Industrial Engineering is System Efficiency Engineering. It is Machine Effort and Human Effort Industrial Engineering. 2.67+ Million Page View Blog. 200,000+ visitors. (36,500+ page views and 21,000+ visitors in 2024.)
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Industrial engineering is system efficiency engineering. Its main areas are machine effort industrial engineering and human effort industrial engineering. Industrial engineering is incremental improvement to processes and facilities after the basic design of facilities and processes is done by the factory planning and process planning team. The complete process planning work is a synthesis and creative activity based on the product design. Industrial engineering is more of analytical activity in the first instance, wherein each element of the operation in the process is evaluated for current alternatives and the methods being used currently are evaluated again alternatives from the perspective of increasing productivity.
Taylor - Narayana Rao Principles of Industrial Engineering serve as basic foundation for IE.
Effectiveness First and Efficiency Next. Organizations have to be effective and efficient simultaneously. Processes have to be effective and efficient simultaneously. Operations have to be effective and efficient simultaneously. - Narayana Rao
Process plans are the main input for machine effort industrial engineering. Complete engineering knowledge related to machines and processes used in the company is to be acquired by industrial engineers to do machine effort industrial engineering in the company they are employed.
Physiology, anatomy, psychology and ergonomics that is application of human sciences in work situations are studied by industrial engineers to provide human effort engineering service.
Motion study, method study, value engineering, operations research, engineering economics, job evaluation and wage incentive schemes are IE methods and techniques.
Chapter 1. Industrial Engineering - The Disciplines and The Profession
Industrial engineering (IE) is an engineering discipline that understands cost aspects of industrial engineering and develops engineering systems or engineering production systems that produce goods at lower prices while maintaining the services offered by the products currently in the market. We can also say, the quality of the product is maintained but alternative ways of producing it are developed and designed and used to reduce the cost of production. This explanation by given by James Gunn in 1901. The discipline of industrial engineering was started professor Diemer at Penn Central College in 1908. Industrial engineering is pretty old engineering branch.
Industrial engineering theory and practice was actually developed by F.W. Taylor. Taylor responded to the call by the First President of the ASME to engineers to make efforts to reduce the costs of engineering products so that more and more people can use them. Taylor's first published paper is on the redesign of belt transmission system to reduce the cost of operation. In a subsequent paper, Taylor proposed that machine time and man time being used to produce components and assemblies can be reduced through scientific study of machine effort and human effort. In the case of machine effort, Taylor carried the scientific study for 25 to 30 years in area of metal cutting (turning and boring) and developed formulae for the determining the best cutting speed, feed and depth of cut to get desired surface finish. He also studied machinists movements and reduced the time taken by them to do various activities related to operating the machines. Frank Gilbreth applied Taylor's methods in construction work and developed motion study, the science of human effort study. The method advocated by Taylor to reduce time taken for doing an activity is termed time study and the method advocated by Gilbreth is termed motion study. Then the term time and motion study came into existence. Process mapping, description of current process became necessary to investigate and improve it.
Gilbreth developed process chart in 1921 as a device to document the process. It has material transformation, inspection, transportation, storage as main steps in the process. Some other activities and details were used by Gilbreth. But ASME in its standardization drive specified the above four along with delays. The process improvement which was more focused on human effort improvement became the main practice of IE. It led to stagnation and problems and new techniques emerged during world war II to be adopted by IE to maintain itself. They are value engineering by L.D. Miles and Operations Research. More details of the IE developments are given in the following articles.
Industrial engineering has to be in scheme of things of top management and they need to define its role in the company as industrial engineering is profit engineering and IE projects have to the potential to contribute to profits within one year of initiation. Hence they are part of annual budget results.
Industrial engineering increases productivity and reduces costs. Productivity improvement and cost reduction are strategic issues. Total productivity management advocated by Japanese Management Association recommends that cost reduction and productivity improvement targets are set by the top management in its annual plan and programs are developed to reach the targets. Deployment is the term used to described programs derived from targets in the plan document.
Industrial engineering is incremental improvement in facilities, processes, operations and elements related engineering and related management areas. An industrial engineer can evaluate any item in the organization which can be improved for modified to increase productivity and reduce costs. IEs can study the existing facilities and developments in the knowledge related to facilities and recent commercial offerings to identify modification required in even machines etc. More frequently machine accessories are added by industrial engineers to increase productivity. Maintenance of equipment is studied by IEs as part of facilities IE. Layout improvement is done by IEs as part of facilities IE.
The prime practice advocated by F.W. Taylor in the area of factory management is development of science in the area of factory work by managers. Managers with the undergraduate and graduate education have to develop science of working by studying the work of machines and operators using time as measurement. It is productivity science that gives ideas for productivity engineering. Engineering makes it possible to provide inputs in convenient form into a process and makes output convenient to use. It has to make handling inputs, transformation process and handling output safe. The new engineering methods are first taught to supervisors who in turn train and supervise operators.
“Productivity science is scientific effort, that in any specific work situation, identifies the appropriate philosophy, culture, systems, processes, technology, methods and human physical action and behavior and elements of each of them of that will maximize positive (social, environmental and economic) outcomes relative to the resources consumed.” - Narayana Rao (IISE 2020 Annual Conference Proceedings)
Productivity science of machine identifies machine related variables that will increase productivity.
Productivity engineering is main engineering task of industrial engineering. Full engineering knowledge is utilized to redesign the engineering system as needed to increase productivity in a cost effective managers. Business or engineering goods production exists for the organization to make profits and earn return on investment. Hence every dollar of expenditure proposed by IEs must have return on investment higher than the cost of capital.
Productivity engineering has two major components: product industrial engineering and process industrial engineering.
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