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3D Printing - Additive Manufacturing Industrial Engineering - Productivity Science and Engineering

Applied Industrial Engineering - Application of Industrial Engineering in 3D Printing - Additive Manufacturing Technology to Improve Productivity

Posts on Additive Manufacturing in this blog.


Minimum cost, stability constrained preform optimization for hybrid
manufacturing q
Gregory Corson a
, Christopher Tyler b
, Jake Dvorak a
, Tony Schmitz a,b,⇑
aUniversity of Tennessee, Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering, Knoxville, TN, USA
bOak Ridge National Laboratory, Manufacturing Science Division, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
Manufacturing Letters
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Discover how to gain 20X productivity in AM

March 30, 2023
Data-Driven 3D Printers: The Real Game-Changers for Manufacturing? Artificial intelligence and machine learning take additive to the next level.

Connected 3D printers can use collected data for artificial intelligence-powered automation. During each print job, 3D printers produce large quantities of data that are sent to and stored in the cloud. This data can help businesses make decisions about which parts to print and how best to print them, while improving the quality of print jobs.

Machine learning can optimize hardware, automatically enhancing 3D printers through software updates to increase printing speeds and improve resolution. AI can help businesses determine which parts, when produced in-house through additive manufacturing, will have the biggest impact on their bottom line. It can use digital catalogs of parts and detect which specific parts are the best candidates to be printed through various additive manufacturing techniques.

3D printers can use machine learning to automatically generate tooling jigs or fixtures to hold the parts they print.  AI-based optimizations  are used during the design stage of new parts — simulating how the digital design for a part, once printed, will perform under specific loads. AI is also employed in additive manufacturing to detect print failures (proactively pausing prints when needed), and to inspect parts as they’re being printed to ensure quality and conformance.

A Closed Loop
The same hardware out in the field is consistently learning, improving and getting smarter with every over-the-air update. As providers advance the quality of information collected during fabrication and build modes of collecting data about how each 3D printed part does its job on the field, manufacturing technology approaches a fully automated “closed-loop” printing process: One that can simply be presented with a real-world manufacturing problem to solve, and then design and build the part using the specific digital fabrication technology that makes the most sense given the defined time, cost, and performance constraints.

This smart, closed-loop automation of fabrication can substantially increase outputs and production speeds. And while additive manufacturing inherently streamlines the process of building parts, each savvy application of data collected by the printers can streamline distinct points within the additive manufacturing process. 


Productivity of 3D Printing - Additive Manufacturing  - High-speed 3D printing and the expanding material choice 

3D Printer manufacturers are focusing on developing technologies that support higher production volumes, and materials that enable advanced AM applications.  As a result, on the hardware side,  the rise of binder jetting and multi-laser powder bed fusion for metals and vat photopolymerisation processes for plastics is occurring. Materials manufacturers are increasingly focusing on high-performance materials, including advanced alloys and composites. 

The introduction of high-speed polymer AM technologies has significantly boosted the growth of 3D printing in dental. As estimated by the market research firm SmarTech, the AM dental and medical industry has topped $3 billion. Over 70% of dental labs in the US are predicted to own 3D printing technology by the end of 2021, with dental 3D printing becoming a $9.2 billion industry in the next five to seven years. 

Metal powder bed fusion: Metal 3D printing encompasses many technologies, but one of the most matured among them remains metal Powder Bed Fusion (PBF). Key market players are launching solutions for automated and integrated production. They offer a high level of automation in a bid to maximise efficiency and reduce the amount of manual labour required.  Thanks to these developments, laser PBF has found its way into many industries and applications. One industry that has been  adopting metal PBF is aerospace. Today, metal PBF 3D-printed parts are powering crucial aircraft and spacecraft systems like engines. This is where the technology’s key capabilities — the production of complex parts with simplified assembly and less material waste — truly shine. 

Research at VTT & Aalto University

New launches of Additive Manufacturing systems with enhanced productivity (e.g. SLM Solutions, ExOne, Nexa3D, Voxeljet, EOS Systems), and a growing number of software companies in the field of AM boost the hope for applying AM technologies for a larger share of components.  We at VTT & Aalto University are supporting productivity improvement of AM and have been developing and testing promising bio-based engineering materials produced from sustainable sources within the ValueBioMat project. We are focusing on advances in material science and innovation that are needed to get prepared for the future of AM, with productivity in line with sustainability.

