Sunday, November 28, 2021

Operation Analysis - Operation Information Sheet and Analysis Questions

Productivity Analysis - Comparison of Current Process to Ideal or the Best Process has to be done from System level up to Element level.

Method Study - Process Charting followed by Operation Analysis - Element Analysis. 

Analyze transformation operations, inspection operations, transport and material handling operations. Lowry, Maynard and Stegemerten

"Operation analysis" consists principally of finding out all known facts that affect a given operation and redesign the operation based on productivity analysis to give better efficiency. It is the elements of operation related to work, machines and operators that are evaluated and improved to give more productivity. Lowry, Maynard and Stegemerten suggested that after Operation Process Chart and Flow Process Chart are prepared by identifying production or transformation operations, inspection operations, and transport/material handling operations, analysis of each operation needs to be taken up.

Importance of Systematic Procedure in Operation Analysis

In making operation analysis, a systematic procedure is to be followed  so that points of significant  importance (elements of the operation) are analyzed without giving a miss.

Nine Points of Primary Analysis (Maynard). There are nine main points or factors that should be considered in every operation analyzed. These,  are:

1. Operation Information  and Purpose of Operation.

2. Product Design, Tolerances and Inspection Requirements (Design related elements).

3. Material.

4. Process Sequence and Operation Division Analysis

5. Equipment, Tools, Work Station Design and Setup Analysis .

6. Material Handling.

7. Common possibilities for job improvement.

8. Working conditions.

9. Manual Operation (Human Effort)

The suggested sequence has to be followed, But iterative use of the steps may happen.  Several of the factors (elements), as for example setup and method, are interdependent, and scope for affecting an improvement by modifying an earlier factor may be noticed when analyzing another factor at a later stage. So, the complete analysis of all the factors is over only when the last item manual operations is completely analyzed.

The points of analysis can be modified as:

1. Purpose of Operation.

2. Tolerances and Inspection Requirements.

3. Input Material.

4. Process Sequence and Operation Division Analysis (At what point in the process this operation is being done)

5. Effort of Machine or Equipment: Equipment, Tools, Work Station Design and Setup Analysis (Machine Effort Industrial Engineering) .

6. Common possibilities for job improvement.

7. Working conditions.

9. Manual Operation (Human Effort) [Human Effort Industrial Engineering]

The operation analysis is done for material processing operations, inspection operations, material handling operations and warehousing operations. Each of these operations have machine effort and human effort components.

Mental Analysis of Process and Operation 

Mental analyses can be made on jobs where low activity or labor expenditure makes it uneconomical to make an elaborate analysis.

In the case of job shop, such factors as material handling and working conditions should be gone into thoroughly, and all improvements that seem advisable should be made at once. Then, when individual jobs are studied, it will not be necessary to analyze repeatedly these factors, which are common to all jobs, and full attention may be directed to those factors which concern only the operation being studied.

When the analysis should be conducted systematically. an  analysis sheet is used. For doing analysis, for each item of analysis, existing details of the operation and analytical components are gathered in the order of analytical components.

The completed  analysis sheets  will  prove valuable for future reference, since they show most completely the conditions that existed at the time the study was made. They will also prove valuable at a later date when making reports of accomplishment.

The Operation Analysis Sheet

A form known as the " analysis sheet" has been designed by the Methods Engineering Council. In the form information related to all the relevant elements related to work of machines and operators, and elements of machines and elements related to men are recorded. The elements related to machines are collected from process plans as specified elements and are observed and recorded to document the actual practice. Similarly manual elements are also collected from the standard instruction sheets, actual practice is observed and recorded.

At the top of the form on the front side, space is provided for identifying completely the analysis, the part, and the operation.

1. Operation Information  and Purpose of Operation.

Item 1.  The first point considered is the purpose of the operation. If analysis shows that the operation serves a definite purpose, various other means of accomplishing the same result are considered to see if a better way can be found.

2. Product Design, Tolerances and Inspection Requirements.

Item. 2. The  specification and tolerance requirements of the job must be looked into thoroughly, for the accuracy required has a direct bearing on the methods used to produce the work. The analyst should consider it his duty to investigate them in order to satisfy himself as to their necessity. Occasionally, tolerance  requirements are hurriedly and incorrectly established, and a subsequent check will bring this to light. Usually, the requirements err in the direction of unnecessary accuracy; for if the requirements are too loose, the part will not function properly in the final assembly and the error will be caught. Occasionally, however, the analyst will find that if the requirements are made more exacting on one operation, a subsequent operation will be made easier to perform.

