Saturday, October 12, 2019

Total Productivity Management

Total Productivity Management

Chapter of Productivity Management in Engineering Organizations - Online Book

Total productivity management (TP management) is a process for coordinating all the various improvement activities occurring in a company so that they contribute to top management’s goals for the entire company in the area of productivity improvement. Starting with a corporate vision and broad goals, these activities are developed into supporting objectives, or targets, throughout the organization. The targets are specifically and quantitatively defined.   TP management is, in a sense, a top-down program based on the goals of top management. The strategy and business plan of the company are the basis for developing the productivity policy, that specifies the productivity goals.

Saito and Yokota advocated that TPm employ the following concepts:

● Pursue the concept of the ideal total system.
● Apply management technology in a systematic and theoretically correct manner.

The concepts underlying TP management offer a new way of thinking about productivity. TP management derives its targets from the overall plan and is working out in a top down approach to achieve them. The bottom up spontaneous improvement activities are to be encouraged but have to be channeled into supporting the TP targets. TP management is a proven technique according to Saito and Yokota and they claim that their organization had 10 years of experience in providing management guidance to organizations in implementing TP management. The focus of TP management is extended from company profits to customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and even social satisfaction.

Illustrations of Total productivity management

Coca Cola - Productivity Vision - Target - Achievement

Productivity Success Story - Coca Cola

(C) Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. 2019


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