Industrial Engineering is System Efficiency Engineering. It is Machine Effort and Human Effort Industrial Engineering. 2.67+ Million Page View Blog. 200,000+ visitors. (36,500+ page views and 21,000+ visitors in 2024.)
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The course's first module is introduction to industrial engineering. It starts with history of industrial engineering.
The second module describes the fundamental IE concepts initiated by Taylor, Gilbreth, Emerson, Gantt. In the second generation industrial engineers the contribution of Maynard and Barnes are highlighted. Then we have Japanese contributions. The contribution of Shigeo Shingo is specially included.
The developments in industrial engineering since 1880 were formulated into a discipline of engineering in 1908 by Prof. Diemer. The developments up to 2017 were summarized as principles of engineering by Narayana Rao and were presented in the IISE Annual Conference at Pittsburgh. The paper is part of the proceedings of the conference.
The third module takes the principle of productivity science forward.
The following modules are the discussion of the principle of productivity engineering, the primary engineering activity or the primary activity of industrial engineering.
2. F.W. Taylor, made comments in ASME Annual meetings.
3. F.W. Taylor presented paper discussing cost aspects of belt transmission practices and gave his suggestions for minimizing costs associated with belt transmission systems.
4. F.W. Taylor presented a paper outlining a system to increase productivity of machine - man combination (A department to study time taken by machines and men and minimize the time taken was advocated. Time study. This department became industrial engineering department).
4a. The need for an engineer who understands cost aspects of engineering decisions was outlined. Such an engineer was called as industrial engineer or production engineer. (Harvard Business School faculty member 1901)
8. Industrial engineering course was started in Penn State College by Prof. Diemer in 1908.
9. Principles of Scientific Management was published by F.W. Taylor. Productivity science, Productivity Engineering, and Productivity Management was proposed in these principles (1911).
10. C.B. Going authors the book, Principles of Industrial Engineering in 1911.
12. Time study according to Taylor is breaking a task (process and operation) into elements and examining every feature and its relation to time taken to complete the element. Taylor advocated study of number of operators doing the same element to identify the method of doing the element in minimum time. Thus a best practice is identified and based on this and other observation, development of productivity science of the element has to be developed. Time measurement is involved, but more important is understanding the relation between various features and time taken.
An operation has to be improved by selection of elements each taking minimum time (combination of best practice elements.)
13. Motion study is to be done by recording motions of each hand of the operator (Gilbreth). Workmen use different motions when they want to do fast work. Even Gilbreth advocates study of multiple operators to identify the fastest motions giving quality work. Gilbreth recognized time measurement to identify the fastest methods of doing work.
14. Process Chart was proposed by Gilbreths in 1921 to record the process in terms of operations or tasks of different categories.
Therefore we can see the role of element improvement, operation improvement and process improvement in total improvement of processes.
16. A factory has many processes being used parallely. Production of each part is a process. Factory facilities are to be selected to maximize efficiency of processes. Processes have to take less time and cost less.
17. H.B. Maynard developed a popular predetermined human motion measurement system (MTM).
18. Based on observations of motions, Gilbreth developed principles of motion economy - part of productivity science of human effort. Prof. Barnes did number of experimental studies on these principles.
19. The engineering done by industrial engineers to increase productivity can be categorized into three important areas. Facilities Industrial Engineering, Product Industrial Engineering, and Process Industrial Engineering
20. The main methods of product industrial engineering are value analysis & value engineering and design for machining & assembly. Value analysis identifies opportunities for value improvement. Value engineering develops the concepts for improvement and does the detailed engineering to implement the concept.
21. Process industrial engineering uses process charts to describe the process (say process of producing a part) comprehensively in terms of operations. The operations included in the process are termed as operation (material processing or transformation), inspection, transport, storage and temporary delays. Industrial engineers have to improve each of the operations in terms of improving its elements to increase productivity and reduce cost.
22. Process level analysis is termed ECRS method. E stands for examining the effectiveness of operation in contributing to the completion of the process. If the output of the operation is not satisfactory to the customer, it has to be modified first to make it effective. Only effective operations have to examined for increasing efficiency without affecting effectiveness. Effectiveness first, efficiency next is to be a principle of industrial engineering. E also represents eliminate. If the operation is redundant or can be eliminated by changes in any other operation, it can be totally removed from the process. The possibility of such an occurrence has to be investigated.
C represents combining two operations in sequence. This is reducing of division of labor in the process. Similarly even the possibility of splitting an operation further and doing it on two different machines or work stations can also be examined. This is increasing division of labor.
R represent rearrangement of operations. The sequence of operations is changed to get productivity advantage.
S stands for simplification or improvement of the operation. For doing it operation analysis needs to be done.
In a process, 5 types of operations are identified. Material processing, inspection, transport, storage and delay. Operations occur in processes. For each operation included in the process, a detailed operation detail sheet has to be prepared for analyzing the operation and improving it. Analyzing the operation involves evaluation of engineering and managerial elements. Industrial engineers need to have full knowledge of the elements related to the processes under their management. Then only they can identify waste and improvement opportunities based on the questions raised in the analysis.
24. Material Processing Operations
Machines, material, men and many other consumable materials, energy and information are used in material processing operations. In manufacturing, it is engineering that drives this operation. Industrial engineers need to have full knowledge of basic production processes or methods, various machines and accessories, cutting tools and other consumable used. The core elemental activities involved are information transfer, setting up the machine, loading the work piece, machining or machine activity, and unloading the work piece, and operator inspection of the incoming material, in-process work piece and finished work piece.
25. Inspection Operations
Normally in a process chart practice, the inspection carried out by a specially designated inspector is included as this operation. To improve inspection operations, the IE has to know in detail the measuring instruments and measuring processes.
To do productivity engineering of processes, Industrial engineers have to learn new technology as it appears.
Moving Beyond Islands of Experimentation to AI Everywhere
The agile teams needed to kick-start artificial intelligence must give way to companywide structures in order to scale the technology across a business.
Company has to make the technology available and train persons. In the case of industrial engineering, it is industrial engineers who have to evaluate and implement AI in each element of the processes as appropriate and rational. No doubt process designers have to implement AI in each of the processes. The AI technology team has to train process designers and industrial engineers in engineering
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