900)
Rules of Barnes

18 October Birthday HB Maynard

Updated  30 September 2017,  23 August 2017,  11 Sep 2016

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Manufacturing Cost Policy Deployment (MCPD) and Methods Design Concept (MDC) 2017 IE Book Information

Alin Posteuca, Shigeyasu Sakamoto - Authors' Further Explanatory Articles


Productivity improvement and cost reduction have to be planned and achieved every year. Top managers have to take up the challenge  to opportunities to obtain annual and multiannual manufacturing target cost reduction whether sales volumes are expected to  increase  or decrease. Product introductions, withdrawals, new market entry, withdrawal etc. need not affect cost reduction and productivity improvement. Industrial engineering department has to engage itself in the improvement activity in response to industry trends that demand productivity improvement and facilitate productivity improvement.

Manufacturing profitability improvement through productivity and costs reduction is, and will remain, an eternal challenge to ensure perpetual prosperity in a global market.

Manufacturing Cost Policy Deployment (MCPD) and Methods Design Concept (MDC): The Path to Competitiveness

Alin Posteuca, Shigeyasu Sakamoto
CRC Press, March 2017,  434 pages

Increasing profitability through increasing productivity is a fundamental task of the management teams of any production company along with introducing better and new products and earning more revenue and profits.

The MCPD system is developed by Alin Posteuca, is a manufacturing cost management policy aimed at continuous cost improvement through a systemic and systematic approach to improving productivity. The MCPD is a methodology that improves the production flow driven by the need for Manufacturing Cost Improvement (MCI) for both existing and future products through setting targets and means to continuously improve production process productivity for each product family cost.

The MDC, developed by Shigeyasu Sakamoto, designs the effective manufacturing methods using a tool of engineering steps identifying ideas for increasing productivity called KAIZENSHIRO (improvable value as a target). The MDC results on production methods lead to effectiveness of work measurement for performance (P) and to knowledge and improvement of production control and planning as utilization (U), in order to achieve target costs.

The combination of MCPD and MDC methodologies can provide a unique approach for the managers who are seeking new ways for increasing productivity and profitability to increase the competitive level of their manufacturing company.

30 October 2019, 3 August 2017

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

People Productivity Factors - Model by R.A. Sutermeister

Productivity Science of Human Effort

Every element that makes up or affects the amount of work that the worker is able to turn out must be considered separately. - Frank Gilbreth
MOTION STUDY VARIABLES - Frank B. Gilbreth - Part 2

People Productivity Factors - Model by R.A. Sutermeister

1. Productivity

    2. Technological Development
         Raw Materials
         Job Layout

    3. Employees' Job Performance

        4. Ability

           5. Knowledge
           6. Skill

       7. Motivation
           8. Physical Conditions
               Rest Periods
            9. Individual Needs - Physiological, Social, Egoistic
                10. On the Job - Off Job Activities
                       Perception of the situation
                       Level of Aspiration
                       Reference Group
                       Male - Female
                       Cultural Background
                 11, Situation at a Point in Time
                       General Economic Conditions
                       Individual's Personal Situation
             12. Social Conditions
                   13. Formal Organization
                         14. Organization Structure
                         15. Leadership Climate
                         16. Organization Efficiency
                         17, Personnel Policies
                         18. Communication
                         19. Specific Environment of Company or Plant

                   20. Informal Organization (Groups)
                         21. Size
                         22. Cohesiveness
                         23. Groups

                   24. Leaders

                   33. Union

From R.A. Sutermeister,  People and Productivity, McGraw Hill, New York, 1969

These factors have to be taken into effect in Human Effort Industrial Engineering.

Related Papers

Productivity and Human Relations
W. Duane Evans
The American Economic Review
Vol. 37, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Fifty-ninth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association (May, 1947), pp. 412-420

Human Relations and Productivity
V K Gupta

Management of human resources and productivity
Journal of Business Ethics
November 1983, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp 273–289

Human resource management and productivity
Chapter In book: Handbook of Labor Economics Volume 4B, Chapter: 19, Publisher: Elsevier, pp.1697-1767, 2010/11

Updated on 23 October 2019, 22 April 2018


Sunday, October 20, 2019

Preventive Inspection - Preventive Maintenance

Shigeo Shingo highlights the concept of preventive inspection. The manufacturing process must have preventive inspection operations to prevent defects from occurring the process of manufacturing.

The inspection occurring at the end of completion of the process may prevent the defective part from getting despatched or sent to the customer. But eliminating defects during the process has to be the first aim and it can be achieved only inserting process defect preventing inspection operations in the process as part of process design and redesign.