Filtration technology boosts metal additive manufacturing ( powder-bed fusion process) productivity

Sept. 16, 2021

BOFA International (Poole, UK) has developed an innovation  that makes the exchange of filters in metal additive manufacturing processes safer, faster, and better for productivity. The laser powder-bed fusion process used in metal additive manufacturing needs filters. When new filters are needed for these systems, equipment has to be shut down and moved to a safe area for the saturated filters to be removed and replaced by operatives wearing full PPE—up until now. The new standalone AM 400 system’s technology enables the filters to be exchanged on site without risking a thermal event. The BOFA’s AM 400 filters are contained within a separate housing with a robust seal, enabling filter exchange to be completed quickly and safely without isolating the additive manufacturing equipment. This will reduce downtime of the equipment and  increase productivity.

Application of Industrial Engineering Focus Areas in Additive Manufacturing

Productivity Science - Additive Manufacturing

Productivity science has to indicate process parameters that contribute to productivity improvement.

Ramu Murugan, Mitilesh R.N, Sarat Singamneni
International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies,
 Vol. X, No. 1 / 2018

Ingrassia T., Nigrelli V., Ricotta V., Tartamella C. (2017) Process parameters influence in additive manufacturing. In: Eynard B., Nigrelli V., Oliveri S., Peris-Fajarnes G., Rizzuti S. (eds) Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham

Antonio Lanzotti, Marzio Grasso, Gabriele Staiano, Massimo Martorelli, (2015) "The impact of process parameters on mechanical properties of parts fabricated in PLA with an open-source 3-D printer", Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 21 Issue: 5, pp.604-617,

A Process Modelling and Parameters Optimization and Recommendation System for Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing Process

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, McGill University, Montreal
2015 Nov
Master of Engineering – Thesis

Product Design Improvement for Productivity - Design for Additive Manufacturing

A design framework for additive manufacturing based on the integration of axiomatic design approach, inverse problem-solving and an additive manufacturing database
Sarath Renjith
Major: Industrial Engineering
Program of Study Committee:
Gül Erdem Okudan Kremer, Major Professor
Michael Scott Helwig, Committee Member
Mark Mba-Wright, Committee Member
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa

Design for Additive Manufacturing
Authors: Erin Komi

Large collection of articles on DFAM

Design for 3D Printing - Additive Manufacturing - Product Industrial Engineering

Process Improvement for Increasing Productivity  of Additive Manufacturing

30 January 2018
To improve additive manufacturing productivity and lower cost per part, Renishaw has launched its latest system, the RenAM 500Q. Featuring four 500 W lasers, the compact machine will greatly improve productivity in the most commonly used platform size

K. F. Graff, M. Short and M. Norfolk
Edison Welding Institute, Columbus, OH 43221

To extend current ultrasonic additive manufacturing (UAM) to advanced materials, higher
speeds and larger parts, it was essential to greatly increase the process ultrasonic power. EWI,
with Solidica™, several industry, agency and academic partners, and support of Ohio’s Wright
Program, have developed a “Very High Power Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing System” that
greatly extends current technology. A key part was the design of a 9.0 kW “push-pull”
ultrasonic system able to produce sound welds in materials such as Ti 6-4, 316SS, 1100 Cu and
Al7075. The VHP system can fabricate parts of up to 1.5m x 1.5m x 0.6m.

Industrial Engineering Economic Analysis of Additive Manufacturing

Digital Alloys’ Guide to Metal Additive Manufacturing – Part 5. Economics of Metal Additive Manufacturing
January 31st, 2019

Justifying A 3D Printer Investment For Rapid Prototyping
Stratasys 2017 Report

ZHU, Z. ... et al, 2017. Economic analysis of plastic additive
manufacturing for production of end use products: a preliminary study. Presented at the 15th Conference on Rapid Design, Prototyping & Manufacturing
(RDPM2017), Newcastle, UK, 27th-28th April 2017.

"An economic analysis comparing the cost feasibility of replacing injection molding processes with emerging additive manufacturing techniques,"
Franchetti, M. & Kress, C. Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2017) 88: 2573.

