Monday, August 26, 2024

Principles of Machine Utilization Economy - Taylor, Barnes, Maynard, Nakajima, Narayana Rao


Principles of motion economy for human effort industrial engineering. 
Principles of machine utilization economy for machine effort industrial engineering.

Principles of Machine Economy
  • Minimize the machine time in process planning.
  • Identify and minimize machine related losses during operations.

A.    Seven major losses that impede overall equipment efficiency

1 Failure losses (Breakdown) Losses due to failures.
Types of failures include sporadic function-stopping failures, and function-reduction failures in which the function of the equipment drops below normal levels.

2 Set up and adjustment losses
Stoppage losses that accompany set-up changeovers

3 Cutting blade change losses
Stoppage losses caused by changing the cutting blade due to breakage, or caused by changing the cutting blade when the service life of the grinding stone, cutter or bite has been reached.

4 Start-up losses
When starting production, the losses that arise until equipment start-up, running-in and production processing conditions stabilize.

5 Minor stoppage and idling losses

Losses that occur when the equipment temporarily stops or idles due to sensor actuation or jamming of the work. The equipment will operate normally through simple measures (removal of the work and resetting).

6 Speed losses
 Losses due to actual operating speed falling below the designed speed of the equipment.

7 Defect & rework loss
Losses due to defects & reworking

B. Losses that impede equipment loading time

8 Shutdown (SD) losses
Losses that arise from planned equipment stoppages at the production planning level in order to perform periodic inspection and statutory inspection

C. Five Major losses that impede workers efficiency

9 Management losses Waiting losses that are caused by management, such as waiting for materials, waiting for a dolly, waiting for tools, waiting for instructions etc.

10 Motion losses
Man-hour losses arising from differences in skills involved in etc.

11 Line organization losses
 Idle time losses when waiting for multiple processes or multiple platforms.

12 Distribution losses
 Distribution man-hour losses due to transport of materials, products (processed products) and dollies.

13 Measurement and adjustment losses
Work losses from frequent measurement and adjustment in order to prevent the occurrence and outflow of quality defects.

D Three major losses that impede efficient use of production subsidiary resources

14 Energy losses        
 Losses due to ineffective utilization of input energy (electric, gas, fuel oil, etc) in processing.

15 Die, jig and tool losses
Financial losses (expenses incurred in production, regarding renitriding, etc.) which occur with production or
repairs of dies, jigs and tolls due to aging beyond services life or breakage.

16 Yield losses
 Material losses due to differences in the weight of the input materials and the weight of the quality products

Improvement Techniques
Source: D matrix (matrix of causal losses and their improvement techniques)
H. Yamashina & T. Kubo (2002) Manufacturing cost deployment, International
Journal of Production Research, 40:16, 4077-4091, DOI: 10.1080/00207540210157178

Individual approaches/techniques

1. Breakdown analysis
2. Setup time reduction
3. Tool life improvement
4. Startup time reduction
5. PM analysis
6. Cycle time reduction
7. Cp, Cpk improvement
8. N.V.A.A.
9. Operation method
10. Layout improvement
11. Inspection method
12. Yield improvement
13. Material saving method
14. Energy saving method

Systematic approaches

1. Operative maintenance
2. Preventive maintenance
3. Predictive maintenance
4. Quality maintenance
5. Quality assurance
6. Education and training

Improvement techniques for losses

1. Breakdown analysis

In the first step, maintenance by production operators can be implemented to prevent the forced deterioration of each facility component. 

In the second step, individual approaches such as processing point analysis and so on are adopted to eliminate causes of the breakdown. 

In the third step, preventive maintenance is implemented to do planned maintenance of facility components regularly. 

Finally, predictive maintenance is implemented using various kinds of diagnostic technology in the forth step. 

In addition to these steps, breakdown and repair rates are further reduced through improvement in skill of maintenance workers, etc. 

There are several steps and approaches in each of the improvement of activities. Therefore, the most appropriate technique corresponding to the condition of each facility must be selected. 

Improvement activities for losses associated with operators. Losses of man-hours are reduced through, for example, confirmations in operating methods, improvements in plant layouts (to reduce movementof operators), automation with the introduction of robots, etc.

