Tuesday, March 25, 2025

2025 Machine Shop Engineering, Technology & Industrial Engineering - Productivity Improvement & Cost Reduction News


Say YES to Knowledge Based Industrial Engineering. 

Use recent developments in engineering & technologies in process improvement for productivity. Develop files for each production process and accumulate the items of your interest. Do knowledge management.

Forward Thinking About Productivity: Assess each engineering and technology develop about its productivity benefit for the processes of your organization.

https://www.themachinist.in/category/machine-tools  (A Times group magazine) 


Metal Working Equipment News 


Twitter Hashtag Machining


Productivity Science of Machining - F.W. Taylor - Experiments and Results.

Free Download



Manufacturing design and process planning


2025 News - Some Important Developments

Manufacturing’s AI Era is Here

March 5, 2025

Generative AI is helping to address the manufacturing skills shortage by improving training, encouraging proficiency, and documenting the experiences that enhance productivity and workplace safety.

Yannick Haeck

The manufacturing industry is heading toward an AI-powered future, with workforce training and development, becoming an important area benefiting from it.


14 Feb

Efficiency, precision, and a breakthrough you don’t want to miss

Sandvik Coromant

February 14, 2025


Ud. 25.3.2025

Pub. 14.2.2025

March - Industrial Engineering Lessons - Notes - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Center


Optimization - Mathematics and Statistics

Crankshaft - Engineering Optimization - Bibliography

Optimization - Minimization of Resources Used in Big Data Storage and Analysis

Engineering Optimization - Courses and Resources

What is mathematical programming?

Examples of Mathematical Programming.

Simplex Method

Transportation Problem

Queing Models



An Overview of Optimization Techniques for CNC Milling Machine

New Technology and Optimization of Mobile Phone Battery

Combustion Optimization in PF Boilers

Application of Optimization Techniques in the Power System Control

More cases to illustrate the application in each operation of the process chart will be collected.

Overview of injection molding process optimization technology

Optimal inspection strategy for a multi-stage production process using simulation optimization.

Optimization of material handling in production by G Ioannou · 2004

Optimization designed to optimize surgery scheduling for a hospital system.

IE Statistics - Six Sigma Module Lessons

Lesson 401

Statistics and Industrial Engineering



Statistical Quality Control – Industrial Engineering


Basics of Statistics



Statistical Process Control

Evaluation Improvement of Production Productivity Performance using Statistical Process Control, Overall Equipment Efficiency, and Autonomous Maintenance,
Amir Azizi
Procedia Manufacturing
Volume 2, 2015, Pages 186-190
open access


Statistical Quality Control


Calculation of Sample Sizes in Work Measurement and Work Sampling

http://www.prenhall.com/divisions/bp/app/russellcd/PROTECT/CHAPTERS/CHAP08/HEAD06.HTM  (WorK measurement full chapter - Includes sample size calculation for time study and work sampling)


Test of Hypothesis

Test of hypothesis is to be used by industrial engineers to confirm or validate that their redesign or a process has resulted in the increase of productivity. This becomes useful when there is variation in the output from various workstations or persons.  We can also visualize activities in different places. In such case we test the hypothesis that productivity has improved in the workstations where redesign is is implemented.



One More presentation


Design of Experiments




Six Sigma




Initiating Six Sigma - IE Six Sigma - Robust Productive Process Design



Measurements for Six Sigma - IE Six Sigma - Robust Productive Process Design



Data Analysis for Six Sigma - IE Six Sigma - Robust Productive Process Design



Improve The Process - IE Six Sigma - Robust Productive Process Design



Control the Process - IE Six Sigma - Robust Productive Process Design



Implementing and Getting Results from Six Sigma - IE Six Sigma - Robust Productive Process Design



Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) - IE Six Sigma - Robust Productive Process Design



Application of Six Sigma. Successful Projects from the Application of Six Sigma Methodology - Jaime Sanchez and Adan Valles-Chavez.


Additional Content

Application of Six Sigma

Application of Six Sigma

Applied Industrial Engineering - IE in Various Branches of Industrial Engineering

Industrial engineering is primarily an engineering discipline with productivity orientation. It major application is in incremental improvement of processes that give benefit within one year and hence it became closely allied with management in increasing profits, reducing costs and providing the company with the potential to reduce prices and increase profit. Hence Taiichi Ohno said industrial engineering is profit engineering. If a company is not using IE, it is losing an opportunity.