Economic Aspects of Additive Manufacturing: Benefits, Costs and Energy Consumption
by Martin Baumers
Doctoral Thesis Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy of Loughborough University
September 2012

Mathematical Optimization - Engineering Optimization of Additive Manufacturing

A modified genetic algorithm for time and cost optimization of an additive manufacturing single-machine scheduling
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations,
Volume 9 Issue 4 pp. 423-438 , 2018,  Pages 423-438

D. Brackett, I. Ashcroft, R. Hague
Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University,
Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK

Statistics Based Optimizations of Additive Manufacturing

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) for additive manufacturing applied to an innovative multifunctional fan
Alfredo Liverani,  · Gianni Caligiana,  · Leonardo Frizziero,  Daniela Francia,  Giampiero Donnici, ·
Karim Dhaimini
Received: 6 November 2018 / Accepted: 15 January 2019
© Springer-Verlag France SAS, part of Springer Nature 2019

Optimal process parameters for 3D printing of dental porcelain structures
Hadi Miyanajia, Shanshan Zhanga, Austin Lassella, Amir Ali Zandinejadb, Li Yanga
Department of Industrial Engineering, J.B. Speed School of Engineering
Department of Oral Health and Rehabilitation, School of Dentistry
University of Louisville, KY, 40292

Human Effort Industrial Engineering of Additive Manufacturing

Research on the Design of FMD Desktop 3D Printer based on a User-Centred Perspective

Are 3D printers bad for worker health?
Some printers produce a large amount of particles, causing respiratory symptoms in workers

Jeroen Junte, November 2016

Industrial Engineering Measurements - Cost, Productivity and Time Measurement of Additive Manufacturing

Resource Consumption of Additive Manufacturing Technology
Nanond Nopparat, Babak Kianian
School of Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology  Karlskrona, Sweden
Thesis submitted for completion of Master of Sustainable Product-Service System Innovation (MSPI)
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden.

Mina Amini
A thesis submitted to the Graduate Council of Texas State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Technology with a Major in Industrial Technology
December 2014

Implementation of Additive Manufacturing Cost Estimation Tool (AMCET) Using Break-down Approach
Procedia Manufacturing,Volume 17, 2018, Pages 70-77

Cost Estimation of Laser Additive Manufacturing of Stainless Steel
Physics Procedia
Volume 78, 2015, Pages 388-396

Productivity Management

September  2018

Technology Adoption
Partnering in Technology Development for Productivity Improvement

Volkswagen  adopts the latest 3D printing technology, the "HP Metal Jet" process, which simplifies and speeds up metallic 3D printing. The process improves productivity by a simply staggering 50 times compared to other 3D printing methods for some components.

This process produces production-ready components for mass production applications in the automotive industry for the very first time. Volkswagen has closely partnered with printer manufacturer HP and component manufacturer GKN Powder Metallurgy in development for mass production use. The  new process was demonstrated at the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) in Chicago this week.

Volkswagen's Head of Technology Planning and Development, Dr. Martin Goede said that  we are relying on state-of-the-art technologies to ensure a smooth and fast production and  3D printing will play an  important role in manufacturing of individual parts.

85% Cost Reduction Due to Additive Manufacturing - $50,000 to $7,000.

10 sets of inlet booster rake for measuring air flow turbine engine test cells were made for $50,000 using a combination of welding, brazing, EDM, and other conventional medicines. The additive  machining technology center made it for $7,000.

Donald Godfrey, Honeywell, ISABE 2015 Manuscript

Huge Savings at Company Level - Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies

Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies has achieved huge cost reduction. As of FY 2018, they have printed more than 60,000 tooling fixtures for product testing and calculated $125 million in cost avoidance.

Design for Additive Manufacturing - Additive Manufacturing Industrial Engineering are Necessary for Effectiveness and Productivity

3D Printing is not simple.
For industrial parts, There is a workflow before the machine and after the machine with hundreds of variables that need to be specified and controlled to make sure of getting an industrial-grade part reliably, repeatably at reduced cost.


Huge Hybrid Manufacturing Machine is Ready to Start 3D Printing Construction Parts and Structures and Give Higher Productivity

31 JAN 2019

The machine will be tested to manufacture demonstrator parts, such as large cantilever beam structures, airplane panels and wind turbine parts. The machine and the process technologies are expected  provide a more productive solution for the hybrid manufacturing of large engineering parts and deliver a projected 20% reduction in time and cost expenditure, as well as a target 15% increase in productivity for high-volume additive manufacturing production.