Poka-Yoke is a term being used to describe the devices installed in the process or operation to highlight the likely defect and prevent it.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

2019 Productivity Improvement - Cost Reduction - Industrial Engineering News

Cost Reduction in Lean Organizations Part 1 of 3
Does lean reduce costs? – Yes! Tiiachi Ohno stated this very clearly: “costs do not exist to be calculated, they exist to be reduced.”

Labor Cost Reduction (Part 2 of 3)

Material and Machine Cost Reduction (Part 3 of 3)

The productivity imperative for healthcare delivery in the United States
February 2019 | Executive Briefing

What Makes Some People More Productive Than Others
Robert C. PozenKevin Downey
MARCH 28, 2019

Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of Productivity
28-29 March 2019Bolzano, Italy
Report available on the page

April 2019
Save-to-transform as a catalyst for embracing digital disruption.

Deloitte's 2019 Global Cost Survey

Cost-management remains a strong imperative around the world. Companies continue to have positive expectations for revenue growth, with many reducing costs to allow for necessary growth.
Reduce costs and reinvest where required.

Toyota, Honda pledge to cut cost and free up cash for new tech

May 08, 2019

Latest IT investment trend? Cost-cutting tech that also transforms

Enterprises are investing in digital solutions that help them save on infrastructure and other costs while enabling them to transform the business. Experts from Deloitte and Gartner explain why.
24 MAY 2019

7 Mini Case Studies: Successful Supply Chain Cost Reduction and Management

May 25, 2019

July 2019
TVS Motor Co. initiates major cost reduction plan

The productivity imperative in insurance
August 2019 | Article

Report: Procurement offices can see 45% cost reduction with digital transformation
Aug. 29, 2019

Delivering More in Post and Parcel - Driving strategic cost reduction
SEPTEMBER 30, 2019
Brody Buhler
Drives innovation and transformation for post and parcel businesses across the world.

Offshore wind cost reduction study


Industrial Engineering and Operations Management II
XXIV IJCIEOM, Lisbon, Portugal, July 18–20
Editors: Reis, Joao, Pinelas, Sandra, Melao, Nuno (Eds.)

Based on the 2018 International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IJCIEOM) conference that took place in Lisbon, Portugal, this proceedings volume is the first of two focusing on mathematical applications in digital transformation. The different contributions in this volume explore topics such as health care, social technologies, mathematical programming applications, public transport services, new product development, industry 4.0, occupational safety, quality control, e-services, risk management, and supply chain management.

11th ISIEM (International Seminar on Industrial Engineering & Management, "Technology and Innovation Challenges Towards Industry 4.0 Era"

Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 528, Number 1

Optimizing Current Strategies and Applications in Industrial Engineering
Prasanta Sahoo (Jadavpur University, India)
Release Date: January, 2019|Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 382

2nd Global Congress and Expo on Industrial Engineering and Applications
Theme: Innovations and Advancements in Industrial Sector
Date : April 20-21, 2020 Venue : Pacific Gateway Hotel, Vancouver, Canada



Dassault Systemes - Delmia Industrial Engineering

2018 Productivity Improvement - Cost Reduction - Industrial Engineering News


Cost Reduction Strategies for Power Generation
Resourcing power plants according to their needs and usage can generate big savings.
By Grant Dougans, Arnaud Leroi and Jim Wininger
June 27, 2018


How Governments Can Boost Labor Productivity
APRIL 16, 2018
By Cesar Sanchez , Alexander Türpitz , and Jakub Jaworowski

Four Ways Banks Can Radically Reduce Costs
JUNE 7, 2018
By Dominique Alf , Gregor Gossy , Lukas Haider , and Reinhard Messenböck

Pioneering Companies Aim for AI at Scale

BCG - MIT AI Survey
September 17, 2018

Continuing last year’s survey, this year's  research combines a global survey of 3,076 business executives and 36 in-depth interviews with business executives.

Organizations surveyed  were classified into four groups based on respondents’ responses to questions about their levels of AI adoption and AI understanding. Pioneers are enterprises that have extensive understanding of AI tools and concepts and significant levels of AI adoption; Investigators understand AI but have limited adoption; Experimenters have adopted AI but with limited understanding of it, and Passives have limited adoption and understanding of AI.

Four major patterns

1. Pioneers are deepening their commitments to AI. The percentage of Pioneers  is just under one-fifth of those polled. But Fully 88% of Pioneers invested  in AI. Pioneers are  pushing forward in AI implemention.
2. Pioneers are eager to scale AI throughout their enterprise. They say there is need for an AI strategy for scaling. 90% say they have a strategy in place already.
3. Pioneers are now moving into revenue-generating applications from cost-saving ones. Now the special focus is on revenue generation. Cost savings potential is understood from earlier pilots.

