Friday, September 30, 2022

International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering - Information

International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Material Handling and Transport System - Principles for Design and Options

Lesson 137 of  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course.

Sub-Module in Process Improvement - Transport - Material Handling Operations

Lessons  136  -  137  - 138 - 139 - 140 -  141

The 10 Principles of Material Handling [CICMHEI]


All material handling should be the result of a deliberate plan where the needs,  requirements, performance objectives, and functional specification of the proposed methods are completely defined at the outset.

• The plan should be developed in consultation between the planners and all who will use and benefit from the equipment to be employed.
• Success in planning large-scale material handling projects generally requires a team approach involving material handling system designers, suppliers, consultants when appropriate, and end user specialists from engineering, production operations, computer and information systems. 
• The design process should promote concurrent engineering of product, process design, process layout, and material handling methods as opposed to independent and sequential design practices.
• The plan should reflect the strategic objectives of the organization and the design should take into consideration all the  needs of all operators.


Standardization is term is used extensively in books of scientific management and industrial engineering. Both Taylor and Gilbreth used the term in their writings.
Material handling methods, equipment, controls, and software should be standardized within the limits of achieving overall performance objectives and without sacrificing needed flexibility, modularity, and throughput.

• Standardization means planning for the requirements and less variety  in the methods and equipment employed.
• Standardization applies to sizes of containers and other load forming components as well as operating
procedures and equipment
• The planner should select methods and equipment that can perform a variety of tasks under a variety of
operating conditions and in anticipation of changing future requirements.
• Standardization, flexibility, and modularity must not be incompatible.

3. WORK PRINCIPLE: Material handling work should be minimized without sacrificing  the level of service required of the operation.

• The measure of material handling work is flow rate (volume, weight, or count per unit of time) multiplied by distance moved.
• Consider each pickup and set-down, or placing material in and out of storage, as distinct moves and
components of the distance moved.
• Simplifying processes by reducing, combining, shortening, or eliminating unnecessary moves will reduce work.
• Where possible, gravity should be used to move materials or to assist in their movement while respecting consideration of safety and the potential for product damage (Japanese Karakuri).
• The Work Principle applies universally, from mechanized material handling in a factory to over-the-road trucking.
• The Work Principle is implemented best by appropriate layout planning: locating the production equipment into a physical arrangement corresponding to the flow of work. This arrangement tends to minimize the distances that must be traveled by the materials being processed.

4. ERGONOMIC PRINCIPLE; Human capabilities and limitations must be recognized and respected in the design of material handling tasks and equipment to ensure safe and effective operations.

• Ergonomics is the science that seeks to adapt work or working conditions to suit the abilities of the worker.
• The material handling workplace and the equipment must be designed so they are safe for people.
• The ergonomic principle embraces both physical and mental tasks
• Equipment should be selected that eliminates repetitive and strenuous manual labor and that effectively Interacts with human operators and users


Unit loads shall be appropriately sized and configured in a way which achieves the maternal flow and inventory objectives at each stage in the supply chain.

• A unit load is one that can be stored or moved as a single entity at one time, such as a pallet, container, or tote, regardless of the number of individual items that make up the load.
• Less effort and work are required to collect and move many individual items as a single load than to move many items one at a time.
• Large unit loads are common both pre- and post manufacturing in the form of raw materials and finished goods.
- Smaller unit loads are consistent with manufacturing strategies that embrace operating objectives such as flexibilitv, continuous flow and just-in-time delivery. 
Smaller unit loads (as few as one item) yield less in￾process inventory and shorter item throughput times.


Effective and efficient use must be made of all available space.

• Space in material handling is three-dimensional and therefore is counted as cubic space. . ..
• In storage areas, the objective of maximizing storage density must be balanced against accessibility and selectivitv.
• When transporting loads within a facility, the use of overhead space should be considered as an option. Use of overhead material handling systems saves valuable floor space for productive purposes.


Material movement and storage activities should be fully integrated to form a coordinated, operational system that spans receiving, inspection, storage, production, assembly, packaging, unitizing, order selection, shipping, transportation, and the handling of returns.

• Systems integration should encompass the entire supply chain, including reverse logistics. it should include suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and customers
• Inventory levels should be minimized at all stages of production and distribution while respecting
considerations of process variability and customer service.
• Information flow and physical material flow should be integrated and treated as concurrent activities
• Methods should be provided for easily identifying materials and products, for determining their location and status within facilities and within the supply chain, and for controlling their movement.


Material handling operations should be mechanized and/or automated where feasible to improve operational efficiency, increase responsiveness, improve consistency and predictability. decrease operating costs, and eliminate repetitive or potentially unsafe manual labor.

-  In redesigning pre-existing processesm  methods should be simplified and/or re-engineered before any efforts to install mechanized or automated systems. Such analysis may lead to elimination of unnecessary steps in the method.
• Items that are expected to be handled automatically must have standard shapes and/or features that permit mechanized and/or automated handling.
• Interface issues are critical to successful automation, including equipment-to-equipment, equipment-to load, equipment-to-operator, and In-control communications.
• Computerized material handling systems should be considered where appropriate for effective integration of material flow and information management.


Environmental impact and energy consumption should be considered as criteria when designing or selecting alternative equipment and material handling systems.

• Environmental consciousness stems from a desire not to waste natural resources and to predict and
eliminate the possible negative effects of our daily actions on the environment.
• Containers, pallets, and other products used to form and protect unit loads should be designed for
reusabllity when possible and/or biodegradability after disposal. 
• Materials specified as hazardous have special needs with regard to spill protection, combustibility, and
other risks.

10. LIFE CYCLE COST PRINCIPLE: A thorough economic analysis should account for the entire life cycle of all material handling equipment and resulting systems.

• life cycle costs include all cash flows that occur between the time the first dollar is spent to plan a new
material handling method or piece of equipment until that method and/or equipment is totally replaced.
• life cycle costs include capital investment, installation, setup and equipment programming, training,
system testing  and acceptance, operating (labor, utilities, etc., maintenance and repair, reuse value, and
ultimate disposal.
• A plan for preventive and predictive maintenance should be prepared for the equipment  and the estimated cost of maintenance and spare parts should be included In the economic analysis
• A long-range plan for replacement of the equipment when it becomes obsolete should be prepared.
• Although measurable cost is a primary factor, it is certainly not the only factor in selecting among
alternatives. Other factors of a strategic nature to the organization and that form the basis for competition in the market place should be considered and quantified whenever possible.

