Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Organizing Industrial Engineering Department - Process-based Organization


Industrial engineering department can be organized by assigning certain processes to specific industrial engineers. Apart from assigning processes, industrial engineering can be functional specialists. Certain industrial engineers can specialize in material transformation processes, certain IE can focus on inspection activities, some IEs can specialize in material handling and transport and some in storage activities.

Also some industrial engineers have expertise in production planning to investigate delays and eliminate them by improving planning and communication.

An illustration assigning duties based on process.

Trim & Final Industrial Engineer - Jaguar Land Rover


A BSIE can be given a $12 to 14  million cost-of-production process or sub-process or a combination of processes.

Value Creation Model for Industrial Engineering.

For $100 million cost, there can be one MS IE and 6 BSIEs. Value created: $3,600,000 per year on $100,000,000 cost of production per year.

Value Creation Model for Industrial Engineering - Productivity Engineering.


Part of 

A to Z of Industrial Engineering - Principles, Methods, Techniques, Tools and Applications


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