Overall, the second annual MIT Sloan Management Review-BCG research report tells a story of measurable benefits realized from current AI initiatives by pioneer companies. Increased investments are taking place  and determined efforts are being put in to expand AI across the enterprise.

Boosting Productivity in Construction with Digital and Lean
OCTOBER 10, 2018
By Roland Haslehner , Frédérik Jobert , Jacopo Brunelli , Andrea Nogara , Roberto Rodio , and Davide Véroux

A Roadmap for Cutting Decommissioning Costs by 30%
OCTOBER 17, 2018
By Philip Whittaker , Eric Oudenot , and Martha Vasquez


How do you take your enterprise cost reduction strategy from alienating to engaging?

Trent T Tishkowski
Principal, Strategy services, Ernst & Young LLP
July 19, 2018


McKinsey Global Institute
Solving the productivity puzzle
February 2018 | Report

How micro patterns offer additional insight into the aggregate productivity slowdown
Why productivity growth is declining in advanced economies
What a sector view reveals about the slowdown and outlook
How to capture the 2 percent or more productivity potential of advanced economies

International Agricultural Productivity Statistics - 1961-2016
The spreadsheets available below for downloading contain annual agricultural TFP indexes for individual countries, major global regions, and for countries grouped by income levels. The files also contain the input and output data used in the construction of the TFP indexes. See the "Explanation" tab in each workbook for a detailed description of the content.

A 2-Year Stanford Study Shows the Astonishing Productivity Boost of Working From Home

Stanford professor Nicholas Bloom  helped design a test whereby 500 employees were divided into two groups--a control group (who continued working at HQ) and volunteer work-from-homers.
Watch Bloom describe the study and the findings in his  TEDx talk.

The right design for productivity
By Guy Bilgorri
Senior Policy Advisor

Unpacking the AI-Productivity Paradox
Frontiers January 16, 2018  Reading Time: 5 min
Erik Brynjolfsson, Daniel Rock, and Chad Syverson
Digital, Technology Implementation

IT Cost Reduction Strategy: 7 Proven Tactics to Optimize your Budget

McKinsey Global Institute
Solving the productivity puzzle
February 2018 | Report

How micro patterns offer additional insight into the aggregate productivity slowdown
Why productivity growth is declining in advanced economies
What a sector view reveals about the slowdown and outlook
How to capture the 2 percent or more productivity potential of advanced economies

How to Save Money in Construction: Cost-Cutting in Each Project Phase
Grace Ellis
February 21, 2018

Information systems and knowledge management in industrial engineering: recent advances and new perspectives

F.B. Vernadat ,F.T.S. Chan ,A. Molina ,S.Y. Nof &H. Panetto
International Journal of Production Research
Volume 56, 2018 - Issue 8
Pages 2707-2713 | Published online: 02 Apr 2018

How Governments Can Boost Labor Productivity
APRIL 16, 2018
By Cesar Sanchez , Alexander Türpitz , and Jakub Jaworowski


Through newly proposed ideas, cost saving per pencil is expected to be 25% of the previous manufacturing cost.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology( ,ISSN: 2349-6002 ,Volume 4 ,Issue 12 ,Page(s):465-468 ,May 2018 ,
Available :

May 29, 2018.

More than $1 trillion Cost Savings

More than $1 trillion. That’s how much analysts estimate that artificial intelligence will save the banking industry. Financial institutions should expect a 22% cost reduction in operating expenses due to AI, with most of the savings coming from the front office.

19 JUNE 2018
Smart ports: increasing efficiency and cutting costs
Connected technologies are moving ports into the digital age and helping to boost productivity and cut costs. What are these technologies and where are they being used to good effect?

Cost Reduction Strategies for Power Generation
Resourcing power plants according to their needs and usage can generate big savings.
By Grant Dougans, Arnaud Leroi and Jim Wininger
June 27, 2018

Yes, Lean is About Cost Reduction
by Mark Reich
July 13, 2018
The reality is that Toyota, the company that developed  TPS focuses relentlessly on cost. It is such a deep part of their DNA.  Taiichi Ohno  introduced the concept that price is determined by the customer and if we want to increase profit we must reduce cost.

How do you take your enterprise cost reduction strategy from alienating to engaging?

Trent T Tishkowski
Principal, Strategy services, Ernst & Young LLP
July 19, 2018

Pioneering Companies Aim for AI at Scale

BCG - MIT AI Survey
September 17, 2018

Continuing last year’s survey, this year's  research combines a global survey of 3,076 business executives and 36 in-depth interviews with business executives.

Organizations surveyed  were classified into four groups based on respondents’ responses to questions about their levels of AI adoption and AI understanding. Pioneers are enterprises that have extensive understanding of AI tools and concepts and significant levels of AI adoption; Investigators understand AI but have limited adoption; Experimenters have adopted AI but with limited understanding of it, and Passives have limited adoption and understanding of AI.

