Sunday, November 26, 2023

Developer Productivity Engineering

Developer Productivity Engineering

Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE) is a software development practice used by leading software development organizations to maximize developer productivity and happiness.

Developer Productivity Engineering Overview

As its name implies, DPE takes an engineering approach to improving developer productivity. As such, it relies on automation, actionable data, and acceleration technologies to deliver measurable outcomes like faster feedback cycles and reduced mean-time-to-resolution (MTTR) for build and test failures. As a result, DPE has quickly become a proven practice that delivers a hard ROI with little resistance to product acceptance and usage.

Organizations successfully apply the practice of DPE to achieve their strategic business objectives such as reducing time to market, increasing product and service quality, minimizing operational costs, and recruiting and retaining talent by investing in developer happiness and providing a highly satisfying developer experience. DPE accomplishes this with processes and tools that gracefully scale to accommodate ever-growing codebases.

Gradle is pioneering the practice of DPE and Gradle Enterprise serves as the key enabling technology and solution platform.

Developer Productivity Engineering Handbook by Gradle


Engineering Enablement

The latest research and perspectives on developer productivity.

By Abi Noda

Co-Founder at DX, Developer Insights Platform

Is Developer Productivity Engineering the Next Big Thing in Software?

Published on April 2, 2021

Developer Productivity Engineering vs Developer Productivity Management


Ud. 26.11.2023

Pub. 3.6.2022

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