3. Material.

Item 3. The material for the part being studied  is specified by the design engineer.  Design engineers, are not infallible and sometimes specify an unnecessarily costly material. It is proper and necessary that the methods engineer should check on the cost aspect of the material and point out them to initiate redesign. 

In other cases, certain materials present shop difficulties and based on that information industrial engineer has to initiate redesign work.  A certain cheap, brittle material may be so difficult to machine that an excessive amount of scrap results. Here investigation might show that it would be less expensive in the end to specify a more costly but more easily machined material.

4. Process Sequence and Operation Division Analysis

Item 4. If operation or flow process charts have not been constructed first, all the operations performed on the part are  listed in the analysis sheet. The purpose of this is to determine just how the operation being analyzed fits in with the other operations that are performed on the part. This study frequently brings to light the fact that the operation being analyzed can be eliminated altogether or that, by combining it with other operations or performing it during the idle period of another operation, the time for doing it can be materially reduced. Again, it is sometimes found that the sequence of operations is not the best possible and that unnecessary work is being performed for this reason. Another common condition which is discovered at this stage of the analysis is that the part is being shipped about among departments more than is necessary. It may be that, instead of sending a part to a distant department to have a simple operation performed upon it, it would be better to move the work station. 

5. Equipment, Tools, Work Station Design and Setup Analysis .

Item 5.  The equipment or machine analysis starts with the question "Is the machine tool best suited to the performance of the operation of all that are available?" The questions is extended to the question of the option of purchase of a new machine. Would the purchase of a better machine be justified? In the intermediate stage, there may be  existing machines in the company or organization which may be used for more productivity.

The tools used along with the equipment on any operation are  worthy of careful study. Repetitive jobs are usually tooled up efficiently, but there are many opportunities for savings through the use of well-designed tools on small-quantity work which are often overlooked. For example, if a wrench fits a given nut and is strong enough for the work it is to do, usually little further attention is given to it. There are many kinds of wrenches, however. The list includes monkey wrenches, open-end wrenches, self-adjusting wrenches, socket wrenches, ratchet wrenches, and various kinds of power-driven wrenches. The time required to tighten the same nut with each type of wrench is different. The more efficient wrenches cost more, of course, but for each application there is one wrench that can be used with greater over-all economy than any other. Therefore, it pays to study wrench equipment in all classes of work. The same remarks apply to other small tools.

Jigs, fixtures, and other holding devices too often are designed without thought of the motions that will be required to operate them. Unless a job is very active, it may not pay to redesign an inefficient device, but the factors that cause it to be inefficient may be brought to the attention of the tool designer so that future designs will be improved.

The term "setup" is loosely used throughout industry to signify the workplace layout, the adjusted machine tool, or the elemental operations performed to get ready to do the job and to tear down after the job has been done. More exactly, the arrangement of  the material, tools, and supplies that is made preparatory to doing the job may be referred to as the " work-place layout." Any tools, jigs, and fixtures located in a definite position for the purpose of doing a job may be referred to as "being set up'  or as "the setup." The operations that precede and follow the performing of the repetitive elements of the job during which the workplace layout or setup is first made and subsequently cleared away may be called " make-ready" and "put-away" operations.

The workplace layout and the setup, or both, are important because they largely determine the method and motions that must be followed to do the job. If the workplace layout is improperly made, longer motions than should be necessary will be required to get materials and supplies. It is not uncommon to find a layout arranged so that it is necessary for the operator to take a step or two every time he needs material, when a slight and entirely practical rearrangement of the workplace layout would make it possible to reach all material, tools, and supplies from one position. Such obviously energy-wasting layouts are encountered frequently where methods studies have not been made and when encountered serve to emphasize the importance of and the necessity for systematic operation Analysis.