Material Handling - Explanation by Maynard

In Operation Analysis Book

The handling of material costs money, and therefore it should be eliminated or reduced as much as possible.

The material must be transported to the work station, it must be handled by the operator before and after processing, and finally it must be taken away again. On a punch-press operation, for example, the processing time is the time required for the press to make a single stroke, is extremely small..  All the rest of the labor expended on the part is material handling.

 Material handling adds nothing to the value of the part, although it does increase its cost. Therefore, a determined attempt should be made to reduce material handling to an absolute minimum.

The material-handling problem resolves itself into two natural subdivisions, the handling of material to and from the work station and handling at the work station.

Material Handling to and from Work Station. There are a number of different ways of transporting material to and from work stations, and the one which is the most effective and efficient will depend upon such individual conditions as the size of the material to be moved, the amount, the frequency of movement, and the distance transported.

The oldest, and probably even yet the most commonly employed method is movement through human agency. A move man or an operator carries or trucks material from place to place.

In certain instances, this is a proper and efficient method. For example, if a given material is so light and so small that a supply sufficient for 2 hours work can be carried in a container the size of an ordinary bread pan, a mechanical means of transportation would be uneconomical. The handling time during the process of manufacture between operations may be as little as 1 per cent of the total processing time, because of the large number of pieces that may be carried at one time. This could undoubtedly be reduced somewhat by relaying out the work space and arranging the operators so close together that they can pass material from one to the other without getting up. Even this Is not particularly desirable, however, for little if any real saving would be made. The operations performed on such parts are usually rapid and comparatively monotonous. Getting up and going for a fresh supply of material every 2 hours or so breaks the monotony and actually acts as a rest period by providing a change of occupation. If the, handling operation did not provide this interruption and rest, fatigue would cause the operators to seek it anyway by extra trips to the washroom or drinking fountain. Material handling on small parts that provides an occasional break during a monotonous operation is desirable, and no attempt should be made to eliminate it.

Material Handling Options by Maynard

Hand Trucks. The larger the parts are, the more effort is required to handle them by hand. Added weight involves added muscular effort, and .added volume means more trips to transport
a given number of pieces. As weight and volume increase, trucks of some sort become increasingly desirable. . Human labor is required to push them from place to place, but they add to the effectiveness of that labor by making it possible to move a large number of parts easily and at one time.

Hand trucks are superior to no trucks at all, but they offer a number of disadvantages. They are bulky, and since they must be pushed through the aisles that are used by anyone who desires to go from one part of the plant to another, with or without material, they cause interference to easy movement and often serious congestion. Where only one aisle is available, empty trucks commonly flow back against the stream of loaded trucks. In addition, the trucks occupy considerable valuable floor space at the various work stations. The replacing of hand trucks by conveyers will often result in worth-while economies.

Electric Trucks. Electric trucks are used for much the same purpose as hand trucks. They require the services of an operator, but usually more material may be handled per trip, and handled faster. Electric trucks are made in a number of different styles, and special trucks are made for special applications.

Tractor-trailer Systems. When miscellaneous material must be transported to a number of different places located over a large area, electric trucks may be replaced to advantage by a
tractor-trailer train. For example, a  train replaced eight electric trucks. Before its instal-lation, the electric trucks were used to transport material, some of them being assigned to- specific departments and some operated from a central point. Wherever material had to be moved, the electric trucks were used. The departmental trucks took finished material to other departments and usually returned empty. The other trucks were sent empty to whatever part of the plant they were needed. They did the required moving and then returned to the dispatch station empty. An earnest attempt was made by the dispatcher to route the trucks so that they were loaded as much as possible, but it was a difficult task. In addition, often when a rush call for service was received, all trucks were , and delays were frequent.

The installation of the tractor-trailer system reduced labor and greatly improved service throughout the plant. A route was laid out that took the train past every important material station in the plant. A regular schedule was set up, calling for several complete trips per day. The train moved along its route, drop-ping off trailers at the proper destinations and picking up others bound for different departments. Delays were reduced to a minimum, and each department knew, within a minute or two, the time it would receive incoming material or could ship outgoing  material. A few of the old electric trucks were retained at first for emergency service, but the tractor-trailer system functioned so well and gave such rapid service that there was little call for


Conveyers are widely used throughout industry and, where they are properly installed to meet a definite need, will give worth-while economies. Considerable care must be taken to determine if a conveyer will really be an advantage before it is put in, for not all handling problems can be solved by this means. A shop superintendent was once heard to refer contemptuously to an elaborate overhead conveyer system as a "traveling storeroom/ 7 As a matter of fact, this is just what it amounted to. Because there was no real need for a conveyer in this department, it was used principally to keep unwanted material off the floor. Material would sometimes slowly circle the department for a week at a time before it was removed from the conveyer. This was wasteful, of course, and was the direct result of an improper installation.

There is a wide variety of kinds and types of conveyers offered by conveyer manufacturers for industrial use. Since conditions in every plant differ, all installations are in a sense special, but most conveyers designed to handle standard materials such as cartons, boxes, or tote pans are made up of standard sections or units. Gravity conveyers are in general cheaper than power-driven conveyers but, of course, require that the opposite ends of the conveyer be at different levels.

A conveyer does not have to be expensive or even purchased to be effective. Often a homemade arrangement of wooden boards will be as efficient as any conveyer that can be installed. On punch-press work, for example, where a product is made in several operations of approximately equal length, if the punch presses are set side by side, wooden chutes  make excellent conveyers. At a given work station, the operator lays aside his finished part in the raised end of a chute. The part rolls or slides to the next operator and arrives in a position convenient for grasping.

Roller conveyers take advantage of the force of gravity to bring about material movement. The rollers run freely on ball bearings ; hence, a comparatively slight drop per foot of travel is necessary. If long distances must be covered, an occasional belt conveyer may be used to boost the material from the low end of one roller conveyer to the high end of the next. .