Four major patterns

1. Pioneers are deepening their commitments to AI. The percentage of Pioneers  is just under one-fifth of those polled. But Fully 88% of Pioneers invested  in AI. Pioneers are  pushing forward in AI implemention.
2. Pioneers are eager to scale AI throughout their enterprise. They say there is need for an AI strategy for scaling. 90% say they have a strategy in place already.
3. Pioneers are now moving into revenue-generating applications from cost-saving ones. Now the special focus is on revenue generation. Cost savings potential is understood from earlier pilots.

Overall, the second annual MIT Sloan Management Review-BCG research report tells a story of measurable benefits realized from current AI initiatives by pioneer companies. Increased investments are taking place  and determined efforts are being put in to expand AI across the enterprise.

How Can Containers and Kubernetes Save you Money?

Kirill Goltsman
September 23, 2018

Container technology and container orchestration are revolutionizing deployment and management of applications in a multi-node distributed environments at scale.  Google open sourced Kubernetes in 2014. A number of reputable tech companies have decided to move their container workloads to the platform. There is a broad consensus that containers powered by containers orchestration frameworks make application CI/CD, deployment, and management at scale much more efficient and productive.

Roles of Industrial Engineering in Garments Factory
OCTOBER 3, 2018

Nokia- s €700M cost-cutting plan
Nokia announced a cost savings programme designed to shed €700 million from its operating and production expenditure by end-2020.  €500 million of the targeted cost cutting is expected to come from reductions in operating expenses.

“Nokia plans for these savings to come from a wide range of areas, including investments in digitalisation to drive more automation and productivity…the consolidation of selected cross-company activities; and further reductions in real estate and other overhead costs,”  The plan “is part of  the completion of Alcatel-Lucent-related cost saving programme aimed at savings of €1.2 billion.
 25 OCT 2018

Boosting Productivity in Construction with Digital and Lean
OCTOBER 10, 2018
By Roland Haslehner , Frédérik Jobert , Jacopo Brunelli , Andrea Nogara , Roberto Rodio , and Davide Véroux

JLR said to have roped in Boston Consulting Group to bring in GBP2.5bn cost reduction
As per media reports, the British carmaker has appointed BCG to formulate a turnaround plan to save £2.5bn over the next two years.

Zero-Based Budgeting Stars in Walgreens’ Cost-Cutting Push
Budgeting technique, central to plan to slash $1 billion in annual costs
December 21, 2018

Cost optimisation and category management.
We helped a global leading supplier of the automotive industry to reduce procurement cost.

Productivity and Efficiency Analysis
An Economic Approach to Measuring and Explaining Managerial Performance
Authors: O'Donnell, Christopher J.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

Industrial Engineering in Apparel Manufacturing
Book · February 2018 
Edition: 1st
Isbn: 978-81-932472-0-4
Publisher: Apparel Resources Pvt. Ltd.

© 2019
New Global Perspectives on Industrial Engineering and Management
International Joint Conference ICIEOM-ADINGOR-IISE-AIM-ASEM
Editors: Mula, J., Barbastefano, R., Díaz-Madroñero, M., Poler, R. (Eds.)
This book presents the proceedings of the 3rd International Joint Conference – ICIEOM-ADINGOR-IISE-AIM-ASEM (IJC2017) “XXIII International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management”, “International ADINGOR Conference 2017”, “International IISE Conference 2017”, “International AIM Conference 2017” and “International ASEM Conference 2017”, which took place at UPV (Universitat Politècnica de València) from July 6th to 7th, 2017.

Productivity  - Cost Reduction - Industrial Engineering

1991 Productivity Improvement - Cost Reduction News

Predicting (Individual) Software Productivity
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
February 1991, pp. 196-207, vol. 17

Semianalytical Productivity Models for Perforated Completions
February 1991
Society of Petroleum Engineers

Lead Time and Cost Reduction: A CNC Programming System for Motor Vehicle Prototypes
Jerry Fireman
Integrated Manufacturing Systems
ISSN: 0957-6061
Publication date: 1 March 1991

Switching to the MasterCam CNC programming system has allowed Ford Motor Company research staff to produce a wide variety of prototype parts with complex contours on CNC machine tools instead of  building patterns by hand and casting the parts.

The advantages have been impressive. (1)  Reduction in the cost of the average prototype part by 75 per cent. (2) Lead time has been reduced from an average of three weeks for pattern making, mould making and casting to a typical 48 hours for programming and CNC machining; and (3) prototype quality has been greatly improved because the machined parts possess mathematically sound contours rather than hand filed approximations.

