Thursday, January 26, 2023

Industrial Engineering - Lean Six Sigma and Operational Excellence - Difference


Industrial engineering is engineering activity to support managers to increase productivity and reduce costs in engineering systems and processes and thereby products and services at lower units costs.

Interesting explanation by Joseph Paris

The differences between Lean Six Sigma and Operational Excellence

Lean Six Sigma and Operational Excellence are both methodologies that aim to improve the performance and efficiency of an organization, but they have some key differences.

Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that combines the principles of Lean manufacturing and Six Sigma to eliminate waste and defects in an organization's processes. It is focused on finding and removing the causes of problems using data and statistical analysis. The goal of Lean Six Sigma is to improve the quality and efficiency of processes, resulting in cost savings and increased customer satisfaction.

Operational Excellence, on the other hand, is a broader methodology that aims to improve the overall performance of an organization by aligning all aspects of the business with the company's vision and strategy. It emphasizes the importance of leadership, culture, and employee engagement to drive continuous improvement and create a culture of excellence. Operational Excellence is not limited to specific tools or techniques but aims to bring the entire organization together to strive for excellence.

In summary, Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that specifically focuses on improving the efficiency and quality of processes using data and statistical analysis, while Operational Excellence is a broader methodology that focuses on aligning all aspects of the business with the company's vision and strategy and creating a culture of excellence throughout the organization.

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