Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Introduction to Industrial Engineering - Review of Module 1 - Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course

Lesson 44 - Introduction to Process Industrial Engineering Module

Review of Module 1: Introduction to Industrial Engineering

Introduction to Industrial Engineering

Day 1 (19 May 2020)

Industrial Engineering - History

Industrial engineers (IE) are employed and productivity improvement and cost reduction are practiced in many companies using IE  philosophy, principles, methods, techniques and tools.
Apple Inc. - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs

The history of industrial engineering (IE) starts from 1880 with the address of the first president of ASME. He called for effort by mechanical engineers to reduce cost of engineering products and products made using engineering processes.

Number of ASME members have come with ideas on how to do it. F.W. Taylor's became very popular. It advocated redesign of engineering elements based on cost, time and productivity analysis. For this purpose, Taylor proposed a new department, named, "elementary rate fixing department", which has stature equal to engineering and commercial department. This rate fixing department idea got transformed into industrial engineering department that became a bridge between engineering and engineering management departments.

Improving engineering elements of operations and processes and determining the output possible from the process per unit period is the function of the "elementary rate fixing department" ( industrial engineering department). It involves productivity science, engineering and management.

Frank Gilbreth extended the science development of Taylor into development of science of human effort. He created the method of "motion study." It was augmented into method study by subsequent authors on industrial engineering as motions are made as part of method that includes equipment, tools and the layout of the work center and plant. Total plant is also involved, when the operator has to planning office, stores for materials and tools etc.

Hugo Diemer started the IE course first in Penn Stage College. He wrote books on Factory Administration and Industrial Organization and discussed industrial engineering, standardization, motion study and time study in them.

Maynard and Barnes made substantial contribution to motion study and time study. Maynard described in detail operation analysis process that clearly brings out the components of machine work study. Taylor's approach for machine shop industrial engineering is machine work improvement first and then developing operator work to run the machine at higher speeds and feeds. This approach got neglected in the evolution of industrial engineering. This gap is pointed out in the recently developed principles of industrial engineering, which synthesize the developments in industrial engineering over a period of 110 years after the start of from industrial engineering program in engineering department.

The case study accompanying the lesson 1, emphasizes that most of the companies  Industrial engineers (IE) are employed and productivity improvement and cost reduction are practiced in many companies using IE  philosophy, principles, methods, techniques and tools. In the course, similar information about many other manufacturing companies will be given so that learners can appreciate the importance of industrial engineering to viability and growth of the organizations. Industrial engineering is essential activity for survival and growth of companies. stagnation in products and processes will lead to the decline and death of the organizations.

Day 2

Industrial Engineering - Definition and Explanation

IE Continuous Improvement - 3 Years - 50% Cost Reduction - Diplexer Line Case Study

Industrial engineering was defined by many authors. A simple statement will clearly bring out the essential function of industrial engineering.

Industrial engineering is system efficiency engineering and human effort engineering.

Efficiency improvement of engineering system requires in depth knowledge of engineering and then knowledge of number of other disciplines. Human effort engineering is specially indicated, as among all engineering branches, industrial engineering has special focus on study and design of human effort.

Day 3

Industrial Engineering Introduction

BMW - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs

Day 4

Pioneering Efforts of Taylor, Gilbreth and Emerson

Coca-Cola - Cisco Systems - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs

A more detailed treatment of Taylor's productivity improvement research on turning operations and some manual activities are described in this note.

Gilbreth's motion study and Emerson's contribution to productivity management are also covered in this note.

Day 5

Industrial engineering Principles, Methods Tools and Techniques

YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU8CdWfZZdU  Principles of Industrial Engineering Presentation at IISE 2017 Conference, Pittsburgh

DuPont - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs

Principles of industrial engineering are covered in more detail in this note.

Day 6

Functions and Focus Areas of Industrial Engineering

Value Engineering - Paddy Transplanter - Case Study

Functions of industrial engineers are clearly brought out in this note. Productivity improvement is done taking care not impact any effectiveness dimension currently existing in the product or process.
Therefore productivity focus of industrial simultaneously takes care of many other dimensions and developments in these dimension are continuously monitored and learned by IEs.

Focus areas of industrial engineering identify important areas of study by industrial engineers. Each area requires study of many more related subjects.

An example of value engineering is provided with this note, to introduce practical application of product industrial engineering, a focus area of IE.

Day 7

Industrial Engineering of Belting - 1893

Ford - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs

Industrial engineering of belting introduces the first contribution of Taylor to industrial engineering. Redesign of an engineering element, belt drive based on accumulated cost data and its analysis with respect to engineering variables and alternatives.

Day 8

Productivity Science

GE going strong on Lean & Kaizen
GlaxoSmithKline - GE - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs

Taylor's most important contribution is emphasis on science in management. Development of productivity science is the foundation for industrial engineering.

Day 9

Product Industrial Engineering

Value Analysis and Engineering - Examples by L.D. Miles - Part 1

Product industrial engineering is introduced in more detail in this note.

Day 10

Process Industrial Engineering

Process Industrial Engineering - Illustration: Process Industrial Engineering Using Robo Cylinder

Process industrial engineering is introduced in more detail in this note.

Day 11

Industrial Engineering Economic Analysis

Honda - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs

Economic analysis of industrial engineering change or redesign proposal is required to show that cost reduction is happening and there is required rate of return on the investment that is made in redesign.

Day 12

IE Measurements

Milling - Estimation of Machining Time

Industrial engineering is based on measurements. Cost, time and productivity are important productivity related measurements.

Day 13

Value Creation for the Organization by Industrial Engineers - Productivity Engineering

Process Industrial Engineering - Illustration:  Gear Machining Productivity

Industrial engineering exists in the organization for creating value for the organization. This value creation potential is indicated in numerical terms and the compensation given to industrial engineers is justified in the planned and recommended benefits to be offed through IE projects,

The introduction prepares us to go into second module, wherein many concepts that were developed various authors over a period of 110 years were introduced chronologically with special focus on the authors and researchers who developed them.


Pub 23 June 2020

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