A task-force approach to stuck pipe has produced more than a 70% reduction in BP Exploration Operating Co.'s worldwide stuck-pipe costs during 1989 and 1990.
May 27th, 1991

Factors Affecting Masonry‐Labor Productivity
Steve R. Sanders and H. Randolph Thomas
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Volume 117 Issue 4 - December 1991

Standardized data‐collection techniques are used to collect and consolidate data from 11 central Pennsylvania masonry projects. Exploratory analyses are performed to determine which factors most affect productivity. The factors identified are the work type, building element, construction methods, design requirements, and weather. More detailed analyses indicate that: (1) Data from multiple projects can be consolidated to obtain statistically valid results; (2) repetitive designs can effect a 30% improvement in productivity; (3) designs that require extensive layout and cutting can negatively affect productivity by as much as 40%; and (4) the effects of weather on masonry productivity are not well understood and deserve additional research.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

GE Brilliant Factory Development News

Case Study: Lighting the path to brilliance - GE’s Hendersonville Factory
Feb 26, 2019
GE has nine factories nationwide that have earned the title “brilliant” due to their digitization efforts—emerging technologies ranging from collaborative robots to real-time production displays to using light fixtures to track assets in the facility.

Digital Leader 2018:Shaveta Wadhera Jain:GE TRANSPORTATION


GE Plant Is Not Just Smart, It’s ‘Brilliant’
By Dan O'Brien | May 18, 2017

General Electric defines its Brilliant Factory concept as “boosting productivity by reimagining the way we design, manufacture and service products.”

It consists of the following four components:

Additive Manufacturing
Advanced Manufacturing—“cutting-edge technology and new manufacturing processes to lower cost andincrease the speed and performance of industrial products.”
Digital Maturity—“Digital connectivity and  digital analytics based insights that improve productivity and innovation .”
Lean Manufacturing

GE Global Operations helps its administrative staff with robots
Nov 23, 2017
Digitalization in the office: focus is on quality improvement, efficiency enhancement and capacity expansion


GE is using 3D printing to unleash the biggest revolution in large-scale manufacturing in over a century
March 25, 2016

GE - Brilliant Manufacturing
Slide Show
Glenn Vassallo, Co-Founder & CTO at SmartShepherd | AgTech, IoT, AR, Machine Learning


GE’s first-ever “brilliant factory” opened in Pune
By March 6, 2015

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Productivity and Industrial Engineering in Soft Drink Manufacturing



Productivity  plan performance 2018: This plan  was introduced in 2012 and expanded a couple of times since then to extend up to 2019.  It  focuses on restructuring the Company’s global supply chain; implementing zero-based work, an evolution of zero-based budget principles, across the organization; streamlining and simplifying the Company’s operating model; and further driving increased discipline and efficiency in direct marketing investments. The new productivity plan has been extended its previous productivity plan to save $3 billion in annual savings by 2019 to achieve an additional incremental savings of about $800 million, bringing its current program to $3.8 billion in productivity savings. If the $500 million of productivity that is planned to  be transferred to Coca-Cola’s bottling partners in 2019, the program extends to $4.3 billion in productivity savings by 2019.

21 October 2014
Coca Coal is expanding its current successful productivity program by targeting annualized savings of $3 billion per year by 2019. This productivity program will focus on four key areas:

• Restructuring the Company’s global supply chain, including manufacturing in North America;
• Implementing zero-based budgeting across the organization;
• Streamlining and simplifying its operating model; and
• Driving increased discipline and efficiency in direct marketing investments.

15 October 2013

During the three and nine months ended September 27, the company recorded charges of $97M and $312M, respectively, related to its productivity and reinvestment program.

The first component of this program is a global productivity initiative focused around four primary areas: global supply chain optimization;
global marketing and innovation effectiveness;
operating expense leverage and operational excellence; and
data and information technology systems standardization.

The second component of its productivity and reinvestment program involves an integration initiative in North America related to  acquisition of Coca-Cola Enterprises' former North America business.

The company has identified incremental synergies in North America, primarily in the area of its North American product supply operations, which will enable the company to better serve customers and consumers.

As a combined productivity and reinvestment program, the company anticipates generating annualized savings of $550M-$650M which will be phased in over time. Coke said it expects to begin fully realizing the annual benefits of these savings in 2015, the final year of the program.

Feb 2012

The company says productivity is a “core pillar” of its “2020 Vision”, which sets out its target to double revenue in the next eight years.