The application of industrial engineering is in processes of all engineering branches. Engineering activities like product design, production, maintenance of machines in factories, and service of consumer items are important engineering activities. In addition material handling and storage also involve engineering. Unfortunately, industrial engineering profession has not given enough attention to makes its presence in various engineering branches visible and systemic. Only limited attempts were done to create textbooks that discuss IE in specific engineering branches.

Industrial Engineering in Chemical Engineering

Industrial Engineering in Civil Engineering

Industrial Engineering in Computer Engineering and Information Technology

Industrial Engineering in Electrical Engineering

Industrial Engineering in Electronics Engineering

Industrial Engineering in Health Care

Information Systems Industrial Engineering - Information Systems Engineering

Industrial Engineering in Textile Engineering

Applied Industrial Engineering in New Technologies

IE in New Technologies - IE with New Technologies

Implementation of  Industrial Engineering Principles and Techniques in New Technologies (Engineering Processes) and Business Processes

Lesson 433

Ud. 25.3.2025
Pub. 27.2.2025

Monday, March 24, 2025

Video - Principles of Industrial Engineering - IISE 2017 Pittsburgh Conference


2 July 2024



1. Productivity science.

Productivity Science Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Develop a science for each element of a man - machine system's work related to efficiency and productivity.

The productivity science developed is the foundation for industrial engineering in productivity engineering and productivity management phases.


2. Productivity engineering

Productivity Engineering Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Industrial engineering is concerned with redesign of engineering systems with a view to improve their productivity.


Industrial engineering is concerned with redesign of engineering systems with a view to improve their productivity. Industrial engineers analyze productivity of each  resource used in engineering systems and redesign as necessary to improve productivity.

It has to be ensured that the increase in productivity due to the use of low-cost materials, processes and increasing speed of machines and men, should not lead to any decrease in quality of the output.


Ubiquity of Industrial Engineering Principle.

Industrial Engineering is applicable to all branches of engineering.

http://nraoiekc.blogspot.com/2017/06/industrial-engineering-in-all-branches.html 18 16 128.82 3 100.00% 38.89% 0.00


Machine Utilization Economy Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Principles of (machine) utilization economy to be developed for all resources used in engineering systems.


Optimization Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Industrial engineering optimization


Return on Investment Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Industrial engineering economics


Implementation Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Implementation team membership and leadership


In industrial engineering,  management is to be taught so that IEs successfully manage the planning and implementation of their redesigns.


Human Effort Engineering Principle.

Do human effort engineering for increasing productivity. Develop science and engineering for human effort.



Motion Economy Principles.

Principles of motion economy to be used in all IE studies in the area of human effort engineering


Operator comfort and health

Operator comfort and health are to be taken care of.

Operator Comfort and Health - Principle of Industrial Engineering


As human effort engineers, industrial engineers are concerned with comfort and health of operators.

The productivity improvement and the consequent extra production from a man-machine combination should not lead to discomfort, fatigue and musculoskeletal disorders.

11. Work measurement Principle of Industrial Engineering



Operator Selection Principle of Industrial Engineering

Selection of operators - Principle of Industrial Engineering



Process Training Principle of Industrial Engineering. 

Industrial engineers must be educated in training and they must acquire training skills.

Training of operators, supervisors, engineers and managers has to be undertaken by industrial engineers in new processes.


Productivity training Principle of Industrial Engineering

Productivity training and education has to be provided to all associates by industrial engineers.


Employee involvement Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Involve employees in continuous improvement of processes and products for productivity improvement. Organize operator process improvement workshops.

16. Productivity incentives Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Provide incentives to operators to learn new process methods and utilize them effectively to increase productivity. Incentives also increase participation in process improvement projects or studies.

17. Hearty cooperation Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Industrial engineers and managers must have cooperative attitudes. They are in the production system to facilitate work. 

An industrial engineers does not exploit anybody in the organization.

18. Productivity Management Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Productivity Management- Principle of Industrial Engineering


18. Productivity Management Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Every industrial engineer is a productivity manager. 

He has to plan for productivity and achieve productivity improvement year after year.

As a part of productivity management, he has to assess management actions of the organization for effect on productivity and has to recommend changes if they have an adverse effect on productivity or if there is scope for increasing productivity by modifying them.