3D printing 100 times faster with light

Rather than building up plastic filaments layer by layer, a new approach to 3D printing lifts complex shapes from a vat of liquid at up to 100 times faster than conventional 3D printing processes, University of Michigan researchers have shown.
Michigan Engineering
January 11, 2019

SLA 3D Printing 100 Times Faster


MIT Researchers Developed FDM 3D Printing Head that makes Build Speed 10X

 A. John Hart, an associate professor of mechanical engineering and director of the Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity and the Mechanosynthesis Group at MIT.

Screw mechanism for feeding the wire and a laser in the printhead to melt the wire more thoroughly were incorporated into the print head.

February 2016 information

Productivity Drivers - 3D Printing

The output per unit time of  3D printer depends on

–Size of extrusion nozzle opening: ; The bigger the opening the more the material flow.

–Size of part to be printed. More volume, more time

–Part orientation on the build bed. X-Y orientations can usually be built faster than parts set up to build in the Z orientation.

–Complexity of part to be printed. Parts with many angles, curves and other geometric features will take longer to build than a straightforward box type shape.

–Material choice. In extrusion systems, every material flows at a different rate.

–Type of laser used in powder-bed systems.

–Type of material used in powder-bed systems. Plastics and metals will build at different rates.

–Required print resolution; Fine resolutions mean slower build rates.

–Part density. Fully dense parts can take longer to build than those with filler support.

The Ultimaker desktop 3D printer, gives its depositio rates as: With a 0.25 size nozzle, it is up to 8 mm3/s, a 0.40 nozzle it is  up to 16 mm3/s, a 0.60 nozzle up to 23 mm3/s, and a 0.80 nozzle can deposit up to 24 mm3/s.

Professional 3D printer, the SLM Solutions 500HL gives deposition rates for its two-laser version as 55 cubic centimeters/hour, and its four-laser version as 105 cubic centimeters/hour.

Comparison of FDM, SLA and SLM

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)

Fused Deposition Modeling is the most widely used form of 3D printing at the consumer level. ,  FDM 3D printers build parts by melting and extruding thermoplastic filament, which a print nozzle deposits layer by layer in the build area. FDM works with a range of standard thermoplastics, such as ABS, PLA, and their various blends. The technique is well-suited for basic proof-of-concept models, as well as quick and low-cost prototyping of simple parts. .

Stereolithography (SLA)

Stereolithography was the world’s first 3D printing technology, invented in the 1980s, and is one of the most popular technologies for professionals. SLA uses a laser to cure liquid resin into hardened plastic in a process called photopolymerization. SLA parts have the highest resolution and accuracy, the clearest details, and the smoothest surface finish of all plastic 3D printing technologies.  Material manufacturers have created innovative SLA resin formulations with a wide range of optical, mechanical, and thermal properties to match those of standard, engineering, and industrial thermoplastics.

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

Selective laser sintering is the most common additive manufacturing technology for industrial applications. SLS 3D printers use a high-powered laser to fuse small particles of polymer powder. The unfused powder supports the part during printing and eliminates the need for dedicated support structures. SLS is ideal for complex geometries, including interior features, undercuts, thin walls, and negative features. Parts produced with SLS printing have excellent mechanical characteristics, with strength resembling that of injection-molded parts.


Beyond prototyping: Scaling up to additive manufacturing for production
Charlie Wood
Friday, September 28, 2018

Design for Additive Manufacturing
David Rosen
Georgia Institute of Technology
Conference Paper, January  2014

Igor Yadroitsev, Ina Yadroitsava, Philippe Bertrand, Igor Smurov, (2012) "Factor analysis of selective laser melting process parameters and geometrical characteristics of synthesized single tracks", Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 18 Issue: 3, pp.201-208,

Paper available for review in the Google Book

Nowadays to increase productivity of SLM process, high laser power up to 400 W and high scanning speed up to 3 m/s are used.

Smaller thickness of layer allows for better accuracy of the manufactured part. But increases manufacturing time. (page 122 of the book)

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Updated on 18.1.2024,  17.10.2023,  31.3.2023, 22.4.2022,  29 Sep 2021,  7 March 2019,   2 Feb 2019 29 January 2019,
5 October 2018, 4 August 2017


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