New PET Bottling Plant at Bidadi, India

Five to six people are operating the line and the plant now produces an average of 720,000 x 600 ml
bottles per day. The new line is performing fully as expected: bringing savings in the consumption of energy and water and producing light-weighted bottles.
The new Sidel's line is  flexible.  HCCBPL is currently bottling products in three different formats: 600ml ('on-the-go' size) at an output of 36,000 bottles per hour, 1250ml at 22,000 bph, and the larger 2000ml at 18,000 bph.,-india


The Traditional Channel Productivity Senior Manager

Coca - Cola
The Traditional Channel Productivity Senior Manager is responsible to:

Define the pipeline of DMI productivity projects for the traditional channel

Provide analysis and recommendations to maximize the ROI of the commercial and marketing initiatives to be implemented in the traditional channel

Support the implementation of the DMI productivity initiatives

Promote a productivity mindset in the system

Drive talent development/recruitment for the productivity analysts team

1. Project Pipeline Management (10%)
Identify and prioritize productivity initiatives. Alignment of objectives, reach, and time restrictions with clients and other relevant areas. Lead management routines with key stakeholders to review the status of the projects and the update of the pipeline

2. Provide analysis and recommendations to maximize the ROI of the commercial and marketing initiatives to be implemented in the traditional channel (35%)

Create models to measure the effectiveness of the marketing and commercial initiatives. Prepare business cases and recommendations to optimize the ROI of the initiatives Present business cases and recommendations to the key stakeholders
Define KPI#s to measure the success of the initiatives Provide post analysis and scorecards to follow up the ROI of the initiatives

3. Support the implementation of the initiatives (35%)
Design and implement processes to assure that the preparation of the business cases, analysis and recommendations are align with the market execution requirements. Support with specific analysis and business cases to be presented to bottlers, customers and providers

4. Promote a productivity mindset in the system (10%)
Provide a knowledge management platform containing business cases, recommendations, post analysis and scorecards of
each of the projects

5. Drive talent development/recruitment for the productivity analysts team (10%)

Manage development and carrier plan of the productivity analysts

Pepsi Cola

Process Improvement Engineer

PepsiCo - Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Posted 25 November 2014

Job description


The RTE Process Improvement Engineer is responsible for ensuring productivity goals for current year are met through coordinating existing projects, analyzing current practices and recommending improvements, and tracking cost management activities. In addition, the position is responsible for developing a healthy pipeline of productivity projects for years two and three.


Analyze, identify, recommend and implement methods to reduce waste, inefficiencies and non-value added activities.
Develop annual operating plan, yield, cullage, and fixed budgets for RTE.
Coach and train others on variable labor costs, yields, cullage and fixed budgets.
Facilitate brainstorming meetings with RTE natural work teams and salaried team members for purposes of identifying cost improvement projects. Coordinate the development of timelines and action step accountabilities (RACI charts).
Assist in the development of the RTE capital plans to support the respective business unit objectives.
Manage/lead operational projects.
Coordinate and complete cost studies, providing FOB buildups, impact to fixed budgets, and work with the project study team to identify capital requirements.
Analyze component and total system (process/equipment/ methods) capabilities; identify, develop, and execute improvement opportunities.
Educate department employees on KPI's (key performance indicators) and other business information. Coach and train your work team on the costs of the operation and how their actions can impact these costs.
Demonstrate exemplary problem solving skills; coach and lead others to execute problem solving
Demonstrate good oral and written communication skills through leading meetings, facilitating meetings and preparing written plant communications.
Assist in plant initiatives and direct line supervision as needed.
Coach and lead an Autonomous Maintenance team within the assigned area of responsibilities
Responsible for Centerline Compliance and Minor Stop losses for assigned area. Identifying opportunities and working with AM teams to resolve issues using Focused Improvement Tools.
Leading and facilitating Simple Root Cause (SRC) and 7 Steps
Other job duties as required.
Ensure financial commitments and targets are achieved or exceeded in the areas of operating income and invested capital to ultimately contribute to the net profitability of the RTE business. This is achieved through management of capital plans, cost improvement goals, variable costs, fixed costs (including maintenance), quality, high performance work system development, and other miscellaneous areas.
Develop long range plans, goals and strategies in order to ensure net profitability of the unit using TPM and LSS .
To establish/maintain departmental programs which assure full compliance with pre-established Federal, State, Corporate and Plant sanitation and safety standards.
To establish and adhere to department variable and fixed budgets; to establish and adhere to yield, cullage, and over-pack standards; to direct the department in such a manner to ensure the highest level of efficiency while meeting these budgeted costs and standards; to continue to push the organization to attack leading financial losses.
To keep abreast of new developments affecting the RTE department, including new products, modifications, and processes.