System Level Focus Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Every implementation of redesign of any element of a process must have benefit at the system level. This is the focus of theory of constraints (TOC).

System level focus for productivity

20. Productivity measurement Principle of Industrial Engineering

21. Cost measurement Principle of Industrial Engineering

Methods of Industrial Engineering - Prof. Hugo Diemer



Third Edition 





See page 11. Point 15. 

In the first edition of this book the writer outlined the methods of the industrial engineer as follows: 

He considers a manufacturing establishment just as one would an intricate machine. He analyzes each process into its ultimate, simple elements, and compares each of these simplest steps or processes with an ideal or perfect condition. He then makes all due allowances for rational and practical conditions and establishes an attainable commercial standard for every step. The next process is that of attaining continuously this standard, involving both quality and quantity, and the inter- locking or assembling of all of these prime elements into a well- arranged, well-built, smooth-running machine. It is quite evident, that work of this character involves technical knowledge and ability in science and pure engineering, which do not enter perception of money values. His work will not be good engineering unless he uses good business judgment. He must be able to select those mechanical devices and perfect such organization as will best suit present needs and secure prompt returns in profit. He must have sufficiently good business sense to appreciate the ratio between investment and income. He must be in close enough touch with the financial management to be able to impress upon them the necessity of providing sinking funds to provide for the more perfect installations and organizations which future demands of a more educated and enlightened public will necessitate. 

The industrial engineer to-day must be as competent to give good business advice to his corporation as is the skilled corpora- tion attorney. Upon his sound judgment and good advice depend very frequently the making or losing of large fortunes. 

The recognition of industrial engineering as a distinct field of engineering has become an established and permanent fact as evidenced by such strong and prominent organizations as the Society of Industrial Engineers and the Taylor Society. The latter was originally organized imder the name of the Society to Promote the Science of Management but changed its name in honor of Dr. Frederick W. Taylor after his death. Still further recognition of industrial engineering as a distinct field of engineer- ing is evidenced by the increasing number of colleges and univer- sities establishing departments of industrial engineering and distinct courses in industrial engineering. These courses have been designated in some colleges as courses in engineering ad- ministration and involve a great deal more than one or two series of lectures on industrial management. They usually cover separate classes in charge of specialist professors teaching such subjects as cost accounting, time study, functional control in the shop, personnel management, and factory layout and equipment. 

Taylor's Definition of the Methods of Industrial Management.

Fred W, Taylor summarizes the methods of industrial management as follows: 

(1) The Establishment into Scientific Form of all of the Working Data and Rule of Thumb Knowledge Relating to a Given Industry, — 

As an example of the practical application of this method we have Mr. Taylor's own exhaustive treatise on " The Art of Cutting Metals/' 

(2) The Scientific Study of the Workers. — To illustrate what sort of investigation this involves we may again refer to Mr. Taylor's investigations as to the physical and temperamental qualifications of men best adapted to such work as shoveling iron ore, carrying pig iron, etc. 

(3) Bringing the Science, to the Worker, — This is accomplished through the medium of functional f oremanship. Each functional foreman is an expert teacher in his speciality. 

(4) The Assumption by the Management Itself of Its Due Share in the Above-mentioned Three Divisions. 


Cheyney: "Industrial and Social History of England," Chapters II-IX. 

Coman: "Industrial History of the United States," Chapters II-IX. 

Day: "History of Commerce," Part IV. 

Weight: "Industrial Evolution of the United States," Parts I, II and IV. 

Going: "Principles of Industrial Engineering," Chapters I and II. 

Transactions A. S. M. E., 1912. Report of Committee on Present State 

of Industrial Management: No. 1378, pp. 1131-1229. 

Tuck School Conference on Scientific Management: pp. 28-35. 

Industrial Engineering Knowledge Center - Industrial Engineering Body of Knowledge


AIIE (Revised)

"Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems."

Narayana Rao (2011)

"Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering and System Efficiency Engineering.

