Wednesday, March 13, 2024

MTM - Elements

INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING is redesign (engineering) of Products, Facilities and Processes for Productivity increase.

TMU. Most predetermined motion time systems (MTM and MOST) use time measurement units (TMU) instead of seconds for measuring time. One TMU is defined to be 0.00001 hours, or 0.036 seconds.

One TMU  =  0.00001 hours  =   0.036 seconds.

There are approx. 28 TMU’s in one second.

The 17 Basic MTM-1 Motions

Fingers or Hand
Apply Pressure

Eye Motions
Eye Focus
Eye Travel

Body Motions
Foot Motion
Leg Motion
Side- Step
Turn Body
Bend, Stoop and Kneel
Sit and Stand

Chapter 5

REACH is the basic element employed when the predominant purpose is to move the hand and/or fingers to a destination or general location. 

The predominant purpose of the motion is the deciding factor in classifying it as a reach. Holding or palming a light, small item such as a screw- driver, pliers, or scissors while moving the hand does not justify classifying the motion as a move rather than a reach. For example, in the needle trades, a scissors is often held in the palm of the hand while other operations such as reaching from the cloth on the working area in front of the operator to a bin containing pins are performed. The motion to the bin should be classified as a reach if the predominant purpose is to get the hand in a position to pick up some pins for the next operation. 

Chapter 6



MOVE is the basic element employed when the predominant purpose is to transport an object to a destination.


The predominant purpose of the motion is the deciding factor in classifying it as either a reach or a move. If the hand holds an object as an incidental fact to the reason for the motion, a reach will be performed. Basically, then, the decision as to predominant purpose hinges on the reason for moving the hand—was it to relocate the hand, or was it to relocate the object? Answering this question will clarify  the kind of transport motion involved. 

Turn may be defined as follows: 

Turn is the motion employed to turn the hand either, empty or loaded by a movement that rotates the hand, wrist, and forearm about the long axis of the forearm.

Engineered work measurement; the principles, data, and techniques of methods-time measurement, modern time and motion study, and related applications engineering data, by Delmar W. Karger and Franklin H. Bayha., 



TURN is the basic motion employed to revolve the empty or loaded hand by an action which rotates the hand, wrist, and forearm about the long axis of the forearm. While pure Turns as defined above do sometimes occur in industrial operations, they occur more frequently in combination with Reaches and Moves. This fact has led to statements by some sources that Turn is a special way of performing a Reach or Move. Such is not the case. While it is true that Moves and Reaches may include performance of the basic motion Turn, this does not preclude the ability of the worker to accomplish pure Turns alone.



The basic element that requires the shortest time of any to perform is Release Load. Values of 1.7 TMU and 0 TMU have been assigned to the two cases thus far established. Undoubtedly the value of 1.7 TMU is high. It was obtained as the result of the measuring procedure employed when collecting data. Even in slow-motion pictures, Release Load is often found to consume only one or two sixty-fourths of a second, which would give values of approximately .4 or .8 TMU. 

Release Load is so quick that its presence must usually be determined by analysis rather than by observation. In compiling the methods-time data, it was thought possible that Release Load might be ignored altogether in application. It was found after numerous checks with and without recognizing Release Load that the accuracy of the results was somewhat increased by including time for releasing. This may be attributable to the manner in which the data were compiled, i.e., time may have been assigned to Release Load which actually belongs to Move and Reach. Regardless of this, however, since the recognition of Release Load increases the accuracy of the methods-time data in application in their present form, it should be included in the manner outlined below. 


Release Load is the basic element employed to relinquish control of an object by the fingers or hand. 

The opening of the fingers, or hand, permitting the part to be free, as shown by Fig. 53, is the motion employed. It should be noted that, like Grasp, the definition limits the basic element of Release Load to releases which are performed with the hand only. If a part is released by opening a pair of tongs, it is accompanied by performing the basic element Move. 



Disengage is the basic element employed to break the contact between one object and another, and it is characterized by an involuntary movement occasioned by the sudden ending of resistance. 

chapter 12 


Operations that involve walking occur frequently in industry. Therefore a detailed study of walking time and methods is necessary if the method-time data are to be applied to this class of work. 