Ten packaging assets
Ten processing assets

TPM - Sustain a culture of continuous improvement
Problem Solving
Lean Six Sigma
Financial Accounting/Analysis
Project Management
Long-Range Operations Planning
Communication Skills

Working Knowledge of:
Industrial Engineering (Methods and Costing)
Labor Relations
Regulatory Requirements
Quality Assurance
Natural Work Teams/High Performance Work System

Minimum Job Requirements :

The RTE department consists of highly automated and complex machinery. The candidate must be knowledgeable concerning sophisticated processing and packaging machinery and materials being used. The RTE Process Improvement Engineer must coordinate daily activities with the RTE Operations Manager, other operating departments, staff groups, and/or suppliers. The RTE Process Improvement Engineer is expected to develop, recommend, and implement productivity improvements.

PepsiCo is an equal opportunity employer and gives consideration for employment to qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or protected veteran status.

Supply Chain Senior Analyst (Industrial Engineer)

PepsiCo - Plano, Texas
Posted 21 November 2014

Job description

Position will be responsible for performing industrial engineering time studies to validate and maintain Warehouse Labor Management System.
Position will update LM system at each site after appropriate time sampling and auditing processes have been completed.
Position will perform floor observations of the work space to analysis the business and look for new streams of productivity
Position will routinely meet with field Business Unit Leaders and shift managers to address and review Labor Management program opportunities.
Position will work closely with field LM experts to address issues, concerns, watch-outs.


Degree in Industrial Engineering is required.
1-3 yrs, Industrial Engineering experience
Experience performing time and motion studies, preferrably in a warehousing environment.
Thorough understanding of warehouse systems and processes.
Ability to influence across different levels of the organization.
Ability to work independently, setting own work plan and priorities.

July 2008

Director of fleet procurement, Pepsi Cola, Pete Silva has helped PepsiCo achieve substantial cost and time savings, including:

Helping produce more than $1.1 million total fleet savings for PepsiCo in 2007 by improvements in purchasing processes across the supply chain.

Testing hybrids in 2005, eventually leading the company to convert its company car fleet to hybrids.

Supporting Frito-Lay efforts to redesign its delivery trucks, leading to significant capital savings over the past two years.

PepsiCo is one of the world’s largest producers of convenience snacks, foods, and beverages, with revenues of more than $39 billion and more than 185,000 employees. The PepsiCo and bottler fleets number more than 48,000 U.S. vehicles.

Updated on 15 October 2019
30 November 2014

Sunday, October 13, 2019

American Gear Manufacturers Association - Information of Members and Activities

Productivity and IE in Textile Mills

30 per cent increase in productivity

Improving Productivity of Spinning Mill - 2016 -17

This article discusses authors’ hands-on experience of improving productivity of a spinning mill in SEA (South East Asia) to the tune of 30 per cent and the impact on the overall performance of the unit. A relatively modern spinning mill equipped with auto doffing in ring frames and latest autoconers with a capacity of 64,000 spindles have been producing 1,054 tonne per month (average Ne 23) and product-mix is equally divided between carded and combed. The production is increased to 1,402 tons per month with in 24 months of implementing a productivity improvement intervention programme.

Factors for Production in Spinning Mill

Productivity in Fabrics - Bureau of Labor Statistics - 1995

Updated on 13 October 2019, 18 January 2014

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Productivity Management in Engineering Organizations - Online Book

Why Productivity Management?

Why Focus on Productivity and  Productivity Management?

Chapter of Productivity Management in Engineering Organizations - Online Book

For a Society or  a nation to raise the standard of living of its population, it must strive to maximize the return from its resources or improve productivity so that the economy can grow and sustain a better quality of life.  (ILO, Introduction to Work Study).

The management of an enterprise is responsible for seeing that the enterprise resources ... are combined in the best possible way to achieve the highest productivity. (ILO, Introduction to Work Study).

The Japanese economy successfully weathered the oil crises of the seventies without suffering serious damage ... This success has been attributed primarily to Japan's high productivity. (Shigeo Shingo)

Productivity is a long-term survival issue. Unless a company focuses on productivity as a key
ingredient of their corporate philosophy, it won't survive. (Ian Rolland and Robert Johnson)

Companies must plan for productivity. Productivity does not just happen. It requires a strategy that is comprehensive, long-range, and monitored. It requires rational, purposeful behavior on the part of everyone.  (Ian Rolland and Robert Johnson)

We can easily state that productivity is the only source of real economic growth and progress. A nation must maintain competitive levels of productivity in key industries to even maintain its standard of living in what is becoming an increasingly competitive world market. (D. Scott Sink)

The manufacturing sector of the Japanese economy has led the world in productivity growth rates for almost 30 years. In a number of key industries, Japan has far surpassed the United States in absolute levels of productivity. One factor contributing to Japan's success is its focus on improving competitive capability, efficiency, and "striking power" in strategically selected target industries.  (D. Scott Sink)

Japan's government and industry cooperate to manage industrial policy strategically. As part of the strategy, growth, productivity, quality, and innovation are managed systematically in target industries. (D. Scott Sink)

(C) Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. 2019

Next Chapter
2. Productivity - Basic Concepts

Related Articles


Productivity - Basic Concepts

Productivity - Basic Concepts

Chapter of Productivity Management in Engineering Organizations - Online Book

Productivity - Definitions

Productivity was mentioned probably for the first time in an article by Quesnay in 1766.
In 1883, Littre defined productivity as the "faculty to produce," that is, the desire to produce.