Other commonly used conveyers are the belt conveyer, , the spiral conveyer which may be either a roller conveyer or - a sheet-metal spiral with a steeper pitch, and the overhead chain conveyer. Many other types are also available, and special conveyers for almost any sort of specific material-handling problem can be obtained. Information and advice can be obtained from the leading conveyer manufacturers whenever an installation is contemplated. The main point to be decided upon first is the necessity for the conveyer. If a conveyer is desirable, a suitable type can be found.

Conveyers for Miscellaneous Work.

 It is commonly felt that conveyers are applicable only where a standard product is manufactured in quantities. Under certain conditions, however, they may be used successfully to handle a miscellaneous variety of work. Figure 61 shows a conveyer running through a storeroom for finished material. A number of miscellaneous products are kept in this storeroom. When an order is received, material is taken from the shelves of the storeroom and is placed on the conveyer which takes it to a checker. When the order has been checked, other conveyers take it to various packing stations for packing and shipping. In spite of the variety of product handled and the number of ways in which orders are packed and shipped, a large saving was made by conveyerizing the stores and shipping department.

Another and perhaps even more striking example of the use of conveyers on miscellaneous work occurred in a machine shop doing milling and drilling operations on small quantities of metal parts. Horizontal milling machines, vertical milling machines, and sensitive, radial, and multiple spindle drill presses were used, and there was a total of 51 machines in the department. Because of the small lot sizes, each machine worked on several different jobs each day. The order in which operations were performed was by no means fixed, for some jobs required drilling before milling, others milling before drilling, and others were milled, drilled, and milled again.

The former layout is shown in the upper half of Fig. 62. Material was moved about by laborers. They brought unfinished material to the various work stations and removed finished material. Material was piled about the machines and, besides occupying floor space, was decidedly unsightly. In addition to the material-handling problems, the matter of proper production control presented difficulties. In every shop, there are always certain jobs that are undesirable from the worker's viewpoint. When a number of jobs are available, the operators will choose the most desirable and will put off doing the least desirable as long as possible. Therefore, the production department has to be continually on the alert to prevent jobs being neglected until they become overdue.

A conveyer installation eliminated the move men and overcame production-control difficulties.  All material is sent out from the central dispatch station, The dispatcher has a set of records which show when each job is wanted and what the operations are that must be performed. At the proper time,, he places material on the outgoing conveyer and by means of a control apparatus shunts it off on the proper lateral conveyer which takes it to the machines.  When the operation has been completed, the material is put on a return conveyer located directly below the outgoing conveyer. The job returns to the dispatcher who sends it out to the next operation. In this way, a definite control of the order in which jobs are to be done is obtained. A definite check on the production of each man is available, and certain phases of the clerical routine are simplified.

Material Handling at the Work Station. When material has been brought to the general neighborhood of the work station, the from that point until the operation Is complete is  usually done by the operator. When material is brought by truck f move men, or tractor-trailer train, he usually has to walk a varying .distance to the material and transport it to working position himself. Conveyers or overhead cranes usually bring the material close to the operator.

When the material is at the work station, it must be picked up and moved to the working position. The work is done, after which the material is set aside. When the job is finished, the complete lot of material may be removed from the immediate vicinity of the work station by the operator.

The exact procedure followed "will vary considerably with varying conditions and products; but unless the material is brought directly to the operator by conveyer and the work is done on the part while it is still on the conveyer, there will be a certain amount of material handling at the work station. This should be reduced as much as conditions permit. The initial and final moves can sometimes be shortened by rearranging the layout of the department. Material handling at the workplace can be reduced by detailed motion study.

Questions. The discussion of the material-handling problem given here is of necessity rather brief. No particular mention of such transportation devices as overhead cranes or elevators has been .made, for these are usually provided when necessary and are usually installed and working at the time the operation analysis is begun.

As a matter of fact, the analysis of a single operation seldom leads to the installation of a conveyer system or other expensive handling means unless the operation is highly repetitive. Usually it results in the installation of simple handling devices such as the gravity chutes  or the development of special tote pans .or racks, which facilitate the handling of the particular job.

At the same time, the desirability of the more elaborate handling devices should be considered. If several analyses indicate that a conveyer system, for example, offers possibilities, then a more general study of material handling may be undertaken. These greater possibilities should be kept in mind during all analyses.

Source: Operations Analysis by Maynard

Material Handling Robots

Material handling robots can automate some of the most tedious, dull, and unsafe tasks in a production line and is one of the easiest ways to add automation. Material handling robots enhance the efficiency of your production line and increase customer satisfaction by providing quality products in a timely manner.

The term material handling encompasses a wide variety of product movements on the shop floor. Part selection and transferring, palletizing, packing, and machine loading are just a few of the applications that are considered material handling.

But a rapid shift toward automation in e-commerce distribution centers and manufacturing plants has led to a thriving subset of robotic logistics focused on supply chains and automated material movement.

PhD Thesis - Material transport system design in manufacturing

.author Wan, Yen-Tai en_US
date.issued 2006-04-06 en_US
abstract This dissertation focuses on the material transport system design problem (MTSDP), integrating decisions of technology selection and flow network design.  The objective is to design a MTS with minimum lifetime costs, subject to service requirements, flow network restrictions, and limited resources. We characterize the MTSDP from the perspectives of task requirements, transport technology, and space utilization.We consider fixed and variable costs, arc capacities, and empty travel in our formulations. We propose two solution approaches for the MTSDP. 

The first is the compact formulation (CF) approach where the three major decisions are handled by a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) formulation. Relaxation techniques are applied to linearize the model. The solution of the resulting linear formulation (MILP) provides a lower bound to that of MINLP. A tightened formulation reduces the computational time by a factor of 3.85. The experiment also shows that when control system costs are significant, designs with multiple-task clusters are more economical than those restricted to single-task clusters. 

The other approach is clustering/set partition (CSP), where the three decisions are decomposed and solved sequentially. 