The manner in which the make-ready and put-away operations are performed is worthy of study, particularly if manufacturing quantities are small, necessitating frequent changes in layouts and setups. On many jobs involving only a few pieces, the time required for the make-ready and put-away operations is greater than the time required to do the actual work. The importance of studying carefully these non-repetitive operations is therefore apparent. When it can be arranged, it is often advisable to have certain men perform the make-ready and put-away operations and others do the work. The setup men become skilled at making workplace layouts and setups, just as the other men become skilled at the more repetitive work. In addition, on machine work it is usually possible to supply them with a standard tool kit for use in making setups, thus eliminating many trips to the locker or to the tool room.

6. Material Handling.

Item 6. Material handling is a study in itself. That it has received a great deal of attention on the part of management is evidenced by the wide application of conveyers, cranes, trucks, and other mechanical handling devices. Manual handling, however, is encountered frequently, and should be carefully studied where found. Handling problems are as numerous and varied as the parts handled, but they offer a fertile field for savings. In general, the part that is the least handled is the best handled.

Although it is commonly thought that conveyers can be used to advantage only in mass-production work, there are types on the market that are equally successful in jobbing work. Not only do the latter conveyers eliminate material-handling labor, but if they are used in conjunction with a dispatching system they permit far better production control than is usually obtained in miscellaneous, small-quantity work.

Many plants are laid out, if a careful study has not been made, so that a great deal of unnecessary handling is required, particularly if the plant has gone through a period of rapid expansion. Major changes of layout do not usually result from the analysis of a single job, although they may. However, the matter of general layout should be given at least passing consideration under items 2, 5; and 8 of the analysis sheet. As a result of this preliminary work, the analyst will be in a good position to undertake a major layout revision when the occasion arises.

7. Common possibilities for job improvement.

Item 7. There are a number of changes that can be made to workplace layouts, setups, and methods which are brought to light by job analysis. Of these, there are 10 that are encountered frequently, and 1 or more may be made on nearly every job studied.

1. Install gravity delivery chutes.

2. Use drop delivery.

3. Compare methods if more than one operator is working on
same job.

4. Provide correct chair for operator.

5. Improve jigs or fixtures by providing ejectors, quick-acting
clamps, etc.

6. Use foot-operated mechanisms.

7. Arrange for two-handed operation.

8. Arrange tools or parts within normal working area.

9. Change layout to eliminate backtracking and to permit coupling of machines.

10. Utilize all improvements developed for other jobs.

The possibility of applying them can be recognized without resorting to detailed motion study.

8. Working conditions.

Item 8. Working conditions have an important influence on production. This has been widely recognized during recent years, and the more modern plants usually provide working conditions that the methods engineer considers to be suitable. In the older plants, or in modern plants where methods studies have not been made, poor working conditions are frequently encountered. In most cases, it is best to correct them. It is sometimes difficult to justify the cost of making such improvements by direct labor savings, but there are other factors that must be considered in this connection. The human element cannot be neglected. Conditions that are unhealthy, uncomfortable, or hazardous breed dissatisfaction. Besides lowering production, they increase labor turnover and accidents and often lead to labor unrest.

There are certain other factors that are worthy of at least passing consideration during analysis, and the most important of these are listed as "other conditions" under item 8. The design of the part, of course, plays an important role in the methods that must be used to produce it. In the majority of cases, the design is fixed by the engineering, functional, or appearance requirements of the product, but occasionally a part is encountered that can be redesigned to make its production easier without in any way affecting its ultimate purpose. In addition to this, certain minor features of design can sometimes be suggested that will help to fit the product to the limitations of the tools which are to produce it.

9. Manual Operation (Human Effort)

Item 9. The analysis of the manual method followed in performing the operation is the most important part of the study.

The method that is established after analysis and motion study completes the full operation analysis.

The foregoing gives a general description of the items on the analysis sheet.

The analysis sheet serves as a guide in  collecting information for analyzing an operation in a  process or method.

The analysis check sheet ensures that every issue connected to efficiency improvement relating to each factor is brought into the analysis.

Before any time is spent on detailed analysis, the activity and the cost of the job are considered. First, the yearly labor cost and machine costs per 0.0001 hour is established. This offers a quick means of testing the practicability of any suggested improvement. If the expected saving in decimal hours multiplied by the yearly labor and machine costs  per 0.0001 hour does not exceed the cost of adopting the suggestion, it usually will not pay to make the improvement.

The expected life of the job is also considered at this point as this is useful in engineering economic analysis.