MTM Maynard et al. 1948 Book chapters - Partial list

Table of Contents 

1. METHODS ENGINEERING. Industry's Search for Better Manufacturing Methods History and Development of Methods Engineering - Definition of Methods Engineering-The Growing Emphasis on Better Methods - Problems Arising from Methods Changes Methods Correction or Methods Engineering — Methods-Time Measurement. - 

2. METHODS - TIME MEASUREMENT AN ADVANCED STEP IN METHODS ENGINEERING.. Definition of Methods-Time Measurement Principal Uses of Methods-Time Measurement - Developing Effective Methods in Advance of Beginning Production - Improving Existing Methods Establishing Time Standards — Developing Time Formulas — Estimating - Guiding Product Design-Developing Effective Tool Designs Selecting Effective Equipment Training Supervisors to Become Methods-conscious Research - Settling Grievances Limitations of Methods-Time Measurement. - 

3. DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS-TIME DATA.. — Origin of Methods-Time Data Procedure for Collecting Data Analysis Procedure Conclusion. 


4. METHODS-TIME DATA.... Methods-Time Data Tables - Unit of Time - Conventions for Recording Methods-Time Data. 

5. REACH - Starting and Stopping Points  Determining Definition of Reach Length of Motion - Reach Motions Involving Body Movements - Classifications of Reach. 

6. MOVE  Definition of Move Starting and Stopping Points - of Move - Other Cases of Move - Weight Factors. - Classifications 

7. TURN  - Definition of Turn-Starting and Stopping Points - Length of Turn Motion - Combination Motions - Classifications of Turn Influence of Weight of Object on Turn - Special Cases of Turn Apply Pressure. 

8. GRASP Definition of Grasp - Starting and Stopping Points - Classifications of Grasp Synthesizing Time Values for Complex Grasps — Grasp at High Performance Levels - Two-handed Operations. - 

9. POSITION  Importance of Position - Starting and Stopping Points - Variables Affecting Position Class of Fit- Symmetry. Ease of Handling - - Special Cases of Position - Theory of Positioning Motions. 

10. RELEASE Load....  Definition of Release Load-Starting and Stopping Points - Classifications of Release Load. 

11. DISENGAGE  Definition of Disengage - Starting and Stopping Points - Variables Affecting Disengage - Ease of Handling — Careful - Class of Fit - Handling. 

12. WALKING  — Study Procedure - Characteristics of Walking - Determination of Walking Time-Accuracy of Walking-Time Data. 

13. OTHER MOTIONS.. Measurement Procedure - Foot Motions Step Turn Body —  - Side - Leg Motions - Bend, Stoop, and Kneel on One Knee- - Sit and Stand from a Sitting Position Kneel on Both Knees Accuracy of Body, Foot, and Leg Methods-Time Standards. 

14. PRINCIPLE OF THE LIMITING MOTION....  Combined Motions Simultaneous Motions Simultaneous Grasps Simultaneous Positions Simultaneous Arm and Stepping Motions — Simultaneous Foot or Leg and Arm Motions - Complex Simultaneous Motions of the Body. 

15. ACCURACY OF METHODS-TIME STANDARDS. Preliminary Tests of Accuracy with Motion-picture Films Tests of Accuracy Against Time-study Data-Study of Gauze-folding Film- Additional Tests. 


Productivity Management Imperative for USA - McKinsey. Returning US productivity to its long-term trend of 2.2 percent annual growth would add $10 trillion in cumulative GDP over the next ten years (2023 - 2030).

Engineered Work Measurement: The Principles, Techniques, and Data of Methods-time Measurement Background and Foundations of Work Measurement and Methods-time Measurement, Plus Other Related Material

Delmar W. Karger, Franklin H. Bayha

Industrial Press Inc., 1987 - Work measurement - 503 pages

Includes extensive information on I.E. and work measurement software. Focuses on the MTM material that has been refined for more than three decades. Provides accurate answers to all questions regarding MTM-1 found in the MTM Association for Standards and Research MTM-1 Examinations. Covers the minimum work measurement background essential to all who must understand and apply MTM-1.

MOST Work Measurement Systems, Third Edition,

K. B. Zandin

CRC Press, 19-Dec-2002 - Technology & Engineering - 552 pages

This book is an essential guide for those in training for their MOST® certification and a great value to anyone looking to enhance their marketability to prospective employers. Revised to accommodate the evolving needs of current and emerging industries, the third edition clarifies the working rules and data card format for BasicMOST®, MiniMOST® and MaxiMOST®, presents a thorough description of the application of AdminMOSTTM, a version of BasicMOST® for measuring administrative tasks in retail, banking and service environments, and contains new photographs and illustrations. It is an excellent resource for practicing professionals and newcomers in the fields of industrial engineering and management.

A Long Case Study Using MTM, Therbligs and Process Charts

Improving the process of Assembling and Unassembling an Electric Mosquito Swatter

19 min read


Sep 17, 2022

Ud. 13.3.2024
Pub. 22.9.2023

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