Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Improving Performance: Rummler, Geary A.; Brache, Alan P. - Book Information

 Improving Performance: How To Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart. Second Edition. The Jossey-Bass Management Series.

Rummler, Geary A.; Brache, Alan P.

This book offers an integrated framework for achieving competitive advantage by managing organizations, processes, and jobs effectively. 

Chapter 1 explores the forces driving the needs to be more competitive. 

Chapter 2 contrasts the traditional functional view of the organization with the systems view. 

Chapter 3 introduces the three levels of performance--organization, process, and job/performer. Chapters 4-6 each explore one of the three levels of performance. 

Chapters 7-16 discuss the application of the systems view of the organization. 

Chapter 7 examines linking performance to strategy. 

Chapter 8 examines performance improvement efforts that have benefited from covering all three levels. 

Chapter 9 provides a comprehensive process for diagnosing and improving organization performance needs. 

Chapter 10 describes the process improvement methodology used to improve quality and customer satisfaction and reduce cycle time and costs. 

Chapter 11 describes traps that lessen the return on investment in process redesign. 

Chapter 12 focuses on measuring performance and designing a performance management system. Chapter 13 describes how to use measurement as the basis for the continuous management of processes. Chapter 14 presents a nine-step process for designing an organization structure that supports the efficient delivery of high-quality products and services. 

Chapter 15 shows how to create a performance-based human resource development function. 

Chapter 16 describes a three-step process for performance improvement. 

Contains 43 figures, 21 tables, 17 references, a 35-item bibliography, and an index. (SK)


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