Industrial Engineering Knowledge Center - Industrial Engineering Body of Knowledge

System Design

System Installation

System Improvement

Production Process - Production System Design

Production Process - Production System Improvement Industrial Engineering

Production System Installation

Ud. 3.12.2024

Pub. 3.5.2021

Focus of Industrial Engineering

औद्योगिक इंजीनियरिंग फोकस, Enfoque de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial, التركيز في الهندسة الصناعية


Read in Chinese,   हिंदी में पढ़ें,    Leer en español   (Read in Spanish),    قراءة في اللغة العربية  (Read in Arabic)


Focus of Industrial Engineering is Human Efficiency and System Efficiency in the design of integrated systems.

They are Efficiency Experts and They are not Functional Designers or Experts.
The Two Important areas of IE are Human Effort Engineering and Systems Efficiency Engineering. 



Institute of Industrial Engineers, the global professional body of industrial engineers provides the following definition for their discipline. "Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, material, information, equipment, and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems1."

The definition does not provide the focus of industrial engineers in a quick visible way. The curriculums and text books of the discipline also do not provide its focus clearly. Due to this shortcoming, there is an identity crisis in the profession and may people with qualifications in industrial engineering join other departments where focus is more clear and shun industrial engineering as a career. Could industrial engineering discipline discover its focus?

For this endeavor one may start by examining the evolution of Industrial engineering.

Evolution of Industrial Engineering

The earliest reference to Industrial Engineering that we could trace was the address delivered by Henry R. Towne2 at the Purdue University on February 24th, 1905. According to him,” the Engineer is one who, in the world of physics and applied sciences, begets new things, or adapts old things to new and better uses; above all, one who, in that field, attains new results in the best way and at lowest cost.”

Towne explained that Industrial Engineering is the practice of one or more branches of engineering in connection with some organized establishment of a productive character, in which are conducted the operations required in the production of some article, or series of articles, of commerce or consumption.

He emphasized that an engineer who combines in one personality the two functions of technical knowledge and executive ability   has open to him unlimited opportunities in the field of industrial engineering. F.W.Taylor is hailed as the Father of Industrial engineering. He focused on improving the output from persons working in various trades. Time study was his main technique. Gilberth brought in the technique of motion study and developed the science and art of improving human efficiency at work. Harrington Emerson independently developed the ideas of efficiency of business organizations and published the book "The Twelve principles of Efficiency.3" He was one of the founding members or organizers of  "The Efficiency Society," which was started in 1912. Taylor Society and the Efficiency merged at a later point in time. Taylor's and Emerson's efforts in promoting human efficiency and system's efficiency form the back bone of the current profession of Industrial engineering. 

Lehrer's Definition

Robert N. Lehrer, Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Industrial Engineering, had proposed the following definition for industrial engineering in 1954. “Industrial engineering is the design of situations for the useful coordination of men, materials and machines in order to achieve desired results in an optimum manner. The unique characteristics of Industrial Engineering center about the consideration of the human factor as it is related to the technical aspects of a situation, and the integration of all factors that influence the overall situation.”4

The definition proposed by Lehrer brought out the importance of human factor specifically. But this definition was modified by AIIE  to broaden it to a large extent. But in that process the focus was lost. 

Interpretation of IISE Definition

"Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, material, information, equipment, and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems1."

What  are terms in the definition related to focus of the discipline?

Design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, material, information, equipment, and energy.

To specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.

Specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design.

What is core knowledge of Industrial Engineering

Principles and methods of engineering analysis and design.  - Principles and methods of engineering.

Additional knowledge to be used along with engineering.
Specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences.
Knowledge useful for industrial engineering.

What are activities of Industrial Engineering

Design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, material, information, equipment, and energy.

Installation includes production, construction, fabrication etc. engineering or engineered products and services.

What is the purpose of Industrial Engineering

To specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.
Add improve (improvement of results).

Industrial engineers must be able to specify the results to be obtained from systems. (Requirement)

Industrial engineers must be able to predict the results to be obtained from systems. (given the design system).

Industrial engineers must be able to evaluate predict the results to be obtained from systems in operation.

Industrial engineers must improve the results to be obtained from systems in design stage or in operating stage.

What are important result areas - Focus of Industrial Engineering?

Time taken by machines and men
Material consumption
Energy consumption

Qualtiy - It is a constraint. IE should not result in lower quality.

Delivery - Quanity produced as per demand.



The definition proposed by Lehrer brought out the importance of human factor specifically. But this definition was modified by AIIE  to broaden it to a large extent. But in that process the focus was lost. Narayana Rao examined this problem and proposed the following definition5.

