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Registered Total 10000+ views. Principles of Industrial Engineering -Taylor, Gilbreth, Emerson, Mogensen, Barnes, Maynard, Ohno-Shingo. IISE Conference Presentation Video.
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Industrial Engineering Principles, Methods Tools and Techniques
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1. Productivity Science Principle of Industrial Engineering. - Taylor
Develop a science for each element of a man - machine system's work related to efficiency and productivity.
The productivity science developed is the foundation for industrial engineering in productivity engineering and productivity management phases.
These new duties are grouped under four heads:
First. They develop a science for each element of a man's work, which replaces the old rule-of.-thumb method.
Engineers make things. Industrial Engineers make things better.
Productivity Engineering Principle of Industrial Engineering. - Taylor.
Industrial engineering is concerned with redesign of engineering systems with a view to improve their productivity.
Almost every act of the workman should be preceded by one or more preparatory acts of the management which enable him to do his work better and quicker than he otherwise could.
Scientific Management - Introduction - F.W.Taylor.
Better and Quicker: Better relates to quality. Quicker relates to productivity.
3. Ubiquity of Industrial Engineering Principle. - Narayana Rao
Industrial Engineering is applicable to all branches of engineering.
4. Machine Utilization Economy Principle of Industrial Engineering. - Taylor, Barnes
#Machines are to be properly selected and used to increase productivity and reduce cost of production.
Principles of (machine) utilization economy to be developed for all resources used in engineering systems.
Machine effort industrial engineering indicated and described by F.W. Taylor.
Scientific management involves, however, not only a study of what is the proper speed for doing the work and a remodeling of the tools and the implements in the shop, but also a complete change in the mental attitude of all the men in the shop toward their work and toward their employers. The physical improvements in the machines necessary to insure large gains, and the motion study followed by minute study with a stop-watch of the time in which each workman should do his work, can be made comparatively quickly.
5. Optimization Principle of Industrial Engineering. - Wagner
Industrial Engineering to use mathematical and statistical solutions on redesigned engineering systems to find the best parameters of machines to increase productivity.
6. Return on Investment Principle of Industrial Engineering. - Barnes - Maynard - Grant
Industrial Engineering Economics.
Eugene L. Grant (1930)
Will an Investment Pay?-Will it pay to make a proposed investment? Generally speaking, the answer is that an investment will be profitable if the net revenue from the investment represents a sufficiently high rate of return on the investment to compare favorably with other available opportunities for investment in view of the relative risk and chance of loss.
One of the recurrent problems in engineering economy is whether we can afford to make a present investment to save a future expense. This frequently occurs as a choice between two (or more) ways of doing the same thing, one of which requires a higher initial investment but involves a lower annual cost of operation. Or perhaps the choice is between two structures, one of which has a higher first cost but a longer life. Such a problem requires some method of reducing investment cost and annual operating expense to a common base. Three methods of solution of such a problem are in common use. These may be described as follows: 1. Per cent of annual return on extra investment. 2. Comparative annual cost including interest. 3. Present worth or capitalized cost..
Chapter 3 in Principles of engineering economy, by Eugene L. Grant, .
New York,Ronald Press[c1930];page=ssd;view=plaintext;seq=52;num=32#seq52
Barnes (1931)
Many manufacturers will not replace their present equipment unless they are reasonably certain that the new installation will pay for itself within a period of from 1 to 5 years, and in a great many cases the lower figure is used. "In a recent survey of 800 of the larger and more representative manufacturing concerns of the United States, the following question was asked: Has your company a policy against the purchase of new equipment unless the production savings will return the initial investment within a definite period? If so, what is the period? "Nearly 200 replies were received to this questionnaire, disclosing that 43.6 per cent of the companies required that new equipment should return its cost through savings in a period of 2 years or less and that 64.1 per cent required that it should pay for itself in 3 years or less.
Chapter 2. Selection of Equipment
Industrial engineering and management, problems and policies, by Ralph M. Barnes ..., .
1st ed.
New York and London,McGraw-Hill Book Company,c1931;page=ssd;view=plaintext;seq=37;num=23#seq37
7. Implementation Principle of Industrial Engineering. - Taylor.
Implementation team membership and leadership
On the other hand, the really great problem involved in a change from the management of "initiative and incentive" to scientific management consists in a complete revolution in the mental attitude and the habits of all of those engaged in the management, as well of the workmen. And this change can be brought about only gradually and through the presentation of many object-lessons to the workman, which, together with the teaching which he receives, thoroughly convince him of the superiority of the new over the old way of doing the work.
Scientific Management in Its Essence - F.W. Taylor
Presentation of many object-lessons - Industrial engineer has to present many successful implementations of the proposed change or design for its acceptance by other managers, supervisors and operators. IE has to be involved in implementation.
AIIE definition of IE used the term installation to describe the role of IE in the redesigned systems and processes.
In industrial engineering, management is to be taught so that IEs successfully manage the planning and implementation of their redesigns.
8. Human Effort Engineering Principle of Industrial Engineering. - Taylor.
Human effort engineering for increasing productivity.
9. Motion Economy Principle of Industrial Engineering. - Gilbreth
Principles of motion economy to be used in all IE studies in the area of human effort engineering.
These three kinds of improvements are typical of the ways in which needless motions can be entirely eliminated and quicker types of movements substituted for slow movements when scientific motion study, as Mr. Gilbreth calls his analysis, time study, as the writer has called similar work, are, applied in any trade.
10. Operator Comfort and Health - Principle of Industrial Engineering - Taylor.
Operator comfort and health are to be taken care of.
As human effort engineers, industrial engineers are concerned with comfort and health of operators.
The productivity improvement and the consequent extra production from a man-machine combination should not lead to discomfort, fatigue and musculoskeletal disorders.
It must be distinctly understood that in referring to the possibilities of a first-class man the writer does not mean what he can do when on a spurt or when he is over-exerting himself, but what a good man can keep up for a long term of years without injury to his health. It is a pace under which men become happier and thrive.
11. Work measurement Principle of Industrial Engineering - Taylor. - Gilbreth
Messrs. Gantt, Barth and the writer have presented papers to, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers on the subject of scientific management. In these papers the mechanism which is used has been described at some length. As elements of this mechanism may be cited:
Time study, with the implements and methods for properly making it.
12. Operator Selection Principle of Industrial Engineering - Taylor.
Selection of operators - Principle of Industrial Engineering
These new duties are grouped under four heads:
Second. They scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the workman, whereas in the past he chose his own work and trained himself as best he could.
13. Process Training Principle of Industrial Engineering. - Taylor.
Training of operators, supervisors and engineers. Taylor emphasized the importance of training in creating a change in the systems of an organization in his writings.
The most important and difficult task of the organizer (of change) will be that of selecting and training the various functional foremen who are to lead and instruct the workmen, and his success will be measured principally by his ability to mold and reach these men. They cannot be found, they must be made.
Second. They scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the workman, whereas in the past he chose his own work and trained himself as best he could.
14. Productivity Training Principle of Industrial Engineering - Mogensen
Productivity training and education to all.
15. Employee involvement Principle of Industrial Engineering - Ohno - Shingo
Employee involvement in continuous improvement of processes and products for productivity improvement.
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