Cost and Activity Data

Yearly activity of job
Labor rate per hour
Machine rate per hour .

Labor cost per 0.0001 hour
Expected life of job
Manual-labor content

Sketch or Photograph of Part

Description of Present Method

Operation Analysis Questions

1. Purpose of Operation


Is the result accomplished by the operation necessary?
If so, what makes it necessary?
Was the operation established to correct a difficulty experienced in the final assembly?
If so, did it really correct it?
Is the operation necessary because of the improper performance of a previous operation?
Was the operation established to Correct a condition that has since been corrected otherwise?
If the operation is done to improve appearance, is the added cost justified by added saleability?
Can the purpose of the operation be accomplished better in any other way?
Can the supplier of the material perform the operation more economically?

Remarks and Conclusions

2. Inspection Requirements

By whom were the inspection requirements described above established?
What are the requirements of the ' preceding operation?
What are the requirements of the following operation?
Will changing the requirements of a previous operation make this operation easier to perform?
Will changing the requirements of this operation make a subsequent operation easier to perform?
Are tolerance, allowance, finish, and other requirements necessary?
Are they suitable for the purpose the part has to play in the finished product?
Can the requirements be raised to improve quality without increasing cost?
Will lowering the requirements materially reduce costs?
Can the quality of the finished product be improved in any way even beyond present requirements ?

Remarks and Conclusions

3. Material

Does the material specified appear suitable for the purpose for which it is to be used?
Could a less expensive material be substituted that would function as well?
Could a lighter gage material be used?
Is the material furnished in suitable condition for use?
Could the supplier perform additional work upon the material that would make it better suited for its use?
Is the size of the material the most economical?
If bar stock or tubing, is the material straight?
If a casting or forging, is the excess stock sufficient for machining purposes but not excessive?
Can the machinability of the material be improved by heat-treatment or in other ways?
Do castings have hard spots or burned-in core sand which should be eliminated?
Are castings properly cleaned and have all fins, gate ends, and riser bases been removed?
Is material sufficiently clean and free from rust?
If dies are coated with a preserving compound, how does this compound affect them?
Is material ordered in amounts and sizes that permit its utilization with a minimum amount of waste, scrap, or short ends?
Is material uniform and reasonably free from flaws and defects?
Is material utilized to the best advantage during processing?
Where yield from a given amount of material depends upon ability of the operator, is any record of
yield kept?
Is miscellaneous material used for assembly, such as nails, screws, wire, solder, rivets, paste, and washers, suitable?
Are the indirect or supply materials such as cutting oil, molding sand, or lubricants best suited to the job?
Are materials used in connection with the process, such as gas, fuel, oil, coal, coke, compressed air, water, electricity, acids, and paints, suitable; and is their use controlled and economical?

Remarks and Conclusions

4. Operations Performed on Part
(List or Operation Process Chart)

Can the operation being analyzed be eliminated by changing the procedure or the operations ?
Can it be combined with another operation ?
Can it be subdivided and the various parts added to other operations?
Can part of the operation be performed more effectively as a separate operation?
Can the operation being analyzed be performed during the idle period of another operation?
Is the sequence of operations the best possible?
Would changing the sequence affect this operation in any way?
Should this operation be done in another department to save cost or handling?
If several or all operations including the one being analyzed were performed under the group system of wage payment, would advantages accrue?
Should a more complete study of operations be made by means of an operation process chart?

Remarks and Conclusions

5. Setup, Tools, and Workplace Layout

Is the machine tool best suited to the performance of the operation of all that are available?
Would the purchase of a better machine be justified?
Is there any other machine in the organization which can be employed for higher productivity?

Are cutters proper?
Should high-speed steel or cemented carbide be used?
Are tools properly ground?
Is the necessary accuracy readily obtainable with tool and fixture equipment available ?
Are hand tools prepositioned?
Are hand tools best suited to purpose?
Will ratchet, spiral, or power-driven tools save time?
Are all operators provided with the same tools?
Can a special tool be made to improve the operation?
If accurate work is necessary, are proper gages or other measuring instruments provided?
Are gages or other measuring instruments checked for accuracy from, time to time?