Definition by Narayana Rao


“Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering. It is an engineering discipline that deals with the design of human effort in all occupations: agricultural, manufacturing and service. The objectives of Industrial Engineering are optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved.”

The proposed definition basically extends Lehrer’s definition and captures the work done by Taylor and Gilbreth. Both of them studied human effort in detail and optimized the work system. Industrial engineers will bring to the design of large production system like a factory, their specialized knowledge of the human effort and human factors, methodology of studying work, and work measurement. Industrial engineers will also have adequate knowledge of technologies and equipment being used in the factory and the business principles and implications. While the knowledge of the human effort, human factors, methodology of studying work, and work measurement are the common knowledge areas of industrial engineers, the technology specific to the various industries will be different and thus specialist industrial engineers will emerge for different industries. It is also in line with the practice of admitting engineers of all disciplines in post graduate programs of industrial engineering.

In the case of engineering disciplines, industrial engineers are concerned with those situations in engineering practice where there is involvement of people in production, installation or maintenance and they will do an advanced study of features of equipment, with which people interact and operate the equipment. Already industrial engineers are working in various areas where traditional engineering disciplines have no role like banks and hospitals. Redefining Industrial Engineering as Human Effort Engineering, explains the role, industrial engineers are performing currently in a wide variety of organizations. Also, the word ‘industry’ has the meaning of effort or sustained effort in English language. Thus, we are making the definition of Industrial Engineering easy to be comprehended by even ordinary persons. 
The objectives of Industrial Engineering are mentioned as optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved. Taylor examined all the three simultaneously in his work design efforts. Taylor became the target of criticism because at that point of time, his conclusion was that workers were capable of more output but they were not producing to their full potential. But still the objective of Taylor was not to squeeze production from workers for the benefit of managements. Industrial Engineering should be so defined and practiced that industrial engineers are invited by employees themselves to examine their work and improve their productivity. The improvement in productivity should not lead to additional discomfort to the employee. Actually, the study by an industrial engineer should lead to more comfort for the employee. The increases in productivity should always lead to increase in income of the employees concerned or in other terms wages and salaries should reflect productivity differences among employees. Then employees themselves will invite industrial engineers to help them to improve their productivity as well as comfort. Even a self-employed person should invite industrial engineers to come and study his work and redesign it to optimize his comfort, productivity and income.
The objective of optimization of productivity of work-systems captures the direction and effort of Harrington Emerson. Industrial engineering has many efficiency improvement techniques.
Industrial engineers have to focus on human efficiency and system efficiency in the design of integrated systems and they can look for a leadership role in the systems design due to their broad learning curriculum.


1. http://www.iienet.org/public/articles/details.cfm?id=468
2.. Towne, Henry R., “Industrial Engineering” An Address Delivered  At the Purdue University, Friday, February 24th, 1905, downloaded from http://www.cslib.org/stamford/towne1905.htm
3. Emerson, H. (1912) The Twelve Principles of Efficiency, Engineering Magazine Company, New York, NY.
4. Lehrer, Robert N., “The Nature of Industrial Engineering,” The Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol.5, No.1, January 1954, Page 4
5. Narayana Rao, K.V.S.S., “Definition of Industrial Engineering: Suggested Modification,” Udyog Pragati, October-December, 2006


Efficiency improvement techniques of Industrial engineering - List

1. Method study
2. Motion study
3. Time study
4. Value engineering
5. Statistical quality control
6. Statistical inventory control
7. Six sigma
8. Operations research
9. Variety reduction
10. Standardization
11. Incentive schemes
12. Waste reduction or elimination
13. Activity based management
14. Business process improvement
15. Fatigue analysis and reduction
16. Engineering economy analysis
17. Learning effect capture and continuous improvement (Kaizen, Quality circles and suggestion schemes)
18. Standard costing

Some views and practices that support the view expressed in this article

Central to the discipline of industrial engineering are two themes: the interfaces among people and machines within systems, and the analysis of systems leading to improved performance. These issues motivated Taylor, and they motivate us today.

Human effort engineerng and System efficiency engineering can be identified in the above two themes.


Industrial Engineering - Core Task

The core task in Industrial Engineering (IE) is continuous engineering change in product and processes to increase productivity. Other activities are additions to this core. If it is not done, engineering term has no meaning and IE has no competitive advantage.

