Thursday, February 27, 2020

Productivity in Milling - Material Removal Rate

Material Removal Rate or Metal Removal Rate (MRR),  amount material is removed from a part in a given period of time. To increase  MRR, changes have to be made in  Radial Depth of Cut (RDOC), Axial Depth of Cut (ADOC), and feed in Inches Per Minute (IPM).

The formula for  Material Removal Rate  =  RDOC x ADOC x Feed Rate.

High Efficiency Milling

High Efficiency Milling (HEM) is a milling technique for roughing that utilizes a lower RDOC and a higher ADOC.  This results in a greater ability to increase your MRR, while maintaining and even prolonging tool life versus traditional machining methods.

In this machining process, while the increase in ADOC is compensated by decrease in RDOC, feed rate is increased by 10 times in one illustration and the MRR increases by 10 times.

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