Friday, August 18, 2023

Value Stream Improvement

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Value-Stream Improvement

An improvement method based on the scientific approach to problem solving  that brings together the scientific (Technical or Machine Related) and cultural (Behavioral or Human Related) components needed to implement and sustain positive change in a specific value stream.

The three project phases of value-stream improvement. 

(1) Leadership defines the broad organizational need for the problem solving project, how the problem is affecting the organization, and sets the scope of the project. 

(2) In a workshop, usually lasting three days, value-stream stakeholders develop a current value-stream data, analyze the problems, and propose countermeasures and visualize the future value stream.  

(3) In the improvement phase, typically lasting 60 to 120 days, the team develops the countermeasures, runs rapid learning experiments, implements changes to improve the value stream’s performance, then checks the results.  

 “Countermeasures” are unlike “solutions” that infer a permanent fix. A countermeasure encourages continuous improvement of the process.

Value Stream Improvement utilized all industrial engineering methods and techniques (Womack and Jones).

Process Industrial Engineering - Lessons 44 to 171

Process Human Effort Industrial Engineering

What is value stream design?

Ossi Syd

Pub 24.10.2022

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