Monday, June 17, 2024

Machine Design Study for Productivity Improvement

Every machine being used in the company is to be studied by company industrial engineers from productivity improvement perspective to find opportunities to modify the machine and increase productivity.

Importance of Machine Design in Engineering

Machine design is a cornerstone of engineering. Understanding and implementing machine design principles are crucial due to reasons such as:

It streamlines manufacturing processes

Enhances machinery's efficiency and productivity

Ensures the safety, reliability and cost-effectiveness of machines

Serves as a creative outlet for engineers, allowing them to create innovative, effective solutions to complex problems

To elaborate, successful machine design ensures safe and effective machinery operation, thereby minimising the risk of accidents and breakdowns. Moreover, by bringing down the costs affiliated with manufacturing processes, machine design makes products more affordable for consumers while also increasing profitability for organisations.

Boosting Mechanical Design Team Productivity with CAD Solutions 
March 17, 2022

25 Top Productivity Tools for Design Engineers

The Design and Construction of a Machine to Improve Production Productivity

Chanchai Laohaa, Naphatara Intanonb, Anun Saengkawc, and Oangkhan Kurakanokd
Department of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Technical Education, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Khonkaen Campus, Thailand

Product Design - Engineering Developments for Industrial Engineers - Bibliography

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