In an example MTS design problem, three methods are compared: CSP, a GREEDY approach from the literature, and enumeration. CSP finds the optimal solution, while GREEDY results in 31% greater costs. A similar comparison with another example is made for the CF and CSP approaches. We apply the CSP approach in a case problem, using data from an auto parts manufacturer. We include flow path crossing constraints and perform experiments to determine solution quality over a range of small problem sizes. The largest difference from optimality is 3.34%, and the average is 0.98%. More importantly, based on these experiments, it seems there is no evidence that the difference percentage grows with an increase in the number of tasks.

subject Material handling equipment selection, Material handling system design

degree Ph.D. en_US
department Industrial and Systems Engineering
advisor Committee Chair: Dr. Gunter Sharp; Committee Co-Chair: Dr. Leon McGinnis; Committee Member: Dr. Doug Bodner; Committee Member: Dr. Joel Sokol; Committee Member: Dr. Martin Savelsbergh; Committee Member: Dr. Yih-Long Chang

26 Jan 2012


NIOSH Material Handling Guidelines


Material Handling World, UK Magazine


For more information on recent development in material handling visit
Material Handling Solutions and Equipment - Information Board

Transport Management System

Turvo - Unique Features

Ud  30.9.2022,  29 Sep 2021, 2 Oct 2020
First published on 26 Jan 2012

Manufacturing System Industrial Engineering - Online Book - Papers in IISE Conferences

Process Chart Operations Improvement

Materials Processing


Material Handling and Transport

PhD Thesis - Material transport system design in manufacturing

.author Wan, Yen-Tai en_US
date.issued 2006-04-06 en_US
abstract This dissertation focuses on the material transport system design problem (MTSDP), integrating decisions of technology selection and flow network design.  The objective is to design a MTS with minimum lifetime costs, subject to service requirements, flow network restrictions, and limited resources. We characterize the MTSDP from the perspectives of task requirements, transport technology, and space utilization.We consider fixed and variable costs, arc capacities, and empty travel in our formulations. We propose two solution approaches for the MTSDP. 

The first is the compact formulation (CF) approach where the three major decisions are handled by a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) formulation. Relaxation techniques are applied to linearize the model. The solution of the resulting linear formulation (MILP) provides a lower bound to that of MINLP. A tightened formulation reduces the computational time by a factor of 3.85. The experiment also shows that when control system costs are significant, designs with multiple-task clusters are more economical than those restricted to single-task clusters. 

The other approach is clustering/set partition (CSP), where the three decisions are decomposed and solved sequentially. 

In an example MTS design problem, three methods are compared: CSP, a GREEDY approach from the literature, and enumeration. CSP finds the optimal solution, while GREEDY results in 31% greater costs. A similar comparison with another example is made for the CF and CSP approaches. We apply the CSP approach in a case problem, using data from an auto parts manufacturer. We include flow path crossing constraints and perform experiments to determine solution quality over a range of small problem sizes. The largest difference from optimality is 3.34%, and the average is 0.98%. More importantly, based on these experiments, it seems there is no evidence that the difference percentage grows with an increase in the number of tasks.

subject Material handling equipment selection, Material handling system design

degree Ph.D. en_US
department Industrial and Systems Engineering
advisor Committee Chair: Dr. Gunter Sharp; Committee Co-Chair: Dr. Leon McGinnis; Committee Member: Dr. Doug Bodner; Committee Member: Dr. Joel Sokol; Committee Member: Dr. Martin Savelsbergh; Committee Member: Dr. Yih-Long Chang


Minimizing Temporary Delays in Flow (Production Planning)

Courses by Richard Wysk

IE 450: Manufacturing Systems Engineering


Fundamental theory for analyzing manufacturing systems, including structural analysis, optimization and economics of manufacturing systems, automated and computer-aided manufacturing.


Manufacturing System Industrial Engineering

IE Solutions for Manufacturing Systems

1. 5S
3. Seven wastes of manufacturing
4. Group technology
5. Lean manufacturing
6. Engineering economic analysis of advanced manufacturing systems
7. Assembly line balancing
8. Production inventory control models
9. Aggregate planning models
10. Scheduling Models

Manufacturing system  industrial engineering is the study of resource use in various manufacturing activities with a view to increasing the efficiency or eliminating the waste wherever possible. While the manufacturing  is designed to produce goods that serve the needs of the targeted customers, the resource use in the design is carefully investigated by the industrial engineering to identify and remove waste. Industrial engineering succeeded in reducing the cost of many processes designed in the first iteration by the managers up to 50% and hence it is a very important activity in systems design or systems engineering.

Famous example of  manufacturing industrial engineering, is Henry Ford's production system redesign, that reduced the price of the automobile by half. Taylor reduced cost of many manufacturing activities. Gilbreth and Harrington Emerson also achieved similar cost reduction in construction activity and rail road operations.

In subsequent periods, SMED is a very popular example of industrial engineering. Poka-yoke is another example of industrial engineering innovation.

Industrial engineering has been successfully and profitably applied in all functions of the organizations.
Functional Industrial Engineering Subjects provide the IE research and application paper in many functions.

IE curriculums need to have IE subject for each of the important functions to provide specialized IE knowledge in that function to learners and make them competent to provide IE services as early as possible in their jobs.

System Industrial Engineering - System Human Effort Engineering - System Efficiency Engineering

Human Effort Industrial Engineering - Techniques

1. Principles of Motion Economy
2. Motion Study
3. Workstation Design
4. Application of Ergonomics and Biomechanics
5. Fatigue Studies
6. Productivity/Safety/Comfort Device Design
7. Standardization of  Methods
8. Operator training
9. Incentive Systems
10. Job Evaluation
11. Learning effect capture
12. Work Measurement


1. Process Analysis
2. Operation Analysis
3. Layout Efficiency Analysis
4. Value engineering
5. Statistical quality control
6. Statistical inventory control and ABC Classification Based Inventory Sytems
7. Six sigma
8. Operations research
9. Variety reduction
10. Standardization
11. Incentive schemes
12. Waste reduction or elimination
13. Activity based management
14. Business process improvement
15. Fatigue analysis and reduction
16. Engineering economy analysis
17. Learning effect capture and continuous improvement (Kaizen, Quality circles and suggestion schemes)
18. Standard costing

Books, Research Papers, Conceptual articles, Case Studies and Projects Reports of Industrial Engineering in Manufacturing Systems.