Improvement activities for losses associated with material, etc. In reducing yield loss, for example, activities such as design changes increase the yield ratio. One example of improvement approaches in
indirect material loss is to reduce unit prices by decreasing the consumption of machining lubricant and other indirect materials. 

In case of improvements about die and jig losses, cost reduction is possible by, for example, extending their lives through confirming their specifications. 

Examples of improvement approaches in energy loss are to increase energy efficiency by reducing the down time of facilities, to decrease the unit price, etc.

More detailed descriptions of improvement techniques for the other losses are given in K. Okazaki (1996).

Focused Equipment Improvement for TPM Teams

Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance
Routledge, 13-Nov-2017 - Business & Economics - 142 pages

As distinguished from autonomous maintenance, where the main goal is to restore basic conditions of cleanliness, lubrication, and proper fastening to prevent accelerated deterioration, FEI looks at specific losses or design weaknesses that everyone previously thought they just had to live with. Once your TPM operator teams are progressing with their daily autonomous maintenance activities, you will want to take the next advanced step in TPM training with this book.
Key Features:

  • A simple and powerful introduction to P-M Analysis
  • hints for unraveling breakdown analysis
  • numerous ideas for simplifying and shortening setups
  • ideas for eliminating minor stoppages and speed losses
  • basic concepts of building quality into processing
  • real-life examples from a leading Japanese tool company
  • Educate and empower all your workers to support your TPM improvement activities. 

This book discusses in detail 5 of the 6 big losses discussed in TPM literature.

TPM: Collected Practices and Cases

Productivity Press
CRC Press, 13-Feb-2019 - Business & Economics - 140 pages

Equipment downtime can bring a lean manufacturing operation to a complete standstill. Total productive maintenance (TPM) is such a fundamental part of becoming lean because a machine failure at one step of a continuous flow process will halt all the steps before and after it.

16 Big Losses in Production and Ways to Minimize Them

Taylor's Industrial Engineering - Machine Utilization Economy 

Principles of Machine Productivity - F.W. Taylor

1. A careful study is to made of the time required to do each of the many elementary operations of machining of components manufactured in the establishment.
2.These elementary operations are then classified, recorded, and indexed, and when work is to be done,  the job is first divided into its elementary operations, the time required to do each elementary operation is found from the records, and the total time for the job is summed up from these data.
3. This method is more effective than the method of estimating the time based on time taken to do whole jobs of similar components.
4. To implement the principles, in the case of work done by metal-cutting tools, such as lathes, planers, boring mills, etc., F.W. Taylor undertook a long and expensive series of experiments  to determine, formulate, and finally practically apply to each machine the law governing the proper cutting speed of tools, namely, the effect on the cutting speed of altering any one of the following variables : the shape of the tool (i.e., lip angle, clearance angle, and the line of the cutting edge), the duration of the cut, the quality or hardness of the metal being cut, the depth of the cut, and the thickness of the feed or shaving.
5. The careful study of the capabilities of the machines and the analysis of the speeds at which they must run is to be made.
6. Defects or shortcoming in machines will be realized when the best methods of cutting metals are determined and the necessary modifications have to be made, if possible. Otherwise, replacement needs to be done at the earliest economic opportunity.
7. Systematization of many small details in the running of the machine shop, such as the care of belting, the proper shape for cutting tools, and the dressing, grinding, and issuing tools, oiling machines, issuing orders for work,  and a host of other minor methods and processes which may waste a machinist's time or machine time.
8. The care of the equipment is to be improved.

Machine Utilization Principle of Industrial Engineering - Prof. Ralph Barnes

1. Few people advocate using human labor to do work that can be done better and cheaper by machines.

2. It is suggested that the best manual method and the best combination of manual and machine method (mechanized) be developed and used as a basis for evaluating a proposed automated process.

(Restated as: Compare best manual method, mechanized method and automated method for each element of an operation and choose the best.)

3. If a large-volume fairly complex job is to be considered, a comparison would be of the estimated cost to do each element of each suboperation manually, or in machanized way, or automatically.

Ralph Barnes is the first PhD in Industrial Engineering. He wrote the popular text, Motion and Time Study.

Industrial engineers have to learn mechanization and automation that is engineering very well and use it in industrial engineering to provide increased support of machines to people to increase their productivity and standard of living.

