Tuesday, February 11, 2025

February - IIIE - NPC - Month of Industrial Engineering and Productivity Management


Important event for industrial engineers and productivity managers. 

2025 India National Productivity Week - 12 - 18 February  Theme - From Ideas to Impact: Protecting Intellectual Property for Competitive Startups.

The UK Department of Trade and Industry’s (DTI 1998) definition of innovation, 

‘the successful exploitation of new ideas’.

The theme for Productivity Week 2025 provides a crucial platform to address the interconnected challenges and opportunities related to innovation, intellectual property (IP), and productivity within the Indian startup ecosystem.

For industrial engineers innovation and productivity are important themes to focus on. IEs have to organize events, participate in the event actively and promote industrial engineering as the department, function and discipline to promote productivity through innovation.

I am collecting background material to support industrial engineers in preparing for the events of the week.

Background Material 

2025 India National Productivity Week - February 12- 18,  Theme - From Ideas to Impact: Protecting Intellectual Property for Competitive Startups.


"Let us engineer a better world together."

"Let us industrial engineer a better world together."

"Let us productivity engineer a better world together."

The India Advantage: Your Gateway to Innovation & Growth - Tata Technologies.


Please share ppts etc. of the events organized in your company after the event. 

Productivity management module lessons of IE Online course (5th Year in succession)

Productivity Management Module - Lessons of Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course. 





IIIE - The Institution

The Industrial Engineering discipline has been fostered and developed In our country by the Professional Institution, the Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, founded as early as 1957. During the last five decades and more, the Institution has been consistently doing extensive and pioneering work in disseminating, fostering, developing and advancing the discipline and profession of Industrial Engineering in our country.


IIIE Foundation Day 27 January.

Definition of Industrial Engineering

"Industrial Engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of men. materials and equipments. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the Mathematical, Physical and Social Sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems".

Some of the VITAL areas regularly covered by Industrial Engineering are : 

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning for Industrial Engineering

R&D Management; Technological, Economical and Market Forecasts; Investment Analysis; Location, Manufacturing Strategies; Product/ Service Mix and Range; Global Trend etc.

Product / Service Design

Product Industrial Engineering

Innovation; Customer Needs, Value Analysis; Product Quality and Reliability ; Process Design, Standardisation; Obsolescence, Upgradation, Replacement; World Standards etc.

Work System Design

Work System Industrial Engineering

Operations Analysis, Plant Layout and Material Handling; Flexible Manufacturing. Automation; Capacities Financing and Financial Controls; Operations Design, Main Considerations; Productive Maintenance, Total Quality Management, Cost and Budgetary Controls, Employee Training etc. Standards, Bench Marking, Business Process Re-engineering, Modernisation, Global Developments etc.

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Industrial Engineering

Materials Management, Frame work to analyse Supply Chains, Transportation in a supply chain, Facility Decisions-network in a supply chain and Information Technology in a supply chain.

Human Resource Management

Human Effort Industrial Engineering

Skill Analysis, Forecasting and Man Power Planning; Training and Retraining, Employee Motivation and Retention; Redeployment, Appraisal, Counselling, Personal Development; Environment of Knowledge Based Work, Knowledge, Workers etc.

Cashing On Communication And Information Technology

Quantitative Analysis; Information Systems; Networking between Locations, Vendors and Customers; Computer-assisted Planning and Control of Operations, Materials etc. Computer assisted Accounting, Budgetary and Costing System; Computer Aided Designing, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Expert Systems etc.

Other Areas

Involving Systems with Technical, Economic and Social Considerations and their Interfaces.

Relevant Articles

Value Analysis

Process Design,



Operations Analysis, 

Plant Layout and Material Handling; 

Flexible Manufacturing. 


Employee Training 

 Information Systems

 Computer Aided Designing, 

Computer Aided Manufacturing,

IIIE Students Corner - FaceBook




337. Functions of Productivity Management

338. The Evolution of Productivity Management

339. Productivity Management - F.W. Taylor

340. Productivity Management in Operations Management Since 1886

340a. New. Process Improvement Management - Process Productivity Management - Target: 3.6% Cost Reduction per Year


341. Productivity Management - Improving Productivity - Stevenson in Operations Management Book

342. Functional Foremanship - F.W. Taylor

        Productivity - Basic Concepts

Harrington Emerson - 12 Principles of Efficiency - Productivity Management

343. Harrington Emerson - The Twelve Principles of Efficiency - Part 1 - Principles of Productivity Management

344. Harrington Emerson - The First Efficiency Principle: Clearly Defined Ideals (Objectives and Goals)

345. Industrial Engineering #Data. Harrington Emerson - The Sixth  Efficiency Principle: Reliable, Immediate, Adequate, and permanent Records. 

346. Harrington Emerson's The Seventh Efficiency (Productivity Management) Principle: Despatching.

347. Harrington Emerson's Eighth Efficiency (Productivity Management) Principle: Standards and Schedules 


348. Harrington Emerson's Ninth Efficiency (Productivity Management) Principle: Standardized Conditions. 


349. Harrington Emerson's Tenth Efficiency (Productivity Management) Principle: Standardized Operations. 


350. Harrington Emerson's Eleventh Efficiency (Productivity Management) Principle: Written  Standard-Practice Instructions. 


351. Harrington Emerson's Twelfth  Efficiency (Productivity Management) Principle: Efficiency Reward. 


352. Harrington Emerson:  12 Efficiency Principles  Applied to Measurement and Cure of Wastes. 


354.  Industrial Engineering - Its Role in Productivity Improvement

355.  Productivity Planning

356.  Manufacturing Cost Reduction Policy Deployment - Introduction.

357. Organizing for Industrial Engineering Department and Function

358. Resourcing for IE Department and Productivity Improvement Projects

359. Productivity - Communication

360. Productivity Training by Industrial Engineers

361. Productivity Control - Productivity Management - Koontz & O'Donnell


362. Principles and Practices of Productivity Management


366. Industrial Engineering Strategy

367. Success Stories - Industrial Engineering, Productivity Improvement and Productivity Management

IIIE Chapters


ud. 22.1.2025

Pub. 6.7.2024  6 July 2024

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