Issuewise Details for the period 1994 ot the current period.
1969 vol. 1
The Relationship Between Measures of Heart Rate and Rate of Energy Expenditure
Robert B. Andrews
pages 2-10
A Generalized Materials Handling Simulation System
Charles E. Donaghey
pages 11-16
Non-Parametric Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Programming
Robert n. Braswell & Frederick m. Allen
pages 17-23
Minimum Cost Quality Control Tests
H. Allan Knappenberger & A. H. E. Grandage
pages 24-32
The Utility of Signal-Detection Theory in the Analysis of Industrial Inspector Accuracy
P. M. Wallack & S. Keith Adams
pages 33-44
GERT: Part III—Further Statistical Results; Counters, Renewal Times, and Correlations
Gary E. Whitehouse & A. Alan B. Pritsker
pages 45-50
A Blood Bank Collection Scheduling and Inventory Control System
C. Carl Pegels
pages 51-55
Linear Programming Analysis of a Water Supply System
Ishwar Gupta
pages 56-61
Size of Administrative Units—Some Criteria and Decision Rules
Ernst S. Valfer & Gideon Schwarzbart
pages 62-69
The Shape of the Normal Work Area in the Horizontal Plane
Stephan Konz & Satish C. Goel
pages 70-74
Establishing the Optimum Inventory Size and Stocking Policy for a Warehouse
David P. Herron & Richard L. Hawley
pages 75-80
Determining the Mean Time to Failure for Certain Redundant Systems
Philip Jumonville & William G. Lesso
pages 81-82