Machine Utilization Principles - Nakajima

Total Productive Maintenance - Nakajima

(Note in the Training Material for the Course Conducted by me in 1994 for ONGC in the subject of Managerial Economics and Costing for Engineers

The Definition of TPM

The Spread of TPM in Japan

How do TPM and TQC Differ?

The Basic Concepts of TPM

1. Maximizing Overall Equipment Effectiveness

2. Autonomous Maintenance
In factory automation, production workers do not have to operate machines themselves. These operators asked to oversee machines can do inspection of the automatic machines every day or week as per a plan and do routine maintenance. Specialist maintenance persons can act as equipment doctors, who periodically do expert diagnostic checks and do the required maintenance.

3. Small Group Activities in Maintenance
Similar to quality circles, zero defect movement groups and Jishu Kanri.

Program for Evolving TPM

1. Five Activities - Pillars

2.Twelve Steps to Evolve TPM

Maximizing Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Eliminating Six Big Losses

Autonomous Maintenance

Small Group Activities in Maintenance

Education and Training for Evolving TPM

‘Jishu Kanri’ activities in the Japanese steel industry Small group activities being promoted by the industry as a whole
International Journal of Production Research, Volume 15, 1977 - Issue 6, Pages 523-538
The group activities called ‘ Jishu Kanri ’ by foremen and workers in the forefront of production has been actively promoted in the Japanese Steel Industry by establishing a committee for ’ Jishu Kanri’ activities in the Japan Iron and Steel Federation, with the positive cooperation of its member companies. Nearly 8 years have elapsed since the establishment of this committee, and during this period the ability and skill of the group leaders and members in managing group activities and their awareness of problems and solutions have been greatly improved, thereby contributing much to the improvement of quality, attainment of production targets, reduction in the production costs, and improvement of safety.

The Japan Iron & Steel Federation adopted the name "Jishu-Kanri GK) Activities" to generalize the uniqueness of small group activities in this industry. JK activities are defined as "continuous group activities in which individual workers voluntarily organize small groups, select leaders from among themselves, hold discussions on an equal footing, and with their leaders as the nuclei, take up problems at the workshop, set goals for the solution of the problems, and make efforts to achieve the goals with participation by everyone".

Workers' voluntary problem solving activities cover a wide range such as product quality enhancement, efficiency improvement, cost reduction, promoting safety at the workshop, and others. In 1983, ensuring work safety was the top of activity (27.4%). About 90% of the activities in 1993 related to four areas: 
efficiency improvement (30.8%), cost reduction (24.6%), ensuring work safety (19.6%) and product quality enhancement (14.6%).
Innovation and Jishu Kanri Activities in the Japanese Steel Industry,
Doc URL:

jishu 自主, じしゅ

自 oneself
主 master, 

Jishu  - mean by himself as per his decision

Jishu kanri is managing by himself, or his decisions

Hoshin Kanri

Hoshin means direction and Kanri means management in Japanese.

Machine Work Study to Promote Machine Utilization Economy 

Machine Work Study was proposed by Narayana Rao to emphasize the need to study the machine and its engineering elements as part of industrial engineering studies. Machine work study is related to the machine or tool and its proper use like motion study is related to the man and his motions to do work with tools or completely with hands. The issues to be covered in machine work study are already structured in books on metal cutting and machine tools. The productivity dimension of the metal cutting theory has to be covered in machine work study and methodology is to be provided for doing machine work study. Operation analysis by Maynard and Stegemerten provides the basic framework for doing machine work study.

Production Equipment Productivity Analysis. 
The choice of the machine.  Replacement analysis.  OEE analysis. Machine Work Study.
Lesson 87 of Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course.

Machine Shop Process Industrial Engineering

Machine Shop Process Industrial Engineering that includes all focus areas industrial engineering is presented in a separate article.

Productivity Science
Productivity Science of Machining - Stephenson - Agapiou
IE Measurements
Process Industrial Engineering - Process Alternatives and Economic Analysis of IE Proposed Alternatives
IEOR - Optimization in Machining Processes
IE Statistics Optimization - Six Sigma Method
Human Effort Engineering in Machine Shop
Applied Industrial Engineering in Machine Shop

Improving Machine Capacity Utilization by Hemant Patil

Original knol - 2utb2lsm2k7a/ 3211

Updated on 6.5.2022,  10 Feb 2021, 24 August 2019, 20 April 2012

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