In 1950, the Organisation  for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) provided the following  definition of productivity:

"Productivity is the quotient obtained by dividing output by one of the factors of production. In this way it is possible to speak of the productivity of the capital, investment, or raw materials according to whether output is being considered in relation to capital, investment, or raw materials, etc."

Productivity may be defined as follows:
Productivity = Output/Input  (Kanawaty)
The term productivity can be used to assess or measure the extent to which a certain output can be extracted from a given input. The inputs of an enterprise are land and buildings, materials, plant machines and equipment, energy and human resources. The outputs are saleable products and services.

R .M . Barnes 
R.M. Barnes discussed production in chapter 1 of his book, Motion and Time Study: Design and Measurement of Work (1980). The chapter is actually titled as Productivity.

Barnes explained that in a broad sense, productivity is the ratio of output to some or all of the resources used to produce the output. Labor productivity may be defined as "output per labor hour." Capital productivity as output per unit capital input. All inputs contribute to the total productivity of the firm. The focus in motion and time study is productivity of labor, machines, equipment, and facilities.

Barnes recommends that productivity of workers is measured as a ratio between output standard time and actual labor hour input.

Productivity of capital represented by machines and other operating facilities is of importance. Barnes identified speed of the equipment and the downtime as the two most important factors controlling productivity and costs. He mentioned steel mills as an example in this context.

Barnes, R. M., Motion and Time Study Design and Measurement of Work, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1980.
Kanawaty, Introduction to Work Study,  4th Edition,  International Labour Office, Geneva, 1992
Littre, Larousee Etymological Dictionary, 1946-49 edition.
OEEC, Terminology of Productivity, 1950.

Productivity Measures

Productivity = Output/Input

Partial Factor Productivity  =  Productivity of a Resource   =  Output/Input of  single resource.

Total Factor Productivity =  Output/Input of all resources

(C) Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. 2019

Next Chapter
3. The Evolution of Productivity Management

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Productivity Measurement

313 Textile Mills - North American Industry Classification System - Textile Mills, Products and Apparel Manufacturing

313 Textile Mills

Productivity and IE in Textile Mills

3131 Fiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills
31311 Fiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills
313110 Fiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills

3132 Fabric Mills

31321 Broadwoven Fabric MillsT
313210 Broadwoven Fabric Mills
31322 Narrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine EmbroideryT
313220 Narrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine Embroidery
31323 Nonwoven Fabric MillsT
313230 Nonwoven Fabric Mills
31324 Knit Fabric MillsT
313240 Knit Fabric Mills

3133 Textile and Fabric Finishing and Fabric Coating Mills
31331 Textile and Fabric Finishing MillsT
313310 Textile and Fabric Finishing Mills
31332 Fabric Coating MillsT
313320 Fabric Coating Mills

314 Textile Product Mills

3141 Textile Furnishings MillsT
31411 Carpet and Rug MillsT
314110 Carpet and Rug Mills
31412 Curtain and Linen MillsT
314120 Curtain and Linen Mills
3149 Other Textile Product MillsT
31491 Textile Bag and Canvas MillsT
314910 Textile Bag and Canvas Mills
31499 All Other Textile Product MillsT
314994 Rope, Cordage, Twine, Tire Cord, and Tire Fabric Mills
314999 All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills

315 Apparel Manufacturing

3151 Apparel Knitting MillsT
31511 Hosiery and Sock MillsT
315110 Hosiery and Sock Mills
31519 Other Apparel Knitting MillsT
315190 Other Apparel Knitting Mills
3152 Cut and Sew Apparel ManufacturingT
31521 Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors
315210 Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors
31522 Men’s and Boys’ Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing
315220 Men’s and Boys’ Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing
31524 Women’s, Girls’, and Infants’ Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing
315240 Women’s, Girls’, and Infants’ Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing
31528 Other Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing
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3159 Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing
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315990 Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing

Updated on 13 October 2019, 6 January 2014

This blog is for information of various textile chemistry as well as processing subjects, like, Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing, Finishing, Quality control, Process control ,Textile processing machineries, Management of Textile Industries, Computer application, Technical Textile, New trends in textile processing, etc...