Human Effort Engineering - Techniques

1. Principles of Motion Economy
2. Motion Study
3. Workstation Design
4. Application of Ergonomics and Biomechanics

    Applied Ergonomics Program at Hormel Foods Corporation (Presentation)
    Anonymous. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 1-46.

    Human-Factors Approach to Manufacturing Operations Assignment (Presentation)
    Olumolade, Molu. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2008): 1-26.

    Redesign of a Bicycle Spoke Wrench To Minimize Wrist Flexion and Upper Extremity Motion
    Anonymous. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1-23.

    A Human Factors and Ergonomics Implementation Framework in Electronics Manufacturing: A Case for Digital Human Modeling
    Kalkundri, Kaustubh; Khasawneh, Mohammad T; Srihari, Krishnaswami; Greene, Christopher M. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2009): 1090-1095.

Maldonado-Macías, Aide; Realyvásquez, Arturo; Martínez, Erwin; Sánchez, Jaime. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2010): 1-6.

5. Fatigue Studies

    Neuro-fuzzy modeling of human fatigue
    Jiao, Yue; Lee, E S. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1.

    An Investigation of the Relationship between Task Demands and Total Body Fatigue
   Meza, Katherine; Crumpton-Young, Lesia L, PhD; McCauley-Bell, Pamela; Carter, Lindsay. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1-6.

6. Productivity/Safety/Comfort Device Design

7. Standardization of  Methods
Organizing for work
by Gantt, Henry Laurence, 1861-1919
Publication date 1919
Publisher New York, Harcourt, Brace and Howe

Work, wages, and profits
by Gantt, Henry Laurence, 1861-1919
Publication date 1919
Publisher New York : The Engineering magazine co.

   Two Stage Stochastic Integer Programming Model for Workforce Cross Training
   Araz, Ozgur; Fowler, John W. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2008): 314-319.

   A virtual enviroment for training overhead crane operators: Real-time implementation
   Wilson, Bruce H; Mourant, Ronald R; Li, Man; Xu, Weidong. IIE Transactions30. 7 (Jul 1998): 589-595.

    Task Analysis for SMT Placement Machine Setup for Virtual Reality-Based Training: Methodology and Findings
     Bhuvanesh, Abhinesh; Khasawneh, Mohammad T; Lam, Sarah S; Srihari, Krishnaswami. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2006): 1-6.


9. Incentive Systems
10. Job Evaluation
11. Learning effect capture
12. Work Measurement

      Labor Optimization Through Work Measurement in the Process Industries (Presentation)
      Kroeger, Douglas R, PE. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2006): 1-26.

Altuntas, Bertan; Wysk, Richard A; Rothrock, Ling. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-6.

The Effect of Level of Automation and Number of UAVs on Operator Performance in UAV Systems
Wasson, Ryan; Liu, Dahai; Macchiarella, Dan. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 1422-1427.

Modeling Human Operator Decision-Making in Manufacturing Systems Using BDI Agent Paradigm
Zhao, Xiaobing; Venkateswaran, Jayendran; Son, Young-Jun. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005): 1-6.

Analysis of Worker Assignments with Cross-training and Job Rotation Considerations for a Lean Production Environment
McDonald, Tom; Ellis, Kimberly; Van Aken, Eileen. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1.

Workforce Performance Management (Presentation Supporting Paper)
Smith, Kenneth E. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2002): 1-8.

Operators hoarding tools


1. Process Analysis and Efficiency Improvement

    SET-UP REDUCTION: Doing it right the first time (Presentation)
    Van Goubergen, Dirk. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1-42.

     SET-UP REDUCTION: A Focus on Organisational and Method Aspects (Presentation)
     Van Goubergen, Dirk. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-35.

     Advanced Technology Assembly (ATA): Revolutionizing the Manufacturing Assembly Process
     Through LEAN (Presentation)
     Youngblood, Thom. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-27.

      REFA Industrial Engineering Methodologies for Improvement Processes in Combination with Process Modeling (Presentation)
      Anonymous. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 1-15.

      An Integrated Change Framework for Setup Reduction
      Van Goubergen, Dirk. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2009): 1549-1554.

       Re-Engineering Production Process Using An Enriched Multi-Process Modeling Approach
       Chatha, K A; Weston, R H. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005): 1-7.

2. Operation Analysis and Efficiency Improvement

3. Layout Efficiency Analysis
     Factory Layout Robustness Evaluation under Stochastic Demand
    Marcotte, Suzanne; Montreuil, Benoit. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1-8.

     A Max-Plus Algebra Based Algorithm for Assembly Line Balancing Problem
     Carlo, Hector J; Nambiar, Arun N. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2008): 35-39.


    Make Workplaces come Alive with 5S and Visual Systems (Presentation)
    Hart, Greg. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2006): 1-72.

     Designing to Eliminate the 8 Fundamental Lean Wastes: Facility Design using the Toyota
     Production System (Presentation)
     Husby, Brock. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2010): 1-46.

     Application of IE Techniques in Laying Out Construction Sites (Presentation)
     Harit, Santhanam. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-14.

     Nassey, Elbert; Alp, Neslihan. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-28.

      Using Value Stream Mapping to Develop Improved Facility Layouts (Presentation Supporting Paper)
Garcia, Frank C, PE. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 1-7.

      Risk Based Facility Layout Design Approach
      Jithavech, Id; Krishnan, Krishna K; Liao, Haitao. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 746-751.

       Solution of a Facility Layout Problem in a Final Assembly Workshop using Constraint Programming
       Alizon, F; Dallery, Y; Feillet, D; Michelon, P. INFOR45. 2 (May 2007): 65-73.

4. Value engineering

    Value engineering applications are mainly included in Product Design Industrial Engineering

    Applications of Statistics
5. Statistical quality control

    Escalante, Edgardo J, PhD. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2010): 1-28.

6. Statistical inventory control and ABC Classification Based Inventory Sytems

7. Six sigma

    Six Sigma Challenges In a Low-Automation Low-Technology Environment (Presentation)
    Sanders, Janet H, PhD, ASQ~CQE, CQA. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2009): 1-49.

    Comparison of Sampling Methods for Flatness Evaluation Using CMM
    Badar, M Affan; Singhal, Ashish. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2006): 1-6

    Using Statistics And Hypothesis Testing For Process Improvement! (Presentation)
    Mehta, Merwan; Jackson, Andrew. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2009): 1-21.