Can the work be held in the machine by other means to better advantage?
Should a vise be used?
Should a jig be used?
Should clamps be used?
Is the jig design good from a motion economy standpoint?
Can the part be inserted and removed quickly from the jig?
Would quick-acting cam-actuated tightening mechanisms be desirable on vise, jig, or clamps?
Can ejectors for automatically removing part when vise or jig is opened be installed?
Is chuck of best type for the purpose?
Would special jaws be better?
Should a multiple fixture be provided?
Should duplicate holding means be provided so that one may be loaded while machine is making a cut on a part held in the other?

How is material secured?
How are drawings and tools secured?
How are the times at which the job is started and finished checked?
What possibilities for delays occur at drawing-, tool-, or storeroom or time clerk's office?
If operator makes his own setup, would economies be gained by providing special setup men?
Could a supply boy get tools, drawings, and material?
Is the layout of the operator's locker or tool drawer orderly so that no time is lost searching for tools or equipment?

Are the tools that the operator uses in making his setup adequate?
Is the machine set up properly?
Is the machine adjusted for proper feeds and speeds?
Is machine in repair and are belts tight and not slipping?
If vises, jigs, or fixtures are used, are they securely clamped to the machine?
Is the order in which the elements of the operation are performed correct?
Does the workplace lay out conform to the principles that govern effective work-place layouts?
Is material properly positioned?
Are tools prepositioned?
Are the first few pieces produced checked for correctness by anyone other than the operator?
What must be done to complete operation and put away all equipment used?
Can trip to return tools to toolroom be combined with trip to get tools for next job?

How thoroughly should workplace be cleaned ?
What disposal is made of scrap, short ends, or defective parts?
If operation is performed continuously, are preliminary operations of a preparatory nature necessary the first thing in the morning?
Are adjustments to equipment on a continuous operation made by the operator?
How is material supply replenished?
If a number of miscellaneous jobs are done, can similar jobs be grouped to eliminate certain setup elements?
How are partial setups handled?
Is the operator responsible for protecting workplace overnight by covering it or locking up valuable materials?

How is the job assigned to the operator?
Is the procedure such that the operator is ever without a job to do?
How are instructions imparted to the operator?

Remarks and Conclusions

6. Material-handling Methods

Is the time consumed in bringing the material to the work station and in removing it large in proportion to the time required to handle it at the work station?
If not, should material handling be done by operators to provide rest through change of occupation?
Should hand trucks be used?
Should electric trucks be used?
Should special racks or trays be designed to permit handling the material easily and without damage?
Where should incoming and outgoing material be located with respect to the work station?
Is a conveyor justified?
If so, what type would best be suited to the job?
Can the work stations for the successive steps of the process be moved close together and material handling accomplished by means of gravity chutes?
Can the operation be done on the conveyor?
Can a progressive assembly line be set up?
Can material be pushed from operator to operator along the surface of the bench?
Can material be dispatched from a central point by means of a conveyor?
Can material be brought to a central inspection point by conveyor?
Can weighing scales be incorporated to advantage in the conveyor?
Is the size of the material container suitable for the amount of material transported?
Can container be designed to make material more accessible?
Can container be placed at work station without removing material?
Can electric or air hoist or other lifting device be used to advantage at work station?
If overhead traveling crane is used, is service rendered prompt and adequate?
Can a pneumatic tube system be used to convey small parts or orders and paper work?
Will signals such as lights or bells notifying move men that material is ready for transportation improve service?
Can a tractor-trailer train running on a definite schedule be used?
Can an industrial railway running on tracks be used?
Can a tractor-trailer or industrial railway system be replaced by a conveyor?
If helper is needed to handle large parts at work station, can a mechanical handling means be substituted?
Can gravity be utilized by starting first operation of a series at higher than floor level?
Can scrap or waste material be handled more effectively?
Can departmental layout be changed to improve material-handling situation?
Should the material-handling problem in general receive more intensive study in the immediate future?