"Industrial Engineering is System Efficiency Engineering and Human Effort Engineering. It is an engineering discipline that deals with the system efficiency."

The core design teams are first concerned with effectiveness and then with satisfactory efficiency. Industrial engineers evaluate and increase efficiency over the life cycle of the product and process based on intensive search of existing knowledge, creative application, efficiency related measurements and analysis, new technology developments, experience, and involving every body in operations as well as design in efficiency improvement. Improvements done by IEs are fed back into core design for the future products and processes.

Principles of Industrial Engineering With Supporting  Articles   https://nraoiekc.blogspot.com/2019/11/principles-of-industrial-engineering.html

Updated on  28.7.2024,  21 Feb 2020
19 March 2012
hits counter
Original knol - Number 2

Industrial Engineering Definitions - 1911 to 2020


Popular E-Book on IE,

Introduction to Modern Industrial Engineering.  #FREE #Download.

In 0.1% on Academia.edu. 10,000+ Downloads so far.


Industrial Engineering Definitions

Going (1911)

Industrial engineering directs the efficient conduct of manufacturing, construction, transportation, or even commercial enterprises of any undertaking, indeed in which human labor is directed to accomplishing any kind of work . Industrial engineering has drawn upon mechanical engineering, upon economics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, accountancy, to fuse from these older sciences a distinct body of science of its own . It is the inclusion of the economic and the human elements especially that differentiates industrial engineering from the older established branches of the profession (Going, 1911) [1].

Going is the first person to give a full definition of industrial engineering. Diemer explained IE as the meaning given by F.W. Taylor.

L.W. Wallace (1920)

The Industrial Engineer is a creator of plans and standards to govern the use of human labor for productive purposes. 

The term use of human labor includes use of machines and tools by humans. Using machine by an operator is human labor still. [12]


“Industrial engineering is the engineering approach applied to all factors, including the human factor, involved in the production and distribution of products or services.” (Maynard, 1953) [2]

Human factors engineering or industrial engineering is indicated in the above definition.


“Industrial engineering is the design of situations for the useful coordination of men, materials and machines in order to achieve desired results in an optimum manner. The unique characteristics of Industrial Engineering center about the consideration of the human factor as it is related to the technical aspects of a situation, and the integration of all factors that influence the overall situation.” (Lehrer, 1954) [3]


Industrial Engineering: The art and science of utilizing and coordinating men, equipment, and materials to attain a desired quantity and quality of output at a specified time and at an optimum cost. This may include gathering, analyzing, and acting upon facts pertaining to building and facilities layouts, personnel organization, operating procedures, methods, processes, schedules, time standards, wage rates, wage payment plans, costs, and systems for controlling the quality and quantity of goods and services. (ASME Standard 'INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING TERMINOLOGY, 1955.)


“Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of men, materials, and equipment. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.” (AIIE, 1955). [4]

"Specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.” - Results - Productivity and other performance measures.


"Industrial engineering may be defined as the art of utilizing scientific principles, psychological data, and physiological information for designing, improving, and integrating industrial, management, and human operating procedures." (Nadler, 1955) [5]

Lyndal Urwick

“Industrial engineering is that branch of engineering knowledge and practice which

 1. Analyzes, measures, and improves the method of performing the tasks assigned to individuals,
2. Designs and installs better systems of integrating tasks assigned to a group,
3. Specifies, predicts, and evaluates the results obtained.

It does so by applying to materials, equipment and work specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical and physical sciences and the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design. Since, however, work has to be carried out by people; engineering knowledge needs to be supplemented by knowledge derived from the biological and social sciences.” (Lyndall Urwick, 1963) [6]

ASME - Maynard

Maynard reported in his second edition of the IE Handbook,  the Concept developed by the Committee of the Management Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers as:

"The art and science of utilizing and coordinating men, equipment, and materials to attain a desired quantity and quality of output at a specified time and at an optimum cost. This may include gathering, analyzing, and acting upon facts pertaining to building and facilities, layouts, personnel organization, operating procedures, methods, processes, schedules, time standards, wage rates, wage payment plans, costs and systems for controlling the quality and quantity of goods and services." (Maynard, 1963) [6b]

AIIE (Revised)

"Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems." [7]


"Industrial engineering is an art for creating the most efficient system composed of people, matters, energy, and information, by which a specific goal in industrial, economic, or social activities will be achieved within predetermined probabilities and accuracy. The system may be for a small single work station, a group, a section, a department, an institution or for a whole business enterprise. It may be also be of a regional, national, international, or inter-planetary scope."(Sawada, 1977) [8]

Narayana Rao

“Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering. It is an engineering discipline that deals with the design of human effort in all occupations: agricultural, manufacturing and service. The objectives of Industrial Engineering are optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved.” (Narayana Rao, 2006) [9]

Narayana Rao (2009)

"Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering and System Efficiency Engineering. It is an engineering discipline that deals with the design of human effort and system efficiency in all occupations: agricultural, manufacturing and service. The objectives of Industrial Engineering are optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved."(Narayana Rao, 2009) [10]


Total Industrial Engineering is  "a system of methods where the performance of labor is maximized by reducing Muri (unnatural operation), Mura (irregular operation) and Muda (non-value added operation), and then separating labor from machinery through the use of sensor techniques."  (Yamashina)
"Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering and System Efficiency Engineering. It is an engineering-based management staff-service discipline that deals with the design of human effort and system efficiency in all occupations: agricultural, manufacturing and service. The objectives of Industrial Engineering are optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved."(Narayana Rao, 2011) [Added to this knol on 14.9.2011]

Narayana Rao (2017)

Industrial engineering defined as system efficiency engineering has application in all branches of engineering.  Productivity improvement is needed in engineering systems of all branches and therefore industrial engineering needs to be used in all branches of engineering. It needs to be taught in all engineering branches. (Principles of Industrial Engineering, Narayana Rao, K.V.S.S., 2017) [11].

Principles of Industrial Engineering

Very Popular and Well Appreciated Video with 9075+ views. 
IISE Conference presentation (2017) 




1. Going, Charles Buxton, Principles of Industrial Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1911, Pages 1,2,3
2. Maynard, H.B., “Industrial Engineering”, Encyclopedia Americana, Americana Corporation, Vol. 15, 1953
3. Lehrer, Robert N., “The Nature of Industrial Engineering,” The Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol.5, No.1, January 1954, Page 4
4. Maynard, H.B.,  Handbook of Industrial Engineering, 2nd Edition,  McGraw Hill, New York, 1963.
5. Nadler, Gerald, Motion and Time Study", McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1955
6. Urwick, Lyndall, F., “Development of Industrial Engineering”, Chapter 1 in Handbook of Industrial Engineering, H.B. Maynard (Ed.), 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1963.
6b. Maynard H.B., (Editor), Industrial Engineering Handbook,Second Edition, Sec. 1, pp.115, 116, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1963.  Quoted in Harold E. Smalley and John R. Freeman, Hospital Industrial Engineering, New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1966, pp.10-11.
8. Sawada, P.N., "A Concept of Industrial Engineering," International Journal of Production Research, Vol 15, No. 6, 1977, Pp. 511-22. 
9. Narayana Rao, K.V.S.S., “Definition of Industrial Engineering: Suggested Modification.” Udyog Pragati, October-December 2006, Pp. 1-4.
10. Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.,   Industrial Engineering
11. Principles of Industrial Engineering.  2017 IISE Annual Conference Proceedings; Norcross (2017): 890-895.   https://www.proquest.com/docview/1951119980
12. Wallace, L.W.,   "WHAT THE PRINCIPLES OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISH WHEN APPLIED BY THE FOUR CLASSES OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS" The Society of Industrial Engineers,1920 in The Practical Application of the Principles of Industrial Engineering, COMPLETE REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SPRING NATIONAL CONVENTION HELD UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SOCIETY OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS, Philadelphia MARCH 24, 25 and 26, 1920, https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015067180961&seq=38


Process - Operation - Element - Method - Motion - Machine Effort - Human Effort - Industrial Engineering Terms

Process describes the steps or operations involved producing a part or a product (Operation Process Chart and Flow Process Chart of Parts)

In the process chart, material transformation operations, inspection operations, material handling operations and storage operations take place. To facilitate the operations, we need production planning and communications.