    Improving Vibratory Finishing with Design of Experiments (Presentation)
    Babin, Paul; Griffith, Dan. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 1-35.

8. Operations research and Optimization

     Optimizing Capacity Ramp-Up Decisions in the Semiconductor Industry
     Soylu, Ahu; Akcali, Elif. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2006): 1-6.

     Optimization of a manufacturing process using the hybrid simulation: A case study
     Dao, Thien-My. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2010): 1-34.

     Optimization Model for Filling and Distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LGP) Containers
     Murrugarra, Ruth; Chavez-Bedoya, Luis; Paz, Sandro. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 1-21.

      Using Simulations to Teach Machining Process Optimization in Manufacturing Engineering Education
      Qian, Li; Hossan, Mohammad Robiul. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 541-546.

       Optimization of a Painting Line through Simulation: A Case Study
       Villarreal-Marroquín, María G; Castro, José M; Chacón-Mondragón, Óscar L; Cabrera-Ríos, Mauricio. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2009): 1682-1687.

       Setting the Optimal Parameters for a Nano-Particle Milling Process
       Hou, Tung-Hsu (Tony); Su, Chi-Hung; Chang, Hsu-Yang; Chan, Watson; Liu, Wan-Lin. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005): 1-6.

        Using Neural Networks and Immune Algorithms to Find the Optimal Parameters for an IC Wire Bonding Process
        Hou, Tung-Hsu (Tony); Su, Chi-Hung; Chang, Hung-Zhi. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005): 1-6.

        Optimization of the Electron Beam Melting Process
        Cormier, Denis; Harrysson, Ola; Low, Jason; Knowlson, Kyle. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-6.

         Optimal System Design of Flexible Assembly Systems
         Ali, Sk Ahad; Khadem, Mohammad; Seifoddini, Hamid; Lee, Jay. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1.


          Characterization & Optimization of Powder-in-Capsule Technology
          Canter, Kelly; Millheim, Aaron; Mouro, Deanna; Noack, Robert; Perry, Leonard. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 1696-1701.

9. Variety reduction

10. Standardization

11. Incentive schemes

12. Waste reduction or elimination

13. Activity based management

14. Manufacturing Related Business process improvement

15. Engineering economy analysis

      Turn-Mill Tool Path Planning and Manufacturing Cost Analysis for Complex Parts Machining
Lai-Yuen, Susana K; Lee, Yuan-Shin. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2002): 1-6.

       Production Rate Curves in Manufacturing
       Sundaram, Meenakshi. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005): 1-5.

        Design economics for electronics assembly
        Locascio, Angela. The Engineering Economist44. 1 (1999): 64-77.


        Risk Assessment of Industrial Capitalization Projects
        Yuhasz, Amy; Davis, R P. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2002): 1-5.

17. Learning effect capture and continuous improvement (Kaizen, Quality circles and suggestion schemes)

      Work allocation to stations with various learning slopes in assembly lines for lots
Cohen, Yuval; Vitner, Gad; Sarin, Subhash. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005): 1-7.

18. Costing and Standard costing

     Operation Based Cost Measurement Model
      Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2002): 1-7.

     Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-6.

     Requirements-based Cost Modeling for Product and Process Development (Presentation)
     Chollar, George W, PhD, PE; Peplinski, Jesse D, PhD; Morris, Garron K. IIE Annual
     Conference. Proceedings (2008): 1-17.

A Study of the Tovota Production System From an Industrial Engineering Viewpoint
by Shigeo Shingo - Summary

  Productivity Improvement Solutions for Manufacturing Systems with Highly Variable Inputs (Presentation)
  Rai, Sudhendu. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2008): 1-32.

Process-oriented Tolerancing for Multi-station Assembly Systems
Ding, Yu; Ceglarek, Dariusz; Jin, Jionghua; Shi, Jianjun. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1.

Motion-Economy Device Design - Important Devices (NR)

Work Station Design - Introduction (NR)
Work Station Design - An Activity of Human Effort Engineering - Bibliography (NR)
Lean Workstation (NR)

Plant Layout Optimization (NR)

5S System - Work Place Design (Industrial Engineering) (NR)

SMED - Single Minute Exchange of Dies - An Industrial Engineering Innovation (NR)
The SMED System: Shigeo Shingo's Explanation (NR)
SMED Case Studies (NR)
SMED - Single Minute Exchange of Dies - Bibliography (NR)

The 7 Manufacturing wastes

Group Technology

Group Technology/Cellular manufacturing

Adoption and implementation of group technology classification and coding systems : insights from seven case studies

Manufacturing Cell Design through Genetic Algorithms
Rajagopalan, Ravishankar; Fonseca, Daniel J. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005): 1-6.

Minicells for Mass Customization Manufacturing
Badurdeen, F Fazleena; Masel, Dale T. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005): 1-6.

JIT/Lean Systems

Going Lean - Enterprise Attacking Waste for Cost Competitiveness

Manufacturing System Losses Idenfied in TPM Literature (NR)

Manufacturing Systems Productivity - Bibliography (NR)

Metal Working - Cost Reduction Opportunities (NR)
Machining Economics and Optimization - Bibliography (NR)
Machine Tool Cutting Fluids - Cost Reduction (NR)

A Waste Relationship Model for Better Decision Making in Lean Manufacturing
Gopinath, Sainath; Freiheit, Theodor I. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2009): 1161-1166.

Lean Principles for the Lean Project-Based Enterprise
Letens, Geert; Farris, Jennifer; Van Aken, Eileen. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2008): 278-283.

A Modified Implementation Approach based on the Toyota Pre-Production Methodology (Presentation)
Sterneck, Robert. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1-26.

Lean Application in Organizing a Manufacturing Cell (Presentation Supporting Paper)
Badar, M Affan; Johnston, Chad. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-4.

Simulation and Modeling of Manufacturing Systems

A Structured Approach to Simulation Modeling of Manufacturing Systems
Bodner, Douglas A; McGinnis, Leon F. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2002): 1-6.

Transmission Plant Throughput Improvement Simulation Study (Presentation)
Zottolo, Marcelo; Ãœlgen, Onur; Williams, Edward. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2006): 1-12.