Remarks and Conclusions

7, Consider and Record Conclusions on Following Possibilities for Improvement

a. Install gravity delivery chutes
b. Use drop delivery
c. Compare methods if more than one operator is working on job
d. Provide correct chair for operator
e. Improve jigs or fixtures by providing ejectors, quick-acting clamps, etc.
f. Use foot-operated mechanisms
g. Arrange for two-handed operation
h. Arrange tools and parts within normal working area
i. Change layout to eliminate backtracking and to permit coupling of machines (allot multiple machines)
j. Utilize all improvements developed for other jobs

8. Working Conditions

Is light ample and sufficient at all times?
Are the eyes of the operator protected from glare and from reflections from bright surfaces?
Is lighting uniform over the working area?
Has lighting been checked by illumination expert?
Is proper temperature for maximum comfort provided at all times?
Is plant unduly cold in winter, particularly on Monday mornings?
Is plant unduly hot in summer?
Would installation of air-conditioning equipment be justified?
Can fans be used to remove heat from solder pots, furnaces, or other heat-producing equipment?
Could an air curtain be provided to protect operator from intense heat?
Is ventilation good?
Are drafts eliminated?
Can fumes, smoke, and dust be removed by an exhaust system?
Is floor warm and not damp?
If concrete floors are used, can mats or platforms be provided to make standing more comfortable?
Are drinking fountains located near-by?
Is water cool, and is there an adequate supply?
Are washrooms conveniently located?
Are facilities adequate and kept properly clean?
Are lockers provided for coats, hats, and personal belongings?
Have safety factors received due consideration?
Is floor safe, smooth but not slippery?
Is wooden equipment such as work benches in good condition and not splintery?
Are tools and moving drives and parts properly guarded?
Is there any way operator can perform operation without using safety devices or guards?
Has operator been taught safe working practices?
Is clothing of operator proper from safety standpoint?
Are workplace and surrounding space kept clear at all times?
Do plant, benches, or machines need paint?
Does plant present neat, orderly appearance at all times?
How is the amount of finished material counted?
Is there a definite check between pieces completed and pieces paid for?
Can automatic counters be used?
Is pay-roll procedure understandable?
Is the design of the part suitable for good manufacturing practices?
What clerical work is required from the operator in filling out time cards, material requisitions, and the like?
Can this work be delegated to a clerk?
What sorts of delay are likely to be encountered by the operator, and how can they be avoided?
How is defective work handled?
Should operator grind his own tools, or should this be done in toolroom?
Should order department be requested to place fewer orders for larger quantities?
What is the economic lot size for the job being analyzed ?
Are adequate performance records maintained?
Are new men properly introduced to their surroundings, and are sufficient instructions given them?
Are failures to meet standard performance requirements investigated?
Are suggestions from workers encouraged?
Do workers understand the incentive plan under which they work?
Is a real interest developed in the workers in the product on which they are working?
Are working hours suitable for efficient operation?
Is the utilization of costly supply materials checked?

Remarks and conclusions

9. Method - Manual Operation

Motion Study

In the remarks, problems informed by the shop operators, foremen and engineers are noted. Improvement ideas that are developed by the industrial engineers and other shop personnel are noted for further evaluation and selection of the best alternatives.

We can keep adding the questions as technologies are changing and more questions become relevant for analysis and productivity improvement.

Summary of Results

Describe all improvements made and savings that resulted. List additional improvements that might be made if activity increases or if other conditions change.

Yearly Saving

Other Advantages .

Cost of Analysis

Cost of Changes

Training with a practical example

Each member of the training group should be, given a copy of the analysis check sheet, and its use and purpose should be briefly described. Then an operation from the plant should be selected for analysis. One step of analysis should be taken up at a time. The discussion leader should discuss the first step in general terms, keeping away from the case operation but bringing up examples from other operations or other industries. The group members should then be required to fill in the analysis check sheet for the step just discussed, analyzing, of course, the selected case operation.

An interesting discussion may be built around the results of the group's analysis. The discussion can lead to a new idea and one idea will lead to another, and the meetings will prove exceptionally interesting.

As a by-product of this type of training, a definite improvement in the job being analyzed may be expected. If the operation involves a fairly large yearly labor cost, the savings resulting from suggestions made by the discussion group may easily offset the cost of the training. In fact, all industrial training on the subject of methods engineering is usually self-supporting for this same reason.

Source: Operation Analysis by Maynard

Full Knol Book - Method Study: Methods Efficiency Engineering - Knol Book

Ud 28 Nov 2021,  12 August 2021
pub on 10 July 2019


  1. Method Study - Process Charting followed by Operation Analysis. Analyze transformation operations, inspection operations, transport and material handling operations. Lowry, Maynard and Stegemerten