We all know process plans. Process plan is the term used to describe the steps undertaken in material transformation operation to convert raw material into part especially using machine tools. We can extend the idea and say that process is described through process plan, inspection plan, material handling plan, storage plan, production plan (quantity plan) and communications plan.

Also in each operation there is machine effort and human effort. To describe human effort, we use the term motion. We study motions and improve human effort to make it more productive, comfortable and safe.

Method is another popular term. Method is basically the arrangement of  raw material (input), machine, machine controls, cutting tools and hand tools, jigs & fixtures, finished parts disposal channels and bins and man at the work station. The method that is arrangement of the work station as well as the facilities design (if operator has to go fetch some inputs) determines the motions to be made by the operators. The selection of tools etc. also became part of method. But they are basically specified as part of the process. Hence motion study was extended as method study. Method and motion have to be studies together.

IISE Terminology

PROCESS. (1) A planned series of actions or operations (e.g., mechanical, electrical, chemical, inspection, test) which advances a material or procedure from one stage of completion to another. (2) A planned and controlled treatment that subjects materials or procedures to the influence of one or more types of energy (e.g., human, mechanical, electrical, chemical, thermal) for the time required to bring about the desired reactions or results.


PROCESS CHART SYMBOLS. Graphical symbols or signs used on process charts to depict the type of events that occur during a process. 

PROCESS DESIGN. The act of prescribing the production process to produce a product as designed. This may include specifying the equipment, tools, fixtures, machines, and the like required: the methods to be used: the personnel necessary; and the estimated or allowed times. 

PROCESS ENGINEER. An individual qualified by education, training, and/or experience to prescribe efficient production processes to safely produce a product as designed and who specializes in this work. This work includes specifying all the equipment, tools, fixtures, human job elements, and the like that are to be used and, often, the estimated cost of producing the product by the prescribed process. 

PROCESSING. The carrying out of a production process. 

PROCESS PLANNING. A procedure for determining the operations or actions necessary to transform material from one state to another.

PROCESS SHEET. A sketch, diagram or listing of the operations in the sequential order necessary to accomplish the desired result (such as transforming material from one state to another).

PROCESS TIME. (1) Time required to complete the machine or process-controlled portion of a work cycle. (2) Time required to complete an entire process.


METHOD. (1) The procedure or sequence of motions by workers and/or machines used to accomplish a given operation or work task. (2) The sequence of operations and/or processes used to produce a given product or accomplish a given job. (3) A specific combination of layout and working conditions; materials, equipment, and tools; and motion patterns involved in accomplishing a given operation or task.

METHODS ANALYSIS. That part of methods engineering normally involving an examination and analysis of an operation or a work cycle broken down into its constituent parts for the purpose of improvement, elimination of unnecessary steps, and/or establishing and recording in detail a proposed method of performance.

METHODS ENGINEERING. That aspect of industrial engineering concerned with the analysis and design of work methods and systems, including technological selection of operations or processes, specification of equipment type and location, design of manual and worker-machine tasks. May include the design of controls to insure proper levels of output, inventory, quality, and cost. (WORK DESIGN)

METHODS STUDY. A systematic examination of existing methods with the purpose of developing new or improved methods, tooling, or procedures.

METHODS TIME MEASUREMENT (MTM). A proprietary predetermined time standards system.


MOTION ANALYSIS. The study of the basic divisions of work involved in the performance of a given operation for the purpose of eliminating all useless motions and arranging the remaining motions in the best sequence for performing the operation. (PRINCIPLES OF MOTION ECONOMY.)

MOTION CYCLE. The complete sequence of motions and activities required to do one unit of work or to perform an operation once. 



PRINCIPLES OF MOTION ECONOMY. A general listing of common sense steps and procedures to simplify and improve the effectiveness of manual work.

WORK DESIGN. The design of work systems. System components include people, machines, materials, sequence, and the appropriate working facilities. The process technology and the human characteristics are considered. Individual areas of study may include analysis and simplification of manual motion components: design of jigs, fixtures, and tooling; human-machine analysis and design; or the analysis of gang or crew work. (Synonyms: ergonomics, job design, methods engineering, methods study, motion study, operation analysis, work simplification, motion economy.)


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Originally posted on Knol (Knol Number 1984)

Updated on15.12.2024,  29.9.2023,  18.3.2022, 26 July 2020,  20 May 2020, 18 February 2012