Simulation of High Speed Bottle Manufacturing Lines: Software Evaluation, Techniques and Results (Presentation)
Vasudevan, Karthik; Lote, Ravi. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2009): 1-34.

Modeling a Large Scale Production System with Converging Production Lines and System Learning (Presentation)
Lu, Roberto; Goto, Jason; Kluczny, Bailey; Storch, Richard. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2008): 1-12.

Ong, Hoay Hoon; Eow, Hu Teik. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2008): 1-4.

Simulation-based optimization for determining AGV capacity in a manufacturing system
Gosavi, Abhijit; Grasman, Scott E. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2009): 574-578.

Using Simulation Modeling to Establish Kanban Levels in a Server Manufacturing Environment
Young, Aaron E; Paske, Brandon N; Foltz, Christopher T; Köster, Eduardo. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2008): 816-821.

Jangsombatsiri, Witaya; Porter, J David. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005): 1-6.

Design for Productivity

Manufacturing Design for Productivity: Optimization of Assembly Line for Air Conditioning Control Panels
2006 MS Thesis

Technology and Manufacturing Processes

Comparison between different geometric shapes of engineered
abrasives on material removal and surface quality1. Part 22
Daniel E. Saloni
Richard Lemaster
Andres Carrano
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 2003, Pp. 1 - 6

Material Transport in Manufacturing

Material Transport System Design in Manufacturing
Sharp, Gunter P; Wan, Yen-Tai; McGinnis, Leon F; Douglas, A Bodner. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-6.

PhD Thesis - Material transport system design in manufacturing

.author Wan, Yen-Tai en_US
date.issued 2006-04-06 en_US
abstract This dissertation focuses on the material transport system design problem (MTSDP), integrating decisions of technology selection and flow network design.  The objective is to design a MTS with minimum lifetime costs, subject to service requirements, flow network restrictions, and limited resources. We characterize the MTSDP from the perspectives of task requirements, transport technology, and space utilization.We consider fixed and variable costs, arc capacities, and empty travel in our formulations. We propose two solution approaches for the MTSDP. 

The first is the compact formulation (CF) approach where the three major decisions are handled by a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) formulation. Relaxation techniques are applied to linearize the model. The solution of the resulting linear formulation (MILP) provides a lower bound to that of MINLP. A tightened formulation reduces the computational time by a factor of 3.85. The experiment also shows that when control system costs are significant, designs with multiple-task clusters are more economical than those restricted to single-task clusters. 

The other approach is clustering/set partition (CSP), where the three decisions are decomposed and solved sequentially. 

In an example MTS design problem, three methods are compared: CSP, a GREEDY approach from the literature, and enumeration. CSP finds the optimal solution, while GREEDY results in 31% greater costs. A similar comparison with another example is made for the CF and CSP approaches. We apply the CSP approach in a case problem, using data from an auto parts manufacturer. We include flow path crossing constraints and perform experiments to determine solution quality over a range of small problem sizes. The largest difference from optimality is 3.34%, and the average is 0.98%. More importantly, based on these experiments, it seems there is no evidence that the difference percentage grows with an increase in the number of tasks.

subject Material handling equipment selection, Material handling system design

degree Ph.D. en_US
department Industrial and Systems Engineering
advisor Committee Chair: Dr. Gunter Sharp; Committee Co-Chair: Dr. Leon McGinnis; Committee Member: Dr. Doug Bodner; Committee Member: Dr. Joel Sokol; Committee Member: Dr. Martin Savelsbergh; Committee Member: Dr. Yih-Long Chang

Factory Physics®: A Fast Cycle Time Story (Presentation)
Skowronski, Tim; Tafoya, Joan. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2008): 1-91.

A Study on Manufacturing Accuracy for Complex Geometries
Visser, Jerry; Tolle, Mary; Lu, Huitian. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005):

A comparison of static and dynamic tooling policies in a general flexible manufacturing system
Hedin, Scott R; Philipoom, Patrick R; Malhotra, Manoj K. IIE Transactions29. 1 (Jan 1997): 69-80.

Design and Operational Analysis of Tandem AGV Systems
Liu, Sijie; ELMekkawy, Tarek Y; Fahmy, Sherif A; Shalaby, Mohamed A. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2008): 402-407.

Manipulation and Assembly of Micro Devices
Cecil, J; Vasquez, D; Powell, D. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-6.

RFID on the Manufacturing Shop Floor: Applications and Challenges
Saygin, Can; Sarangapani, Jagannathan. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2006): 1-6.

A Novel Approach to Improve Classification Accuracy Using Dimensional Index in Rapid Manufacturing
Devaram, Prashanth; Tseng, Tzu-Liang (Bill); Ho, Johnny C; Huang, Chun-Che; Kwon, Yongjin. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2010): 1-6.

Cutting Tool Replacement: An Empirical Approach
Cho, Sohyung; Karacal, S Cem; Grueninger, Andrew; Yu, William. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2010): 1-7.

Application of Femtosecond Laser in Micro/Nano Machining
Devarajan, Sasikumar; Chang, Zenghu; Lei, Shuting. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2006): 1-6.

An Empirical Study of Diametral Variations in Turning
Palla, Nikhilesh; Krishnaswami, Prakash; Lei, Shuting; Xin, Xiao. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2002): 1-6.

Energy Efficiency

Data Collection Framework On Energy Consumption In Manufacturing
Drake, Rebekah; Yildirim, Mehmet Bayram; Twomey, Janet; Whitman, Lawrence; Ahmad, Jamal; et al. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2006): 1-6.

Manufacture of High-Strength, Thermally Stable Nanostructured Materials
Shankar, M Ravi. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 1393-1397.

Understanding Microdroplet Evaporation towards Scalable Micro/Nano Fabrication
Desai, Salil; Esho, Taye; Kaware, Ravindra. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2010): 1-6.

Planning and Scheduling

Advanced Planning and Scheduling in Motherboard Manufacturing Industry
2012 paper

Sundaram, R Meenakshi; Patil, Bhushan S. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2002): 1-8.

"Optimal Production Planning, Scheduling and Distribution in a Bottling Factory" (Presentation)
Bedoya, Luis Chávez; Paz, Sandro. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005): 1-24.

Data Mining for Production Scheduling
Olafsson, Sigurdur. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1-6.

Optimisation of Manufacturing Group Scheduling Using the Hybrid Neural Networks Simulation: A case of study
Dao, Thien-My; Abou, Seraphin C, PhD; rif Makrem, Che. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2006): 1-6.

Organizational/System Factors

Critical Organizational Factors in the Success of Cellular Manufacturing Applications: A Meta-analysis Case Study
Chávez, Adan Valles; Sanchez, Jaime; Aldape, Alfonso; Chavez, Erick Colin. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2010): 1-7.

Cultural Change: Enabling Work on Boeing's 777 Lean Moving Line (Presentation)
Brown, Gregory D. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2008): 1-38.

Evaluation of Manufacturing Firms for Agility
Garbie, Ibrahim I Hassan, PhD. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2006): 1-6.

Agile manufacturing initiatives at Concurrent Technologies Corp.: IE
Pandiarajan, Vijayakumar; Patun, Ronald. Industrial Engineering26. 2 (Feb 1994): 46.

Technology Implementation - Factors for Success
Peterson, William; Pothanun, Kawintorn; Bedoya-Valencia, Leonardo; Correa-Martinez, Yaneth. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005): 1-4.

Industrial Engineering in Various Manufacturing Industries


Industrial engineering in the foundry
American Foundrymen's Society, 1963 - 392 pages

Time and Motion Study for the Foundry
American Foundrymen'S Society, 1954 - Technology & Engineering - 167 pages

A Model for Foundry Molding Equipment Selection
1975 MS thesis - Used Mixed Integer programming to select optimal combination of labor and capital in developing countries
John R. Potter, MIT

Rapid Prototyping for Foundry Tool Making: Curriculum and Industrial Projects
Unny Menon and Martin Koch
Industrial Engineering Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407

Metal Casting Industry Energy Best Practices Guidebook


Evolution of the Boeing Production System (Presentation)
Sherman, Bradley. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1-27.

Boeing Industrial Engineering Changing a Culture (Presentation)
Harley, Robert. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 1-36.


Design & Implementation of production line in apparel manufacturing industry
Sarder, MD Baniamin; Liles, Don H; Ali, M Yousuf. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005): 1-6.

Process Industries

Process Industry Strategic Measurement and Management (Presentation)
Paladino, Bob. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2009): 1-70.

Lean Process Industry Analysis: From Value Stream Mapping to Simulation (Presentation)
Foster, Bennett. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 1-34.

King, Peter L. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2010): 1-54.

King, Peter L. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2009): 1-54.

Improving Manufacturing Performance and Cycle Time at DuPont Pharmaceuticals (Presentation)
Knight, Tom. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2005): 1-33.

Construction Industry

Forbes, Lincoln H, PhD, PE, CQE. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1-31.

Lean Homebuilding Using Precast Concrete Panels (Presentation)
Mullens, Mike. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-50.

Applications of Industrial Engineering in the Mexican Construction Industry (Presentation)
Anonymous. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2010): 1-81.

An Overview of Operations Management and its Relations with Industrial Engineering
da Costa, Sergio E Gouvea; de Lima, Edson Pinheiro. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2010): 1-6.

Shop-Floor Information Systems for Industrialized Housing Production
Broadway, R Scott; Mullens, Michael A, PhD, PE. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-6.

YouTube Videos

Manufacturing Process Improvement - YouTube Videos

Related Books

Manufacturing Systems Engineering: A Unified Approach to Manufacturing Technology, Production Management and Industrial Economics
Katsundo Hitomi
Taylor & Francis, 30-Oct-1996 - 560 pages
This second edition of the classic textbook has been written to provide a completely up-to-date text for students of mechanical, industrial, manufacturing and production engineering, and is an indispensable reference for professional industrial engineers and managers.

Re-Engineering the Manufacturing System: Applying the Theory of Constraints
Robert E. Stein
CRC Press, 2003 - 384 pages
An information systems trailblazer in the domains of decision support and factory and supply chain synchronization, the second edition of Re-Engineering the Manufacturing System stays true to its title.

Manufacturing Efficiency Guide from DBA Software


Courses Presently Offered by Industrial Engineering Departments

IE 450 Manufacturing Systems Engineering

IE 550 Manufacturing Systems


Updated  30.9.2022,  24.1.2022, 25 Nov 2021,  2 Oct 2021,  3 October 2020,   11 April 2015, 4 Dec 2013
First published on 26.9.2012

Industrial Engineering Journals

Ranking of Journals in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Journal of Industrial Engineering International

Journal of Industrial Engineering International  is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen, covering all aspects of industrial engineering. It is fully supported by the Islamic Azad University, who provide funds to cover all costs of publication, including the Article Processing Charges (APC’s) for all authors. Therefore the journal is both free to read and free to publish in.

Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering

Official Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers
Volume 32, Issue 2, 2015

International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering (IJAIE)

Editor-in-Chief: Lanndon Ocampo (University of the Philippines Cebu, Philippines)
Indexed In: INSPEC and 10 more indices
Published: Semi-Annually |Established: 2012

Topics Covered
Business and strategy
Case studies in industry and services
Decision analysis
Engineering economy and cost estimation
Enterprise resource planning and ERPII
Facility location, layout, design, and materials handling
Forecasting, production planning, and control
Human factors, ergonomics, and safety
Industrial engineering education
Information and communication technology and systems
Innovation, knowledge management, and organizational learning
Inventory, logistics, and transportation
Knowledge and technology transfers in a globalized network
Manufacturing, control, and automation
Operations management
Performance analysis
Product and process design and management
Project Management
Purchasing and procurement
Reliability and maintenance engineering
Scheduling in industry and service
Service systems and service management
Supply chain management
Systems and service modeling and simulation
Technology transfer and management
Third party/fourth party logistics
Total quality management and quality engineering

European Journal of Industrial Engineering

International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations

International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

International Journal of Industrial Engineering : Theory Applications and Practice

South African Journal of Industrial Engineering

Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association

Engineering Optimization

International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research

International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Updated 30.9.2022,  5 August 2017, 18 June 2017, 9 April 2015